When I open Belial ball black screen in other small map. game run about 40 mins.
this screenshot time didnt crash.
my equipment
When I open Belial ball black screen in other small map. game run about 40 mins.
this screenshot time didnt crash.
my equipment
yes i experienced this behaviour aswell, i really thought it got solved through all the changed but we see it’s simply still there have you considered doing a few testruns in normal to see if it is a thing on Ultimate only? if so i would suspect also the scrip spawn function for the ONB’s, which i already tried to solve, without success it seems
+physical resistance on inquisitor and barbarian feels a little strong, and -phys res on witch doctor feels bad. I don’t think I would ever pick witch doctor because of that.
Your OP amulet gives a toggled arcane mirror shield, it shouldn’t have a 3s cooldown.
I was using it on my right clic skill slot so maybe it could have triggered some tooltip bug when calculating DPS.
i think i found another reason for crashes. while integrating Blade Vortex and creating a new pet for an itemskill, i linked a gearitem with skillaugment (D3) to this pet, it instantly crashed the game while opening, could easily repeat that process, then took the gearitem (1hsword) and adjusted it to be a “styleitem” only and voila crash gone → so i think, at least, there could be an issue (aswell) as i think i remember linking such gearitems to various bosses etc without taking this into consideration, so “maybe” if there is an encounter wants to spawn with this added augmented gearitem equiped, it might crash, will look for this over the next days to be sure.
furthermore here a small preview to show the integration of your Cold Blade Vortex okami → Grim Dawn 2022 11 13 15 13 - YouTube → added it as the given component to Lost Treasures, used in belts only as i do not want it to be equiped 2 times, adjusted stats slightly, added the sword to Lost Treasures aswell, removed the skill from it and created a new lootset out of it (2x 1h swords with different elements, augments and itemskills) with a new setitemskill that can summon an Exile that can cast Cold Blade Vortex in a weaker version.
furthermore there is a quetion from my side, technically and for organisation, if there is any chance to adjust the path in the mesh files without getting into 3dsmax, because i “have” to break my own structure a bit while having links in some mesh files which i can not simply edit with np++, that would break them so i have to use the “originalpath” from those meshes, added to the ComboMod database, as you might have already noticed
checking the affixes atm, it could also has to do with the jitter which randomizes the statvalue output from the given range which might fail while having this active for enemy gear aswell? just a thinking, because i adjusted them all, and i guess the original value was left blank… and as this seems pretty random that “could” make sense, so i will remove that value for testing lateron i think…
maybe the implementation of the added affixtables in this way is not correct at all, as you noticed correctly “mt_gearweaponsmelee1h_vanilla” will lead to unmodded leveltables which are linked to modded tdyns with new affixtables, even an increased sized template, that could perhaps be the issue in general, i have to test various things according to this the next days for sure
Yes exactly , maybe it’s an issue it’s hard to know !
I spawned a lot of the Kyzog skull with D3 affixe “of hammering” without crashing the game, even when they were equiped by the enemy “reanimator.dbr”, it’s hard to know if that is the cause.
Blade vortex looks good.
Unlikely but MAYBE if you try editing the .max file with an hexeditor you could try changing the path of the textures files to another IF the total length (number of characters) of the modified path is the same as the original path length.
Latest crash :
Again it’s a vanilla prefix + D3 suffix equipped by the monster.
I am not 100% sure this is the issue so need to do more testing.
IF this is the issue the fix would be to have monster equip affixed vanilla items and have a in the misc items affixed moded items.
But need more testing.
Another crash
So in order to investigate : uncheck Autooltip then press X when over an item this way you will know which items triggered the bug.
This item seems to have both vanilla affix but crashed the game…
Also Kyzogg (reanimator.dbr) has his off hand (kyzogg skull) in the equippedmiscitem slot, so I don’t think it’s the issue.
yeah it seems to be at a good random rate as i also spawned the whole Conclave full with various stuff without crash
thanks for checking out will start tomorrow with testing various things to the configsettings, still have them on my mind and maybe i will find another way to rewok the part about the rare enemydrops which may also be involved in this, pretty unsure at this point, alot things can be tested now to finally get rid of this i think.
ah damn but nearly knew it i think it would mostly not fit with with path by same character lenght, but the thought was good :)) i marked the needed files in the basestructure as “CM-FILE → COPY” btw
Getting XP from your death grave while having the 2 XP potions gives you an insane amount of xp.
All bugged items that triggered the crashes came from a lootable using your modded template :
I will check again later to verify if I used the correct templates because I modded your mod with your template but don t remember if I used the parent child template in the modded directory ( I used them in the main game directory for sure).
I Hope I didn t report false crashes.
on viewing and comparing the affixes i noticed i added a “lootRandomizerScale” value to all affixes, but checked and there is zero value on this for any basegame affix, maybe this is the issue? will remove this value to see if it makes any difference for next update.
about the new template, have tested it alot of times giving out loot without any issues maybe it simply does not always work? i am pretty unsure about that
rly? you get massive xp while having 2 xp potions active? thats insane?! xD at least it did not crash xD
Yes please remove it with a search and replace it dhould bé easy, will do more tests After your next update maybe it will fix it.
I don’t Know if you are on the grim dawn discord, there is a modded section, somme times you Can receive help on these topics.