ComboMod Testversion

Good morning. I guess it would be possible but i like that change pretty much, so it will stay on a basegame standard, for now :slight_smile:

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Seems like it’s correct now. tier 84 is basically the same stats as tier 84 on GT version, I can’t beat tier 84 now, the monsters are super hard and kill pets really fast!

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seems legit <3

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This still in active development???

Considering it was updated several days ago, I’d say yes.


Absolutely :slight_smile:
An update to the nil-version ist just about to load up with some crucial Shattered Realm changes to bring back the fun and foremost to achieve satisfaction by finishing your shards in time now, i guess :slight_smile: Also a fix to the Defender Archetype Hunter has implemented, which lets him DIE after a given lifetime and his Godmode Dome also got reduced defensive power now :slight_smile:

Will be ready in a few moments. Still, a real logical numeric update will follow in a while, just want to finish up the Vision Bosses / DNB’s with this tuning-course → at Diablo now, so halfway through that workload… After that, including the newest D3 Mod update, a real update will follow.



It is recommended to remove Shiled affix. It’s impossible to play the game normally. :upside_down_face:

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Howdy mate :slight_smile:

Don’t think i have to remove it but for sure it can get out of control pretty easy so i will try to adjust this Archetype for better performance, also the Supporter type should be involved :slight_smile: Furthermore, maybe this behaviour only applies to the Nemesis DOUBLE Archetype? :smiley:

Thanks for feedback!

The range of the mortar is at least 100 meters. It’s almost impossible to avoid, and it can cause quite high damage. It’s very necessary to adjust it to a normal range and quantity.

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was set to 45 yards :smiley: also the dropheight of the mortar projectiles was set pretty unlucky, unsure if hat was due to some template change of those projectiles or if it was the case all the time, way better now :smiley: trimmed both the Archetype Shielded and Supporter again for better overall performance, and Diablo Vision Boss now also has finished up. These changes can be checked as usual, with the neweset nil-version from today :smiley:

ready in a few moments.


EDIT1: the recently added DOUBLE Archetype to the basegame Nemesis has been reverted to a SINGLE one, which seems to be fair enough after some weeks of having this added :slight_smile:


how vast in combomod vs grimarillion which one offers more content items bosses and additional features, it’s hard to choose, I wanna be overwelmed with content, not sure what ones for me? Ive tried Rot and did not like it because of base game content being stripped from it like end game stuff.

Combobmod has more content than Grimarillion, and offers a higher degree of freedom in equipment combination, continuously update. Grimarillion is similar to the original version.
Of course, this is just my personal evaluation. u can try playing both of them to make a comparison.

Howdy :slight_smile:

An official update is rolling out right now and will be available in a few moment, happy hunting! <3


