ComboMod Testversion

yes absolutly it is all about personal choice, no worries :slight_smile: i will split it into modhud + vanillahud in a few, it is not that big of a problem, at least i hope so xD an update is incoming, will put another link afterwards for vanillahud then :slight_smile:

→ 0.6gHF02:

  • FIX: further optimizations to the new HUD style, now it also has the original RoT sidebars, simply because they have the best style overall and also fits best as a synergy to the D3 classes i think :slight_smile: the experiencebar moved all the way to the bottom to free up space at the top of the hud. the healthglobe became a bit brighter and has a new indicator for the constitution, overall it should be way more visible then before. further small adjustments that i maybe have missed xD i think i am pretty happy with this state and will let it stay for a while :slight_smile: a version with vanilla hud WILL follow. (really not much to exclude, pretty simply, just a step that i have to do everytime until i find a way to automate it xD)


EDIT1: vanilla_hud file → 06gHF02_main_vanilla_hud will be added :slight_smile:

quick comparison:

pretty happy on how this turned out :slight_smile: both pictures are at MAX hudscale!


Alright im playing this mod for like 1-2 weeks made quite some chars at first everything seems fun but when you end normal veteran your char cant even go beyond shatter realm 5 and that even with emissary buff first char was an astromancer that i facerolled the content with meteor got it to 26 lvl at 170k dps of course had alot of other buffs debuffs and stuff triggering im not that new on arpgs i played poe for years and years and i can clearly say this mode is f***** up no matter how you see it omegas are farmable only on ultimate to get hh which would be a big help anytime cause of 2 lvls the shatter 5 has either a diablo or archangel or something that kills you no matter what tried with double tank oath and jug build and mercenary t3 and it was doable on shatter 5 with mediocre items like i had on astromancer of course he had 10~15k more life than my astro anyway one third char i decided to just go for shatter realm at lvl 11 lvling was bugged and i just took the buff from emissary took 3 lvls on 1 monster and yes had wisp 3600% and 1800% buff on it just irritated me how buggy it is but not much as the balancing i dont know what ppls build here but its impossible to do omega if you dont build an really good tank summoner or mage with the masses i expected it to have alot of diversity but you re locked to only 1 exclusive skill and wizard is full of em like 4-5 exclusives that you cant combine another problem i have is what in the literaly hell are the 10000 stat items locked for with some effort you might reach that 10k stat but items seem to not worth it unless they are designed for kanai which again i dont get it some kanai’s appear to be 100% replica of the original item and some have only 50~80 of the stats of the item they crafted from which makes the game a bit unequal sure its not your fault you combined em and trying to improve the mod as much you can but something in the combination tried just omega and it was fine then separately path of grim dawn again was more than fine another complain here is why monsters at the start have 600+ life ? Sure i read about the mercenary thing but gosh killing a zombie with 50dmg at max on 2h weapon wont cut it anyway thats all sorry for not using comas etc english isnt my native language i dont even use em in ny own language :joy::joy::joy:

wow, this was difficult to read through xD

anyways, absolutly true - the balance is not good atm, especially at the start of the game, i must admit and working on the next update which will include alot of balancing aspects, as i already noticed this aswell :smiley: alot will change to make it more enjoyable for all players and give still a hard experience in the end of the game :smiley: did you use Portable NPC’s to upgrade your gear? also VERY needed to sustain the new threats :smiley: maybe you missed those?

about the 10k stat items, those are for the Crusader only, accessible by speccing into his passive which allows you to wear those items, which are 2h weapons recrafted into 1h weapons to wear 2 of them, simple. About the Kanai Relics, yes i think some of them are very underpowered, this has not been touched at all, maybe will be done at some point if Grimer decides not to upgrade them anymore.

Synergizing all of the given content to a good experience is not that easy as you might expect, updating and errorfixing it on top does not make it easier and reallife always has a bit of haunt on me aswell xD so do not worry, as the loadingtip stats, things will change and bugs are included xD

Thank you for your feedback :slight_smile:

Btw, i was also thinking about giving the ONB mechanic to normal/veteran+elite too, at some point, in a minor way, will see :smiley:


Howdy :slight_smile:

An update will hit the storage in a few moments, just a tiny clean up and then finally can continue another playthrough ;D alot things have changed in terms of balance, for the start of the game over midgame up to endgame, everything was influenced, also finally the D3 classes are up to date, GREAT JOB and a big THX goes out to Grimer for this!


