Cosmetic Packs Discussion

It started 18 years ago with other people doing it first, that means it’s okay if we do it too!

I like this game. It is sad to me to see players getting charged extra for something that should have been either included in the base game or included with the expansions. This is nothing short of pure greed on your part and you should be ashamed of yourself. Unfortunately, if you were actually capable of feeling shame in the first place, I doubt that we would be having this conversation.

I know that you tried to sign off with some zippy line but it really just highlights how simple minded you are. It is never beneath anyone’s intellectual capacity to advocate for better consumer treatment. If you had an IQ above room temperature, you might be able to comprehend that. Unfortunately for you, it’s as cold and empty in your head as it is outside right now.

Look, your history with our moderators show that you desperately need to denigrate the intellect of others to feel better about yourself. Unfortunately, given your attitude here and the repeat behavior, you are going to get precisely the result you are hoping for.


What a terrible weather on this forums today huh?

Although this discussion is absolutely cancerous You got a point actually. My insides are churning a little when someone selling cosmetics when we already have multiple DLC’s… some of which or literally for one gameplay session and You forget about it or can be much better overall(i am farming SR JUST second day for one specifiec set and i want to cut myself already)


Nice looking skins yeah… but i think general polishing and new/updated creative gameplay stuff in this game will sell it for more people and with much less whining.


(And for god’s sake YOU ALL stop mentioning Blizzard or some other companies out there. You are not making situation any better.)

That’s his own doing…
He has a history of flinging sh*t like the primate his username suggests he is.

Again, the community has asked for it. Asked to pay for it as well.
If someone keeps begging you to let them spend money, who would say no?
The pack contains FIVE sets, which they will sell for a pittance compared to what other companies charge for one.
You really can’t tell the difference?

Are we reading the same thread?
It’s not as if angry gamers are subtle. Just as the hairless ape just proved.

The comparison is absolutely valid.
Their (and plenty others) practises are downright predatory.
Crate won’t make me pay for some BS currency to be able to get the pack.
The pack isn’t going away, so no Fear of missing out (FOMO).

Basically, if you have a problem with Crate giving in to their community you can vote with your wallet. I know I will vote with mine. If someone else has a problem with that, tough luck.
They have zero say.


to anyone not in the loop, despite several posts mentioning this:
a decent amount of players have asked for this for years, to the point it has felt like having to twist and wring Crate’s arm to get it to happen…

it’s purely as means to show appreciation for Crate as technically players already have the tools available to them to mod in or change character model and add items/armours as they’d like.
Many of the players are well of ware of that, and the existing mods that add other skins to the game, and still have requested Crate to add official stuff as a way to continue supporting the devs that provided them with an awesome game they have enjoyed.
If this was truly a greed aspect Crate could just have put an unpaid intern on it, or done low effort copy paste palette swap reskins, and churned out cosmetics every couple of months like other companies. Instead it has taken years of requests and convincing to get them to make a 3rd supporter pack…


‘‘Greed’’ and “predatory” have no place in the same sentence with “Crate Entertainment”

The amount of FREE content (dungeons, areas, items, bosses, even new mechanics) and improvements GD received over the years (and still gets) is astonishing in this day and age. This loyalist pack cant come soon enough and will be seriously undervalued price-wise (as were the last one and expansions also).

And if they decide to make a Loyalist pack 4 and it contains just one item - a horse armor (for a game that has no horses in it) then I will buy that too - that is how much respect and goodwill Crate has earned with me personally.


lol what a clown,we been begging crate to add these,we wanna make sure grim dawn 2 looks as good as it plays

They won’t trouble us any more.


Who is right, who is wrong… there will be always someone who finds the smallest thing to complain about and start rampage from just that.

The 3 illusions featured here look amazing and they weren’t certainly made of thin air so it’s only notable to pay for them additional price. It baffles me that there are some who think anything is free these days, even more so, that inflation has hit big times in every aspect for each living being.

I now see why it took a bit longer to reveal 3rd loyalist pack but it’s so worth it devs, especially artists this time around. :smiley:

Not only did they get a well deserved suspension, but look at the reason:

This user is suspended.
Reason: Intellect level too high for this forum.

