[Conjurer] La Magra Summoner

Thanks man :smiley: Hope you don’t mind I hijacked your thread for posting it. Build variety is so great in GD, never was able to play a bleeding caster in any ARPG, I think, I’m loving it :):slight_smile:

No worries bud!

Is this build HC viable?

Thanks for sharing!

yes it is, just like any other HC Summoner. There is actually very little difference between La Magra and Lazy Pokemon.

Is this devotion build still current and strong as of

Would you mind posting/updating your most current mapping of devotions to abilities?

This looks very interesting. What gear do you use? Can’t find an Off-Hand with bleed damage.

Going to give this build a go too. But while I agree JayNyne’s levelling works fairly well, it doesn’t cover all your skills. He doesn’t take Familiar or Wendigo Totem/Blood Pact at all and has Devouring Swarm with only 1 point very late in levelling. I assume with 15 points in it you’re taking the Swarm much earlier? And when do you pick up Totem/Blood Pack and when do you max them out?

you would need to re spec out of JayNyne’s build into this … Over all they are very similar on the build portion. Maybe a 20 or so point variation. The devotion portion is where the difference is.

Me neither, so I just crafted this https://gracefuldusk.appspot.com/items/7097-Rhowari-Spellweaver-Codex with “of the oracle” affix which gives %total dmg :wink:
Otherwise nothing special, some usual(but very good) bleed build items like Brutalaxe, Vileblood Mantle, Emp. Bloodbathed Links etc., nemesis relic ofc because of the pet. And I like Abyssal Mask as head gear for this build because of the bleed proc and some good stats as well. Also, look for “Bloodletter’s” prefix on rares, it’s amazing :smiley:

Hey I havent played for a year and wondered if this build is still viable?