  • FIX: small UI Hud adjustments, mostly on the gamepadside → here will be done some more work over the next few updates aswell i think :slight_smile: tbh, never played an ARPG with a gamepad but since the D4 Open Beta this is something i want to get into a bit more :smiley:
  • CHANGE + FIX: ComboMod Minipets → are much more passive now due to a changed controller for their ai;
  • CHANGE: removed the Merrit from the entryquestreward at The Emissary → can now be bought additionally at the Omega Immortals Factionvendor at revered status;
  • CHANGE: adjusted itemskill for the Upgraded Saltbag necklace → slightly increased damage and castchance on hit;
  • CHANGE: Originskill “Sprint” → decreased flat energycost from 150 to 1, it still will drain 25% of energy anyways; increased dodge/deflect from 3% to 5%; increased runspeedmod from 50 to 60;
  • CHANGE: Immortal Mercs I overall power a bit DEcreased! also fixed the template for the Pet IM;
  • CHANGE + NEW: base characterLightRadius goes down from NONE to -200%, so now the WillOWisp has an even bigger impact :smiley: (-> 150% from its buff + 50% max from a fully upgraded mastery brings it back to 0 as a defaultvalue);
  • CHANGE: WillOWisp petsize decreased a bit; lightradius gained from its buff increased from 100 to 150%, increased experiencegain increased from 10 to 15%;
    → playerclass Demolitionist: removed active energycost and increased reserved energycost by 50% for Flame Touched + Temper and Vindictive Flame;
    → playerclass Occultist → removed active energycost and increased reserved energycost by 50% for Solael’s Witchfire + Second Rite and Bonds of Bysmiel;
    → playerclass Soldier → removed active energycost and increased reserved energycost by 50% for Counterstrike;
    → playerclass Arcanist → removed active energycost and added/increased reserved energycost by 50% for Maiven’s Sphere of Protection + Conversion → mainskill had ONLY energy/second so the reserved energy should really this high i think…;
    → playerclass Necromancer Vanilla → removed active energycost and increased reserved energycost by 50% for Spectral Binding;
    → playerclass Crusader → removed energycost and increased reserved energycost for Condemn by 35%;
    → playerclass Monk → removed active energycost and added reserved energycost for Sweeping Wind;
    → playerclass Witchdoctor → removed active energycost and added reserved energycost for Pierce the Veil;
  • this will prevent class skills to be ripped off additionally for a cost :slight_smile:
  • CHANGE: playerbalance, petbalance → REMOVED previously added stats to make pets more tanky as they had obviously no effect, most of them! this new setup will make all of your pets very tanky, but they still can die for sure :slight_smile:
    → ADDED defensiveDisruption= 50/50/50/50/75/75/75/75/100/100/100/100;
    → ADDED defensiveSlowLife+ManaLeach = 50/50/50/50/75/75/75/75/100/100/100/100;
    → ADDED characterLifeRegen= 500/600/700/800/1000/1100/1200/1300/1500/1600/1700/1800;
    → ADDED characterManaRegen= 500/600/700/800/1000/1100/1200/1300/1500/1600/1700/1800;
    → ADDED characterDefensiveAbility= 500/600/700/800/1000/1100/1200/1300/1500/1600/1700/1800;
  • CHANGE + FIX + NEW: the GLOBAL enemybalance has reached it’s peak and will NOT go any higher then the following (-> the following values show statincreases for 1player/2player/3player/4player on the given difficulty):
    → CHANGED offensiveTotalDamageModifier= -95/-90/-85/-80//-35/-31/-27/-23//-10/-5/-2/0 → -50/-45/-40/-35//10/14/18/22//35/40/43/45 → +45% GLOBAL
    → CHANGED retaliationTotalDamageModifier= -66/-66/-66/-66/-30/-30/-30/-30/-15/-15/-15/-15 → -36/-36/-36/-36/0/0/0/0/15/15/15/15 → +30% GLOBAL
    → CHANGED defensiveAbsorptionModifier= 0/0/0/0//4/5/6/7//7.5/9/10/11 → 5/5/5/5//9/10/11/12//12.5/14/15/16 → +5% GLOBAL