Gotta love it :rofl:


what an irony :joy:

It’s just funny how everybody with every controversy just say “AT LEAST IT’S BETTER THEN BLIZZARD”. Blizzard might be A BIG MEME company straight up bad and predatory or smth but they DO NOT responsible for Grim Dawn and it’s local controversies. So what the point exactly? I am tired of this.

I just feel there are better solutions if You want to support them/make people want to support You.

And I can’t understand why everyone is so shocked by the absolutely predictable reaction to paid beautiful skins. Yeah this guy might be a abit “high” on moral standarts(he-he) but this is equally bad practice for both Blizzard and this company. It’s true.

no? or did you miss that distinction? that’s what makes it different, the practice is not the same, because the product is different, and unlike something that is cut out or nickle and dimed back to the player; this is a direct player request concession, somewhat reluctantly even if we are to judge by how many years it took to happen

20 years have shown that consumers (ie. the players) are interested in cosmetic purchases in games. Microtransactions turned out not to be a fad that has come and gone (like loot boxes), but a mainstay of an industry that spends more and more each year developing juggernaut titles by teams in the hundreds if not thousands.

If players are the problem, then I am part of it because I’ve purchased my fair share of cosmetics over the years (especially in f2p titles where I feel like I need to put some money on the table to make up for the hours of enjoyment I had gotten for free).

Just as bad actors abuse things like Early Access, there are publishers/developers that abuse microtransactions by reducing the quality of the base product in order to fleece people with actually desirable options that cost extra. But to call us greedy because we are now releasing our THIRD cosmetic pack in 8 years, each of which contains multiple cosmetic sets for less than other developers charge for a single cosmetic item, when there is a literal paper trail of members of the community asking us to make a third pack just seems asinine to me.

These items exist because we committed additional development time into making them. We literally developed new tech to make them awesome and are going to make that tech freely available to modders with regardless of which version of the game they own and will in turn use it ourselves to make awesome items for Fangs of Asterkarn. These aren’t items that were planned for the expansion and we split them off to make an extra $.

So quite frankly, anyone that is upset by this pack existing can do the very simple thing of not purchasing it. Its existence is certainly not hurting them; and if it somehow is, I hope they will find peace some day.


Yes I think I’m missing the point.

I hope entire new DLC will be that quality as this skins so people might start to talk about it more and there will be no such need to paid cosmetics and people will realise that paying for quality gameplay content is actually way better.

Anyway I’m starting to get tired of this.

(Devs please fix Cronley’s rep gain with the new update i swear to god. I can hear Fabius crying somewhere out of his cruel fate)

there are 2 things here, both which seem strange to me
1, based on past content delivery; what makes you think or even begin to speculate FoA might/could bring less quality than this cosmetic supporter back? Item wise, gameplay/"actual content"wise ?
2, you do realize, just slightly, the massive development difference between actual content/expansions and game mechanic/gameplay changes and upgrades, vs skins/artists working on cosmetics?
^these are not a 1:1 comparison or scope of effort and requirement to materialize/realize :sweat_smile:

aaaand, we can then add on a third of, “considering the free upgrades/game updates and changes over the years” - what would ever make you think that it would either suddenly “not be a thing” or at best somehow magically take a backseat to a future/additional cosmetic skin supporter pack; that already tooks years to even convince them to make in the first place ?
^while in that time have taken frequent player game feedback into consideration and direct implementation a dozen times in that same timeframe? :sweat_smile:

actually, easy to check
Loyalist pack 2 was released 20th june 2019, Loyalist 3 will be some time in february 2024
here you can see all the non loyalist related updates that has been in that timeframe