  • Basegame updated to the newest version → ONE BIG ISSUE remaining → all charge mechanics (Grim Souls, Bookworm Buff, Headhunter etc.) are NOT working outside of the Shattered Realm at this point because the template is simply not working as intended, i hope this gets fixed ASAP! <3
  • NEW: The weapontype 1h Spears has been added → 13 common spears in 6 tierlevels with beeing able to roll as Exotic, 26 Epic Spears, 38 Legendary Spears and some craftable rare spears → MAINBASE for these new javelins is Grimarillion, with a mix of DoM animationfiles and further adjustments by myself <3 one small issue remaining → the female animation for the javelins has an issue on the right hand side which does not correctly hold the spear in this hand, its a bit off, and i am NOT able to fix this at this point because it would need some animation file adjustments, i guess :slight_smile:
  • NEW: Added the skill “Javelin Throw” to INNATE SKILLS → this skills can ONLY be used with 1handed spears!
  • NEW: Settings Addonmod → added “Larger Boss Icons (3.00x)” → as usual these files can easily be removed to make it optional for anyone!
  • NEW: A 5th XP Potion is now available at any blacksmith → grants +500% increased experience from all sources!
  • FIX: Proxysettings → new setup fixes the faulty itemlevel on some looted items at some points → needs still some observations but i guess that looks how it was intended now…
  • FIX: “SLAM” animation for male characters working correctly again, as it was linked to the female animation file whysoever;
  • FIX: The trainingdummy now shows its healthbar correctly and does not crash anymore if the player tries to knock it down! :smiley:
  • FIX: “playerlight.dbr” → increased lightradius a bit more to solve unwanted visibility while zoomed out to maximum;
  • FIX: added Fistweapons T1 to “random02” global mod mastertables, was simply missing!
  • FIX: Heroarchetype Portals → Arcane → fixed crashing due to an incorrect setup of the Skill_AttackSpellBeam;
  • FIX: Heroarchetype Portals → Swift → fixed missing portalFX, was simply incorrectly linked :slight_smile:
  • FIX: Omega Enemypacks → fixed crash when encountering Croczilla when he does his Firebreath, as seen for Diablo DNB Phase 1 and Diablo Vision Boss! simply removed the autocast!
  • FIX: Grim Soul Additional Enemyspawns → fixed enemies becoming pretty much invincible by high dodge/deflect + phys res + missing LIFETIME (ZERO for infinite);
  • FIX: Archetype Portal spawnmechanic → increased cooldown to spawn a portal and lowered chance to spawn one to be a bit less overwhelming overall :smiley:
  • FIX: basegame Nemesis → removed the second Archetype Portal generator from ALL Nemesis, only those who have PHASES have some different generators, i.e. Moosi has Frozen on first phase and Regenerator on second phase!
  • FIX + CHANGE: Hero Archetypes → Shielded + Supporter → both trimmed again for better overall performance! Shielded → LOWERED cdr boost! Supporter → Walls have more uptime with less respawn and the circles are not that tight anymore to prevent pathingfails;
  • FIX: Shattered Realm → crashing out because of missing shard-merging stuff from the latest basegame update → FIXED MOST OF THE TIME → furthermore adjusted balance-adjustment-files and RULESETS!!! mainly for the amount of spawning mobs → a bit decreased; furthermore added some extra time to all enemy types!
  • FIX: Shattered Realm → Nemesis not casting their Archetype Portals → simply forgot to add the skills to the “basegame-mod” Nemesis enemies!
  • FIX: Vision Bosses → Tyrael → reduced chance for selfheal via his proc-ability while doing his Judgement Aoe Skill!
  • FIX + CHANGE: further removed missed and unwanted mastertables from enemies;
  • D3 Mod updated to the newest version;
  • FIX + CHANGE: D3 Mod updating → Cosmic Strand now also has a normal and a Mythical version as it was intended → added to all needed places!
  • CHANGE: D3 Mod updating: “UI - New elements added to the class selection and skills panel windows, such as patch notes, rune effects, and info about the Runewords system + The UI of the Spirit Guide has been updated to match the new window size standards.” → NOT CHANGED! (-> a better idea here would be an extra page in the HELPPANEL for this to apply i would say, down the road, even for all of those things that are inmod, needs time and a bit of creative work!)