    → CHANGED defensivePhysical= 0/0/0/0//0/4/6/8//2/7/10/13 → 4/4/4/4//4/8/10/12//8/13/16/19 → +4% (+6% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → CHANGED defensivePierce= 0/0/0/0//2/5/9/11//5/8/11/13 → 4/4/4/4//6/9/13/15//11/14/17/19 → +4% (+6% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → CHANGED defensiveFire= 0/0/0/0//6/8/10/13//10/12/15/18 → 6/6/6/6//12/14/16/19//19/21/24/27 → +6% (+9% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → CHANGED defensiveAether= 0/0/0/0//2/5/9/12//5/8/12/15 → 4/4/4/4//6/9/13/16//11/14/18/21 → +4% (+6% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → CHANGED defensiveChaos= 0/0/0/0//2/5/9/12//5/8/12/15 → 4/4/4/4//6/9/13/16//11/14/18/21 → +4% (+6% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → CHANGED defensiveCold= 0/0/0/0//2/5/9/12//5/8/12/15 → 6/6/6/6//8/11/15/18//14/17/21/24 → +6% (+9% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → CHANGED defensiveLightning= 0/0/0/0//6/8/10/13//10/12/15/18 → 6/6/6/6//12/14/16/18//19/21/24/27 → +6% (+9% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → CHANGED defensivePoison= 0/0/0/0//6/8/10/13//10/12/15/18 → 6/6/6/6//12/14/16/19//19/21/24/27 → +6% (+9% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → CHANGED defensiveLife= 0/0/0/0//10/13/16/20//20/24/28/32 → 4/4/4/4//14/17/20/24//26/30/34/38 → +4% (+6% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → CHANGED defensiveBleeding= 0/0/0/0//8/10/12/15//13/15/18/21 → 6/6/6/6//14/16/18/21//22/24/27/30 → +6% (+9% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → defensiveConfusion + defensiveFear + defensiveConvert + defensiveTrap + defensivePetrify + defensiveFreeze + defensiveStun= added +10% to all values; added defensiveKnockdown + defensiveSleep for all difficulties according to the other defensive influence stats; → added +10 MaxResist where it was available;
    → defensivePercentReflectionResistance= 0/0/0/0//8/8/8/8//16/16/16/16 → 10/10/10/10//18/18/18/18//26/26/26/26 → +10% GLOBAL
    → ADDED characterDodgePercent= NONE → 5/5/5/5//10/10/10/10//15/15/15/15 → GLOBAL
    → ADDED characterDeflectProjectile= NONE → 5/5/5/5//10/10/10/10//15/15/15/15 → GLOBAL
    → ADDED character STR+DEX+INT= NONE → 15/15/15/15/20/20/20/20/25/25/25/25 → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED characterLifeModifier= 20/135/250/360//320/600/800/1000//580/900/1200/1500 → 120/235/350/460//420/700/900/1100//680/1000/1300/1600 → +100% GLOBAL
    → CHANGED characterRunSpeedModifier= -18/-18/-18/-18/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 → 15/15/15/15/25/25/25/25/35/35/35/35 → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED characterAttackSpeedModifier= -10/-10/-10/-10/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 → 0/0/0/0/10/10/10/10/20/20/20/20; → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED characterSpellCastSpeedModifier= -8/-8/-8/-8/0/0/0/0/5/5/5/5 → 0/0/0/0//8/8/8/8//20/20/20/20; → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED characterLifeRegenModifier= 0/0/0/0/150/150/150/150/300/300/300/300 → 50/50/50/50//200/200/200/200//350/350/350/350 → +50% GLOBAL
    → CHANGED characterOffensiveAbility= 0/0/0/0/40/40/40/40/50/50/50/50 → 25/25/25/25/65/65/65/65/75/75/75/75 → +25 FLAT GLOBAL
    → CHANGED characterDefensiveAbility= 35/35/35/35/60/60/60/60/75/75/75/75 → 60/60/60/60/85/85/85/85/100/100/100/100; → +25 FLAT GLOBAL
    → CHANGED characterOffensiveAbilityModifier= -12.0/-12.0/-12.0/-12.0/-8/-8/-8/-8/-8/-8/-8/-8 → 0/0/0/0//4/4/4/4//4/4/4/4 → +12% GLOBAL
    → CHANGED characterDefensiveAbilityModifier= -15/-15/-15/-15/-8/-8/-8/-8/-8/-8/-8/-8-> 5/5/5/5//12/12/12/12//12/12/12/12 → +20% GLOBAL
  • further increased to the difficulty will from now on only happen via events and on a per enemy basis;
  • CHANGE: Hero Archetype “Regenerator” → decreased healing and attackpower, can still a bit too op under some circumstances i guess… xD;
  • NEW: Corrupted Archetype-Enemy appeared at the usual spawnspots → Aetherial Obelisk;
  • CHANGE + NEW: Hero Archetype Defender + Burning + Regenerator now have an unique effect as it is excluded from the D3 Diabolic Bosses in the Shattered Realm because they have been granted with some new nice effects by Grimer and Asylum :slight_smile:
  • CHANGE: drop of ironbits has been massivly decreased by approx 90% for MOST sources, which is still way more then in the basegame, do not worry :slight_smile:
  • CHANGE + FIX: various changes to all integrated chestloottables/devotionlootcontainers/shrinelootcontainers → mainly to have a better chance to get loot according to your level and to get MORE currency + gear from these spots, also increased the lootchance for the Exotic Summon Stone and added it to various lootspots → chestloottable loot changes and additions:
  • INCREASED lootoutput on all added chestloottables!
  • breakable_annalsofarkovia: questitem + Blood Shards + Combo Orbs + components;
  • breakableloot_all: Blood Shards + Exotic Summon Stones + components + Combo Orbs + Grim Souls + D3 Gems + scrapmetal;
  • breakableloot_beetle: Blood Shards + Grim Souls + components + Combo Orbs;
