[Conjurer] La Magra Summoner

the Devotion portions of the abilities are all phys. If you knotice that almost all the pets still have 1/2 their damage represented with an element. That is why i went for Rowan’s crown in addiiton for the 18% ele resist which was the main reason for it.

I like the build concept, but is it really worth going all the way in Occultist for so little? Do you think stopping at 10 in Occultist would be more viable? What am I missing? I am running the build below in Ultimate now (level 75). Emboldening roar gives you similar damage to Manipulation and some other things, with the bonus that you get the buff as well. Is the 26% to total speed for pets that huge?

It won’t let me post a real link so:


I thought about this also… the problem is you need the HP… you need the stats. Right now the game is so bent around HP that getting it while maintaining the pet gear is a PITA… you are correct though you could gain all the benifet you really “need” from the Occult tree with something like 20 pts in.

Hey Cryodacry, thanks for the guide.

I have a question about Kazzog. I’ve searched this forum, Googled and checked both the Wikia and the Grim Calc monster list and I can’t find any info on this mob anywhere. Could you tell me where to find him? I’d like to farm him for some rings. Thanks!


Thanks for the info Rimstalker!

Darkvale Gate portal.

@OP: what do you think of this medal? found it on my summoner, hiding in one of the inventory bags :). http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/503650574685007866/E2B0D94B23A346165101E14E9C0A534EAE1E6DD1/

This is something I am interested in hearing more about. As I am just beginning my first playthrough (have a conjurer in the 40’s), I’m wondering about where I might be able to stint on Mastery, as its the one thing you can’t ever respec out of once you’re in (unless there’s the option later, but I don’t have it yet).

Would something like leaving Occultist at 32, swapping Manipulation out for Emboldening Roar as mentioned above, and maxing out Primal Bond, Heart of the Wild, Blood Pact, Devouring Swarm, and going 7/12 into Conjure Primal Spirit give you enough stats for endgame gear? I’m not savvy with the game mechanics, but I would imagine maxxed Heart of the Wild would be a net gain in Health over max rank Occultist, and you’ll squeeze just a teeny bit more blood out of your enemies.

May be new player unreasonableness, but I just want more points for filling out skill trees instead of pouring into Masteries.

OMG! You are a Genius, bind Blind Fury to pet, looks so cool and clear very fast too. Nicely done!!Cryodacry!!

yea Blindfury is by far the best pet devotion out there. It is indeed amazing. it’s expensive to get out to it but very nice if you do =).

christ…the build runs a freight train on ultimate

Yea, People in the Lazy summoner thread can vouch for my quest to min/max the summoner. This in my opinion is the hardest hitting summoner build in the game at this moment. In addition this build scales with Pet %OA ridiculously well.

If anyone ever plays the Omega Mod, This build gets crazy strong when you complete out Howl of Mogden. Also i have changed Rend to be attached to Dev Swam which has actually made Necro Mancers gloves worth while. I can actually get 3 Ghosts up.

Off topic, what are the 2 songs in the videos called

What is rhowan’s crown bound to? You seem to have missed that.

Hello new player here,is this build suited for beginners with little to no gear? and also what is the stats recommended? thank you and great build :slight_smile:

it’s bound to the summon familiar. I’ll get that fixed

not sure honestly … it’s just my pandora. I will have to listen to them and figure it out for ya

This build is unique as you can melee with this build if you so choose. I personally just cast with it. you want almost all phys and some spirit for the Empowered book of Og. This build is really user friendly… I would follow Jaynyne’s leveling guide that i’ve linked. Honstly the only difference is the devotion setup. The Devotion makes a HUGE difference with this build though.

Sunlounger feat. Zara - Lost

Off To The Races - Lana Del rey (feat Lorde)

There ya go bud

Thank you very much for this cool and inspiring build! :slight_smile:

And sorry for little OT, but maybe someone is interested. I took some concepts of your build and made a trickster build that uses only pets scaling with player damage to apply the bleeding stuff. Using Nemesis and Blade Spirit, and proccing a ton of falcons with GV. So its kind of a bleeding caster, and it’s even more fun and effective than I had hoped for :smiley:
Just a short gameplay vid, accidentially stumbled into Benn’Jhar though^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulvJNDjRe2o

Your build is actually pretty close to the feel of the Bleeding Heart build but focusing on Casting. Nice build bud !