  • CHANGE: D3 Mod updating: “COMPONENTS - 33 runes added to the game, in order to work with the new Runewords system.” + " RUNEWORDS SYSTEM - Introducing a new crafting system, the Runewords are a combination of two different runes, which may unlock powerful secondary effects to your skills, or even drastically modify their playstyle. Runewords can only be used on helms, some of them can be upgraded or have a transmutation, to support different types of damage." + “NPC - Damara, the Runewright, is the new NPC located at the left entrance of Devil’s Crossing. She is the responsible for crafting the Runewords.” → NOT CHANGED as i personally do not like this at this point tbh as it is pretty confusing and players can easily loose SP → if i feel this gets useful i maybe integrate this as normal Rune components, we will see :slight_smile:
  • CHANGE: D3 mod updating → “Barbarian + Monk is now called Pathfinder.” → NOT CHANGED, because we alreay have it named Chieftain/Valkyrie!
  • CHANGE: Updated the previously integrated Bow Projectile to have less radius for a visually better look of its impact;
  • CHANGE: A few various system textures from DoM have been added for some visual fidelity :slight_smile:
  • CHANGE: D2 class → Druid → Skill “Molten Boulder” → damage and resourcecost adjusted + cooldown increased + projectilePiercingChance LOWERED (can be extended lateron with a modifier!) + added some critical damage; adjusted overall fx-style to be more “on fire”; slightly increased explosion radius;
  • CHANGE: D2 class → Druid → Skill “Oak Sage” → increased survivability!
  • CHANGE + NEW: Blood Shards → a new INNATE SKILL has been created which grants a buff that spawns an invisible monster that drops a Blood Shard on kill, this buff is automatically cast and also effects pets/companions; due to this BIG CHANGE, Blood Shards have been removed from ALL OTHER SOURCES!
  • CHANGE: Innate Skill → Blood of the Soulhunter → the chance to spawn additional enemies is now added via a NEW OMEGA SCRIPTFUNCTION → “omega.scripts.castskillsgrimsouls02” to the Grim Soul itself → “grimsoul01.dbr”, in this way it depends if you choose to loot the Grim Soul and the additional enemies do NOT spawn along the Grim Soul drop! → still some kind of lag sometimes when these enemies spawning, this is STILL in investigation and maybe is related to the template of the chargable buff, which is not working at this point…
  • CHANGE + NEW: Grim Souls → added 25 “new” champions to the spawnpool to increase diversity a bit! All Grim Soul champions now also do drop various crafting materials! Vision Bosses now drop Combo Orbs! All Grim Soul spawns have a new indication style with a seperated aura-fx and their glow-textures have been removed! The chance to spawn additional enemies has been increased from 15 to 20 percent! Drained energy + constitution is decreased from 18 to 15 percent! All 6 charges got some new fx, taken from unused source files to make it more unique, and stats for “maximum speed increases” have been added! Adjusted loot of all Grim Souls additional spawns to make grinding for them more fun! Vision Bosses now also have a boss-chest-skill added for more rewards and an additional chance to spawn an ONB from here aswell for endgame! Added maximum speed increases to the chargable buff! The chance to rip a Grim Soul out of any enemy has been increased from 15 to 25 percent, more various “optimizations” have been added like a change of the ai-controller settings and cleaning up some unneeded values to hopefully eliminate misbehaviour and performanceflaws… → INWORK STILL, also due to the faulty template :frowning:
  • CHANGE: Recipies for Aether Clusters have been removed from Ashdim and added to the global craftingtable to make it available at any blacksmith!
  • CHANGE: Devotionshrine loot → removed drops of Exotic gearitems, increased chance for Exchange Orbs;
  • CHANGE: Monstertotem loot → removed drops of Exotic gearitems, increased chance for Mysterious Ore and Shadow Essence;
  • CHANGE: chestloottable: “chestloot_bonus_01.dbr” → removed Exotics;
  • CHANGE: chestloottable: “chestloot_rackXX.dbr” → reduced overall lootoutput and removed Summon Stone I;
  • CHANGE: chestloottable: “chestloot_special_rare_XX.dbr” → removed Exotics, removed Combo Orbs, removed RANDOM01+02, added basegame MT “records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_hu_miscrare_a01.dbr”, added mod MT “records/combomod/items/loottables/mt_exotic_random_full01.dbr”, removed normal basegame components and increased chance for D2 Runes;
  • CHANGE: chestloottables → “chestloot_bonus_01.dbr” → added Simple Torch and reduced chance to drop Exotic Summon Stone I;