  • breakableloot_booze: hp and energypotions + Grim Souls + Blood Shards;
  • breakableloot_chthonic: Blood Shards + Grims Souls + Combo Orbs + components;
  • breakableloot_dermapteran: Blood Shards + Grim Souls + components + Combo Orbs;
  • breakableloot_junkpile: scrapmetal + components + Grim Souls + D3 Gems;
  • breakableloot_scrappile: scrapmetal + dynamite + components + Grim Souls + D3 Gems;
  • breakableloot_urns: Blood Shards + Grim Souls + components + Combo Orbs + Exotic Summon Stones (+ craft sacrifice + minipet for *a201+*b201!);
  • breakableloot_wasp: Blood Shards + Grim Souls + royal jelly + components;
  • chestBOSSloots:
    → Normal/Veteran: Combo Orbs + Blood Shards + Grim Souls + Random MT01+02 + crafted potions + Fresh Meat + components + blueprints (+ gearshoulders on kraken and craftingmaterials on some of them);
    → Elite: Combo Orbs + Blood Shards + Grim Souls + Random MT01+02 + crafted potions + Boss Souls + Fresh Meat + components + blueprints + craftingmaterials (+ some unique loot from the basegame on some of them!);
    → Ultimate: Grim Souls + Boss Souls + Fresh Meat + crafted potions + Random MT01+02 + Combo Orbs + Skill Runes + D3 Gems + Blood Shards + components + blueprints + craftingmaterials (+ some unique loot from the basegame on some of them!);
  • chestBOSSlootsNEMESIS:
    → Normal/Veteran: Random MT01+02 + Blood Shards + Mysterious Ore + Combo Orbs + crafted potions + components + blueprints;
    → Elite: Random MT01+02 + Combo Orbs + Boss Souls + Blood Shards + Mysterious Ore + Nemesis Souls + crafted potions + components + blueprints;
    → Ultimate: Random MT01+02 + Combo Orbs + Boss Souls + Blood Shards + Mysterious Ore + Nemesis Souls + crafted potions + components + blueprints + Skill Runes + D3 Gems;
  • chestHEROloots: Hero Souls + Blood Shards + Grim Souls + Random MTepic01+02 + Combo Orbs + D3 Gems + components + crafted potions + craftingmaterials + potions + blueprints;
  • chest_rottenstump_a01: Blood Shards + Combo Orbs + Exotic Summon Stones + ugdenbloom + components + Grim Souls;
  • chest_sandsacrifice: Random MT01+02 + Mysterious Ore + Combo Orbs + components + sacrifice material;
  • chest_treasuretroves: Random MT01+02 + Blood Shards + crafted potions + Combo Orbs + D3 Gems + components + blueprints + craftingmaterials;
  • chestloot_all: Blood Shards + Combo Orbs + Grim Souls + Random MT01 + components + D3 Gems (+ blueprints for *d02+d02e+d02u!);
  • chestloot_bits: Blood Shards + Exotic Summon Stone + components;
  • chestloot_bonus: Blood Shards + Exotic Summon Stones + components + Gambling MTs;
  • chestloot_burrwitchbookcase: questlorenote + components;
  • chestloot_challengeevent: Random MT01+02 + Mysterious Ore + Boss Souls + Blood Shards + Combo Orbs + components (+ unique torso for *d01u_toh!);
  • chestloot_racks: Exotic Summon Stones + Grim Souls + Blood Shards + Gambling MTs;
  • chestloot_rations: Blood Shards + potions + components;
  • chestloot_special_rare: D3 Gems + Random MT01+02 + Mysterious Ore + Combo Orbs + components;
  • oneshotchests:
    → Normal/Veteran: Random MT01 + Blood Shards + Combo Orbs + components + Mysterious Ore + Shadow Essence + craftingmaterial;
    → Elite: Random MT01+02 + Blood Shards + Combo Orbs + components + Mysterious Ore + Shadow Essence + craftingmaterial;
    → Ultimate: Random MT01+02legendary + Blood Shards + Combo Orbs + components + D3 Gems + Mysterious Ore + Shadow Essence + craftingmaterial → Guaranteed Legendary;
  • devotionloot: removed Tonic of Mending + Elixir of Spirit and Mysterious Ore; added more crafted potions + craftingmaterials; increased chance for Combo Orbs; added WillOWisp, Exotic Summon Stone and Gambling Mastertables; furthermore GREATLY increased lootoutput as this is a one-timer;
  • monstertotemloot: Random Mastertables + Gambling Mastertables + various gearloot, Ring of Royal Grandeur, Mysterious Ore, Shadow Dust, Combo Orbs, Blood Shards, potions and blueprints;
  • CHANGE + FIX: Boss Souls were REMOVED from MOST basegame bosses (only via their miscloot) to prevent crafting of the most powerful Shattering Gearitems too fast and too early! ONLY some explicit ELITE+ bosses have an added Boss Soul now via their miscloot to have a chance to get an additional Boss Souls from them;
  • CHANGE: added lowlevel materia from the basegame → Chilled Steel, Chipped Claw, Cracked Lodestone, Mutagenic Ichor, Searing Ember and Serrated Spike → levelreq goes down from 5 to 1 for earlygame progression; also added Corpse Dust → levelreq. lowered from 7 to 5;
