Component Completion Bonuses: RIP

I was a bit miffed when I realized the bonuses were gone. Then a few minutes later I hit “Complete Components” on my gem tab and was amazed.

It’s a tradeoff, but I am so okay with this after seeing how much easier it is to manage inventory now. Totally on board with this.

Interesting move. And a superb example, why it’s good when devs play their games from time to time. :wink:

As I already mentioned, I somewhat fear a slight loss regarding the ability to customize gear, but that’s, imho, nothing that can’t be handled elsewhere.

So in the end… I also feel quite positive about it.

I was never a fan of the random nature of completing a component. Knowing that there was a very real chance of completing a sought after component only to receive a bonus that did not further optimise one’s build at all resulted in a negative reaction rather than the, one would assume, intended positive one.

All the more reason I am very much looking forward to starting GD a fresh and experiencing all of these new inclusions with permanent characters.

Thank you for reconsidering this design feature.


I can understand the design philosophy here from a convenience factor, however, simplifying any type of added depth in the game is usually never a good idea in an arpg. Arpg players want more complexity and more farming challenges not less. I felt like the completion bonuses were a small, but “good annoyance”. I’ll have to play through b29 to confirm but I have a feeling there’s no replacing the added resists and %Health bonuses.

This change and the level cap only being 85 (unless 85 takes weeks to get to from 60) are probably oversimplifications to an otherwise great game.

Bindings of bysmiel from 36% bonus damage and 17% crit to pets as completion part to 20% bonus dmg and 10% health for pets. Was my best component, now trash:/

You’re favourite build wasn’t ‘finished’ with the level cap increase and new added gear, so now you have a chance to create your new favourite :wink:

Thanks for doing this Crate. I have probably invested about 50 hours of comparing/combining components and am glad that it is over. While you’re at it, please make all epic and legendary items have the exact same stats so I don’t have to pull up my mules and compare them before selling. (I can’t help but do this, even though it is very tedious.)

It wasn’t finished but I already knew exactly where I would take this build after level 60 and now one of its cornerstones got removed while several other key aspects and also minor ones have been changed in a way that this very build has now lost most of its purpose. Oh well, the build was super fun to play and even more fun to theorycraft with, but I will have to move on I guess.

Such a horrible change, destroyed all my characters Resists. :rolleyes::rolleyes::o:furious:

Thank you very much for listening to the cries of the people! :stuck_out_tongue:
I am so excited for this change. I’m sad to see completion bonuses go, since the problem wasn’t the bonuses, it was the way the system worked. But I don’t think there’s a better way to handle it besides removing it.

If we want it to stack, there can’t be bonuses. If we want the crafting to pull from our stash/inventory, we can’t have the bonuses. If we want to stop playing inventory manager, we can’t have the bonuses. I was sick and tired (and dreading the end of my play time session) of moving my components into my jam packed stash, then transferring to a mule. I’ll never be that person who doesn’t pick up components. They are too useful!

I don’t really hoard items, just the really really good or unique ones, so this will pretty much solve my stash cries :slight_smile:

Thanks, I really am happy about this change.

how about giving a random completion bonus after it is socketed into an equipment?:rolleyes:

I was a bit bummed at the news of component bonuses being removed but then I began to play on a fresh character and it actually was kinda relieving. No longer am I polluting my inventory with dozens of completed components holding out for ‘that perfect bonus’ for my build.

Which then begins the tedious process of insert comp, dislike bonus, pay to destroy comp, insert new comp, dislike bonus, pay to…etc, …etc :rolleyes:

Just logged in and the game froze for me after update. when i reloaded my dps took a huge downgrade and i found out components lost the extra bonus. Should i address the extra stat loss is from there then :stuck_out_tongue: But good riddance, frees space, much lighter, avoid people to have to trash some equips for that exact bonus which wasnt able to replicate till that point.

I agree. I wasn’t sure it’d work out this way at first but I was being irrational. The new system is muuuuch better and I was 100% wrong. For starters, it just FEELS better. But yeah, I find myself thinking more about component choice, not less now. In some ways completion bonuses blurred the lines between components a bit too much because some of them were so good that it mattered less what component was in that slot but more about having a component with the completion bonus you wanted. So far, feels good man.

I consolidated almost two full tabs of components to ~half a tab, no longer have to spend time mathing out which bonuses may or may not be better, and can feel happy again about some of the lower tier components dropping. Plus of course less hassle crafting.

For the most part, I support the change; it’s just make gearing for resistances so much harder – in conjunction to the nerf to the resistance given by runestones and wardstones, I find the overall nerf to resistances too heavy-handed.

However resistances is another issue with the game; previously, the common answer to the complaint that there are too many types of resistances to gear for was “nope, lol roll components till you get the completion bonus you like”. Now perhaps finally without that answer we can seriously look at how the need for resistances is making melee characters harder to play than kiting glass cannons.

I know that resistances from level 50+ are pumped up, and that are devotions that grant resistances; however I too think that the game just redistribute the ‘resistance tax’ to those other two systems.

My two cent worth.

At first I was a little shocked because of this change, but now I like it very much! :slight_smile: Especially the intelligent way the change was done, buffing lots of components at the same time to make up for the completion bonuses. And the benefits are just huge(stackable components, crafting from stash, …). And also it removes a bit of RNG, and I like that very much, because imo the game has still enough RNG, and trying to get the perfect completion bonus on components was sometimes really annoying and frustrating…

The buffs actually came in a couple of patches after the start of B29 on the test side :stuck_out_tongue:

I am actually really happy about this change, i agree it might not be the perfect to to loose those completion bonuses but in the long run this is just better for my Sanity.