  • CHANGE: Rings of Royal Grandeur → reduced their totaldamageincrease by 30 percent!
  • CHANGE + NEW: Playerclass → Amazon → revisit done for now, alot of changes in tems of balance + some fx, a full overview will be added at some point to the PDF at the according place, simply play it and give me some feedback please <3 furthermore added skillboosts at maxlevel for mainskills as usual; Initial resistance mechanic → weakened against acid CHANGED to weakened against chaos! Furthermore created some ROUND icons for class passives, as seen before for the Druid;
  • CHANGE: Bows → increased base attackspeed of all bows;
  • CHANGE: Exotic gearitems + bows + 1h spears → reduced the levelreq + itemlevel of tier 1 from 5 to 1, also adjusted loottables and lootaffixes accordingly → this will make the entrypoint of the mod a “bit” easier!
  • CHANGE + FIX: some basegame rare level 5 gearitems have been reduced to level 1 aswell to make gamestart a bit more enjoyable (i.e. the Lower Crossing 1h Gun);
  • CHANGE: Exotic Summon Stones → vendors have 90% reduced prizes AND their global lootamount has been reduced again to make them more unique;
  • CHANGE: “npc_johnbourbon_reversetest_01.cnv” → added an OPTION to spawn the Emissary OR NOT, as seen in Grimarillion! <3 removed the newly created “access-item”!
  • CHANGE: gamestart as a fresh new character → removed initial questrewards from the Emissary quest and swapped it to the script “devilscrossingnpcspiritguide.lua” to have all this needed new stuff right from the start like the initial SALTBAG → removed the Fresh Meat from this rewardpool and added a note to the Delicious Meal Desc that it is needed for crafting this meal lateron!
  • CHANGE + NEW: UI → HUD → player hp topbar LARGE OPTION → added a NEON YELLOW BORDER around the red inside for better visibility;
  • CHANGE: Hero Archetypes → Portalspawns “optimized” according to the Grim Souls spawnmechanic to improve performance and prevent not beeing able to spawn the portal at some points…;
  • FIX: DNB Diablo Phase 3: not crashing anymore due to a removed autocast on his breath skill!
  • CHANGE: basegame update → “Monster Run Speed and Minimum Run Speed (the minimum their speed can be reduced to by debuffs) has been reduced on Elite and Ultimate difficulty. Monster Run Speed was already reduced on Normal/Veteran. Slower enemies such as Bone and Swamp Golems have had their base movement speed increased to compensate.” → ONLY the minimum runspeed changes!
  • CHANGE: Shattered Realm → blacklist changed → removed alot enemies to get a more rewardable feeling while bashing the extra spawns! → in general: everything that IS killable now also grants some extra timereward!
  • CHANGE: Hero Archetypes → Defender → weakend the INVULNERABLE DOME to be less OP and gave the Hunter a lifetime of 15 seconds to DEfrustrate the player :smiley: therefor increased the chance to spawn slightly from both beams;
  • CHANGE + NEW: Crazy Mike → various new options and some cleanups;
  • GD Modding Suite Error Resolving!
  • PDF adjustments and updates, at least a bit :slight_smile:
  • Further small and minor adjustments + inclusive some minor cleanups accross the board;



Wow, a lot has changed, I haven’t seen such a large amount of changes here for a long time …

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Howdy :slight_smile:

The nil-version is uploading right now with various balance changes, for example the additional Omega enemies got a long awaited tonedown in offensive and defensive stats to better blend them into the overall balance and not fall completely out of the balance-frame xD Also more balance changes to the Grim Soul Bosses and non-Bosses, only Tyrael and Zoltun need a revisit and then the DNB’s need some adaption again :slight_smile: Furthermore ALL bows got an increase in their msh size to give them a visual better feeling from a zoom out perspective :slight_smile:

Still no update for our beloved charges, BUT there seems to be a “trick” for getting them back OUTSIDE of the SR (thanks to kURTIS from the Modding Discord <3) → simply do a SR chunk, go outside and the effect of getting charged up should remain until you relog the session, NOT tested by myself YET :smiley:

Will be available in a few moments.

Happy sunday <3

EDIT1: oh yes nice, can CONFIRM that it IS working as before with the charges, IF you do a quick SR run! Also Bookworm Buff and Headhunter IS working after a chunk in the SR! :smiley:

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