  • CHANGE: all Portable NPC summonitems that can be crafted at Ashdim will now need atleast 1 Combo Orb;
  • CHANGE: Portable NPC completionbonus CHANGES → now we have 4 new completionbonusfiles → #01 is for Ashdim himself + Gambling Blacksmiths, #02 is for the Minor Exchange NPC, #03 is for the Exchange Blacksmiths and #04 is for the Shattering Blacksmiths! adjusted jittervalues for min/max statranges aswell;
  • CHANGE: removed MOST craftable basegame rare gearitems that could roll D3 affixes; tell me if i missed some items that really should stay basegame-only :slight_smile:
  • CHANGE: Ring of Royal Grandeur → removed affixgeneration for lowest RoRGs lvl 5! → simply too strong for characters in earlygame;
  • CHANGE: removed ALL basegame GEARTDYNS that could roll gambling affixes for lootgearitems! → it seems that it destroyed the overall lootdistribution completly, unfortunatly, and i did not like it at all xD after days of testing and swapping things back and forth i came to the conclusion that i will not add it this way anymore! → the result is, that now all MI rare gearitems will have their original affixtables rolled (and also from the D3 mod!), they still also have the added augments and modifiers on a per item basis, so this shall be not a problem at all → also i am able to give the gambling MASTERTABLES at various spots (check the new devotionloot or totemshrineloot), maybe i will find another way to give the gamling affixtables to MIs (maybe via the loottable from SR…);
  • CHANGE: all Unique Gearitems from ONBs + Treasure Guardians and Diabolic Bosses have been set to levelreq 75! → these items can still NOT be gambled, exchanged or shattered in any way;
  • CHANGE: Aether Cluster → craftcost adjusted → needs 1 Shadow Dust + 1 Aethercrystal + 1 Blood Shard + 4k iron;
  • CHANGE: Improved Aethercluster → levelreq reduced to 75, craftcost adjusted → needs 1 Aether Cluster + 1 Shadow Dust + 1 Blood Shard + 1 Hero Soul + 12k iron;
  • NEW: 10 Novice Gems (used in medals) are granted by The Emissary additionally as initialquestreward for this mod, these gems grant tiny statvalues and an according itemskill for a better start into the game, especially IF you go the “long” route; all gems can be aquired also at GDX2 factionvendors;
  • CHANGE: Xartoz the Portable Stylevendor is now able to sell all Novice Gems, Immortal Mercs I and Starter Runes with movementskills; furthermore the WillOWisp consumableitem was removed from this Portable Merchant;
  • CHANGE: Minor Exchange + Exchange + Shattering Blacksmiths have now a levelreq of 15;
  • CHANGE: all Minor gearitems have an unique tagcolour now → bit darker blue then epic gearitems; furthermore started to balance them better to be on par for level 5, for example: some shields still had way too high blockamount, some 2h weapons still had way too much basedamagevalues, some itemskills simply are not designed for this lowlevel and simply oneshot everything…xD etc. → alot gearitems have been adjusted for level 5 now, but by far not all, and here is also alot of space to add more gearitems for even better variation at the beginning and for more exchanging with Cha Lee :smiley: → adjusted for balance in detail: geartorsos, gearlegs, gearshoulders, gearfeet, caster offhands and medals; the rest has been adjusted but just in a quick flythrough… so there will be some things that are a bit overpowered, be patient :smiley:
  • CHANGE + NEW + FIX: updated the D3 Classes Mod by Grimer to the newest version;
  • “!!!IMPORTANT NOTE FOR D3 CLASSES: The balance changes include exclusion of certain skills, it’s recommended to make a backup of your characters before playing this version. Before playing with any existing character, respec all skill points you may have on the following skills: Leap, Frenzy, Bloodthirst, Condemn, Elemental Strike, Marked for Death and Breath of Heaven!!!”
  • CHANGE + FIX: “CLASSSKILLS.TXT” has been updated with the new and removed skills for D3 classes according to their affix → the D3 Gambling Mechanic has been updated for this aswell;
  • NOTE: “All immunity active skills had their cooldown increased by 5 seconds, including Mirror of Ereoctes” → NOT changed for Mirror of Ereoctes!
  • NOTE: “Amethyst: Added Defensive Ability. Emerald: Bonus physical damage replaced by flat. Diamond: Retaliation replaced by % health regeneration. Topaz: Added Aether Resistance. Ruby: Bonus to all damage reduced at early levels.” → NOT changed because already was changed before to completly different stats anyways ;D
