Constructive Feedback on declining city


So I had a city that I decided I wanted to stop playing. I decided I would experiment and see how delicate the balance of things are by driving the city to ruins. I was surprised and disappointed to see that it’s dang near impossible to actually kill off a city. Here is some feedback that I think the devs should see:

  • With destroyed school, people were still getting educated.
  • It says the health of my people are happy? With rats and dead bodies littering the streets?
    *They are happy with their current living conditions?
    *I destroyed all the parks and decorations and desirability is still very high.

I kept trying to do everything wrong. In the image below, they are still 100% happy? Plus with no food, I feel like starvation takes forever. I also removed all water, and they are still 100% happy?

What really disappointed me about this is that while playing if I see an issue (with food, disease, etc…) I am attentive to rectify the issue as soon as I can, but now that I realize you can basically abandon everything and still survive tells me the game is too forgiving.

On a separate feedback note, I would love to see a repairman that I can hire so I don’t have to babysit fixing houses time and time again. Also, fruit tree mass chop down would be nice.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the game, but I think there should be the ability to really mess things up with some level of severe consequences, but I don’t feel like that is the case.

An end screen with there are no survivors would be good. And again, after everyone in the town is dead and no school, people are still graduating, lol. These guys went from 100% happy with their living condition in feces and dead bodies everywhere and living in poor housing to dead instantly. I hope I can go that way.

What difficulty are you playing on?

The medium one, I don’t remember the name of that mode off the top of my head.
And I did not choose the pacifist mode either.

I would be curious if someone actually had an experience where they accidently killed off their city. It took me over an hour on 3x after I disabled all food and I was still easily alive.

On vanquisher it’s easy to loose half your city in 1 or 2 raids

Yeah, the thing is I wasn’t even talking about raids. Mismanagement of resources should punish a person. If you under perform to take care of food, leave dead bodies out or not clean poop your city should suffer, but my people were the most optimistic happy bunch littered with death, poop, rats, poor shelter, no decorations, and no water.

I felt like your can pretty much close your eyes and play. Took a little fun out for me honestly.

Correct. Seems there might be a trigger missing when it comes to death and low food/cold. I’ve run my cities low (not purposely) a few times on food/firewood. And had little death. Seems some triggers might need increasing. I am all for making the game more difficult

Potentially more difficult, please.

Vanquisher should be a major challenge, with disease, accidents, wild animals, failing crops, weather, and raiders all conspiring to Ruin Your Day. That’s where all the negatives should have Maximum Impact.

But any gamer who just wants to relax in front of the screen should be able to play on Trailblazer or lower difficulty with correspondingly less chance of Massive Disaster from every direction.

I’m all in favor of making Vanquisher a real challenge, but there are times when I want less than a real challenge, and the game should provide that, too.

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