  • CHANGE: (RE)integrated D3 lootaffixes completly and untouched → only THESE will mix with the basegame affixes now! → all gambling affixes etc. are EXCLUSIVE from now on and will only be granted at specific points (i.E. Gambling mechanic itself or devotionshrines etc.)
  • CHANGE: also added global loottables for components that now also feature the D3 Gems to simply have a bunch more of them for crafting :slight_smile:
  • NOTE: “Rakoff’s Glass of Life: Now it’s a level 94 legendary item. Life leech resistance and bonus healing effects removed. Vitality resistance, health and health regeneration bonuses increased. Added Aether Resistance and 4% maximum Aether/Vitality resistances. +1 to all Barbarian skills replaced by all Monk skills.” → NOT changed because this necklace is already an Unique Legendary that drops from Malthael ONLY;
  • CHANGE + NEW: modifiers on MI gearitems → MOST of them have been integrated and updated, except for a tiny few number that already had a modifier which were more to my liking; → still alot of free space here aswell;
  • CHANGE + TODO: integrated the new files for D3 bosses already and also linked some for which i had enough time to test, all the rest will be tested and approved over the next few updates, this is a part where i want to take it even more relaxed and see in detail what there was newly created, as that what i have seen i absolutly fabolous as usual :smiley: do not worry, they will work absolutly fine mechanically, it’s mainly about new skills and their given effects;
  • NEW: the D3 Lootorb that is granted by slaying Diabolic Bosses in the Shattered Realm is now available on Elite Difficulty aswell according to the Diablic Bosses that can spawn on Elite Difficulty in the meantime;
  • NEW + CHANGE: Omega → it is now possible to do the the Endless Omega Level Quest on Elite and beyond; furthermore cleaned old descriptions for Omega Mastery Buffs that they can not be reseted, as they now can, via the War Officer in The Enclave!
  • CHANGE: to complete the Endless Omega Level Quest players now will need Combo Orbs instead of Legendary Shattering Essences, so it is possible to obtain the Omega Mastery Buffs now WAY earlier to be prepared for Ultimate Difficulty!
  • CHANGE: added scriptcommand to according Nemesis Chests in Elite to make the spawn work in that difficulty, for the function at Shiro in Devils Crossing, so players can farm ONB’s at the according spots for a cost but at a 100% chance when reached Omega Level 1+, in a controlled way, before going to Ultimate and have a roulettemechanic where they have the chance to spawn from any bossmonster as before;
  • CHANGE: adjusted “anti-cheat” mechanic for IMPORTCHARACTERS → the missing AP from this mod can ONLY BE GRANTED IN ULTIMATE DIFFICULTY, to prevent abusing this way too easy! furthermore an IMPORTCHARACTER should ALWAYS speak to Shiro in Devils Crossing first when entering this mod on Elite + Ultimate to get a Token to make some functions work → IF you do not have this token, for example, the HEADHUNTER will not work mechanically! Shiro will always grant a Token on the according difficulty(except Normal difficulty for now, which might change, to make the Headhunter etc. work on that difficulty aswell lateron…), so simply speak to him! Characters created in this mod will have more chances to get this needed token but also should speak to Shiro, but this seems obvious i think, IF not i will TAG it better ;D
  • CHANGE: Headhunter Leatherbelt → levelreq for the item itself and the craft decreased to 65, also decreased needed materials for it to craft by half;
  • CHANGE: Weak Headhunter Elixir → levelreq decreased to 50;
  • TODO: for faster leveling of the Omega Level on Ultimate Difficulty and your alternative characters i think i will (RE)add the craftproofs that okami already created back then when this mod was initially created, to simply craft the desired level on the next char you want to play and not have to start completly over then, but needs to be tested first…
  • CHANGE & INTEST: Lost Treasures spawnmechanic → also available on Elite+ from now on, at least i hope so… :smiley: it seems to me that it was a simple entrychange in the according script without any further databasechanges at all, seems absurd xD needs further testing :slight_smile:

Have a nice weekend!


UI have little problems

12 of pets only show 1,

look not neat.

good morning Dusk :slight_smile:

oh good you show it, i might have missed something while updating the D3 mod and the according files :smiley: sorry, will check for it after the breakfast.


EDIT1: ok that is a bit weird xD have tested it and for some reason it does show the amount of fetish for me, maybe some other pets can block the showed amount? xD

will be investigated further, maybe if you have the chance please load up your character to let me identify the issue a bit quicker :slight_smile:

EDIT2: i bet it has to do with some modifier on your gear xD we can solve this for sure :smiley:

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Yes, other icon will cover to show full numbers.

which item it is mate? :smiley:

Not some single icon. all kind pet icon or buff icon can coven numbers.

sorry mate i dont understand :smiley: playing an Occ atm for a playthrough and have no issues so far with the numbers on any spawnicon :smiley: please load up your character so that i can look into that issue a bit deeper, already searched for various things that could maybe introduce this visual issue, but found nothing, but there are plenty of things that could introduce this i think, so having your char to check would help tremendously, especially if i can’t replicate it on my chars ;D would be cool!


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ah it is simply overlapping by the icon in the hudzone, now i got it :slight_smile: thank you! will check for this and bet can fix it for the next update.

EDIT1: will be fixed for the next version, also the icon itself when going off will be fixed, simply missed this entry :smiley: furthermore added a bufftracker for the Fetish aswell :slight_smile:

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Howdy :slight_smile:

After messing around with the D3 Arcane Laser mechanic, especially for the Arcane Archetype, for almost a day, i had to be honest to myself that i simply do NOT get this mechanic correctly xD SO i decided to find something else and it came to my mind that it could be very simply, and yes it was :smiley:

really wondering why i could not find any example or why there isn’t already any monster in the basegame that has a beam as an attackskill to cast and drain the players courage xD because, this was really a simple task to do and it is pretty fun :slight_smile:
btw, MOST Archetypes got and will get an overhaul for the next update, to make them visually and gameplaywise a bit more appealing. this ray-mechanic will be used further on some other places in a different way i think (smaller beam, less beams, different fx, beam can also follow etc.)


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What is the issue with rotating beams ? The monster instantly cast at the same time a serie of rotating projectiles (invisibles) at different ranges to cover all the beam length, so you can adjust the speed/lenght by adding projectiles and changing their range.

the issue is that different ranges of that projectile SEEMS not to be have collision, or me was just too clumsy to set those values up xD no matter how i tested them, i was not satisfied with it, also it had some very weird issues when auto casting more projectiles from it, like physics gone crazy :smiley: not said its bad, just i don’t get it completly and in the end i feel the use of an already given template here simply is the better option to have less potential bugreasons at some circumstances :wink: also, simply added to let the D3 Bosses have it exclusivly for their attackskills.

EDIT1: btw, you CAN make this beam have a spin aswell :slight_smile:

Very interested to see that, the monster casting it would need to rotate in the same direction , at the same speed, without following the player.
I could see it possible (maybe) by making the start point animation rotating while the monster stays in the same direction, but otherwise I don’t know ?

after this idea came to my mind, while i was testing the initial idea, to make rotating laserbeams aswell, it simply worked by giving “anm_malepc.dbr” to the invisible monster (with “fx/meshfx/sphere.msh” msh + “system/textures/invisible.tex” as base and bump) that casts the beam with specialAnimation “SpinAttack3” and having the rotationSpeedMultiplier on the beam set to 0. but then i thought it would be even cooler to have stationary ones first, therefor noted this into desc of that database to make more out of this afterwards i guess :slight_smile:

EDIT1: ah yes, fogot, it needs “fx/meshfx/anm/hammerspectral_spinattack01a.anm” as unarmedSpellAttackAnimation in the monsterdatabase that casts the beam via his skilltree to make it work, at least i think so ;D

EDIT2: tested again and must say it is more a following of the beam then a spin of it when setting the rotationSpeedMulti, so there has to be done some more investigations again in a while :smiley:

remember to fix hero and boss soul numbers too.


good morning :smiley:

i remember i have seen this “bug” at some point, but can’t replicate it atm :frowning: it’s not normal behaviour. let me think about what might cause it, but it was not modrelated i think, because i don’t have this issue at all :smiley:

Guess who’s back!

Hello Ashbrain! I’m very glad to see that you have kept up the good work on the Combomod! How i have missed the chaotic over-the-top action. Am sad because all my modded items and enchants are gone on my main character though :disappointed_relieved:

So i hopped back on yesterday on a new character, and i have a few thoughts.

  1. Normal enemies are crazy health-sponges. The way i read the modification to the defensiveLife modifier, is that enemies on normal have essentially 6x the regular health (20 → 120) . This makes the early game an unparalleled slog (twink items can help, sure, but think of new players).
    A) Proposition: I definitely understand what you’re going for with this, but would you consider spreading out the increases, so they’re only maxed on Ultimate? Perhaps something like (25% for Normal, 50% for Elite and 100% for Ultimate? This way the game is still harder, but not prohibitively so for new (or inexperienced) players at early levels)I think this would make progressing through the game smoother, and would also be less likely to turn off new players. I understand Ultimate has to be Ultimate, but if players are farming for 60+ levels in normal, perhaps this should be considered.
  1. I have played this mod before, so I have some experience with all the things the mod adds, but thinking of possible new players again, i feel there’s so much information right from level 2. IM’s, Minipets, new materials, new NPCs, Constitution re-work, new gems etc. While these all add something useful for the player, they are also quite overwhelming when given all at once.
    B) Proposition: Space these out a bit. Give them as rewards for the first few quests that the player completes, so the player has time to adjust and orient themselves. Example would be giving the player IM’s after the cave. I feel like it would be a good idea to introduce new mechanics to the player one step at a time. This also goes for the new hero archetypes, which could likewise be confusing for new players. And the ComboMod lorenote is good, but perhaps the complexity of the mod has reached a stage where separate lorenotes for new mechanics would be a good way for the player to have a reference? Besides the (amazing🤩) 80-page PDF.

I will play a bit today, and try to get through some of Normal difficulty. But i thought i would provide you the feedback for early game, as i think it’s important. Keep up the good work, and thank you!


PS: Are you on Discord yet? :face_with_monocle:

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