Grim Misadventure #177 - Asterkarn Menagerie
26.8k 	2d
Grim Misadventure #176 - So the New Thing
93.9k 	Nov '23
April Fools 2022!
20.8k 	Apr '22
Upcoming V1.1.9.5 hotfix
12.1k 	Feb '22
April Fools 2021!
35.7k 	Apr '21
Grim Misadventure #175 - A Look Back at 2020
59.3k 	Jul '21
Grim Misadventure #174 - Shattered Keepers
34.3k 	Jan '21
Upcoming Changes to the Shattered Realm (v1.1.9.0)
23.9k 	Nov '21
Grim Misadventure #173 - Onwards into the Shattering
28.8k 	Dec '20
Grim Misadventure #172 - Celestial Portents
30.4k 	Nov '20
Grim Misadventure #171 - Expanded Horizons
32.7k 	Aug '20
Grim Misadventure #170 - A Crucible of Sights
31.3k 	Jun '20
April Fools 2020!
54.0k 	Apr '20
Grim Misadventure #169 - Frequently Infrequent
27.5k 	May '20
Grim Misadventure #168 - Sidelands
30.1k 	May '20
Grim Misadventure #167 - A Look Back at 2019
31.9k 	Feb '20
There’s more to this arc
11.3k 	Jan '20
Grim Misadventure #166 - Corrupted Wealth
31.9k 	Jan '20
The Saga of the Aura MP Kill Bug
7.7k 	Nov '19
Grim Misadventure #165 - Bring them to Darkness
38.9k 	Dec '19
How far shall we go, hm?
10.8k 	Oct '19
Grim Misadventure #164 - Korvan Heresy
38.6k 	Nov '19
Grim Misadventure #163 - A Rare Proposal
37.0k 	Oct '19
Grim Misadventure #162 - Riggs’ Request
29.8k 	Aug '19
V1.1.4.0 Preview
Grim Dawn Version v1.2.0.0 + v1.2.0.1 + v1.2.0.2 + v1.2.0.3 Hotfixes
84.9k 	7d
Grim Dawn Version v1.1.9.8 + Hotfix 1
44.0k 	Nov '23
Grim Dawn Version v1.1.9.7
38.5k 	Jun '23
Grim Dawn Version v1.1.9.6
53.4k 	Nov '22
(April Fools!) Grim Dawn Version
12.5k 	Apr '22
Grim Dawn Version
31.7k 	Apr '22
Grim Dawn Version
38.1k 	Feb '22
Grim Dawn Version Hotfix
17.7k 	Nov '21
Grim Dawn Version
54.7k 	Dec '21
(April Fools!) Grim Dawn Version
13.1k 	May '21
Grim Dawn Version
47.0k 	Oct '21
Grim Dawn Version
62.2k 	Mar '21
Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 1
20.2k 	Nov '20
Grim Dawn Version
57.2k 	Nov '20
Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 2
31.3k 	Sep '20
Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 1
21.0k 	Jul '20
Grim Dawn Version
63.7k 	Jun '20
(April Fools!) Grim Dawn Version Preview
8.2k 	Apr '20
Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 2
16.7k 	Mar '20
Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 1
22.2k 	May '20
Grim Dawn Version
56.7k 	May '20
Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 2
20.9k 	Feb '20
Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 1
19.6k 	Jan '20
Grim Dawn Version
75.9k 	Dec '19
Grim Dawn Version
32.7k 	Oct '19
Grim Dawn Version
32.3k 	Oct '19
Grim Dawn Version
49.2k 	Sep '19
Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 1
11.4k 	Jul '19
Grim Dawn Version
37.8k 	Jul '19

^considering that, what on earth would ever make someone remotely begin to contemplate Crate putting direct game dev/updates/content on the backburner with cosmetics/supporter packs taking even slightly close to priority??? @ _@

1 Like

I will buy it.
Not because I feel obligated to do so. Not because I think I am going to waste money as I did in other games. Not because I feel like have this whim or have extra cash with which I don’t know what to do. No. The reason is simple.
It is my way of saying thank you to Crate. Thank you for letting me into your world. Thank you for breaking the ice in my very first conversation I had with my now wife. Thank you for letting me feel the biggest rush of endorphine after I have bested Callagdra, the Scourge of my very dreams and nightmares alike.
Thank you for YOUR time and YOUR ambition, Crate. For YOUR understanding of me as a player. Consumer. Wanderer in your worlds.
Thank you for countless hours of fun, finding items, fighting enemies and walking into forsaken wastelands, wonderful lava-worlds, deserts, forests and even what could be described as hell itself. Even tho it is chaos, but who cares.
Whoever feels betrayed that Crate wants money for it, can simply not buy the pack. I will because of reasons mentioned above. I hope the flames of hot discussion will now end and sizzle out, so that Zantai and all the hardworking developers can do again what they can do best:
Creating worlds for me to wander in and be in awe.


Such as what?


Easy on the cosmetic quality of FoA items… would be somewhat awkward if they are leagues better than base game, AoM and FG fashionwise - old items would feel underused and…well old :smiley:

Besides, these are actual gods of Cairn in loyalist pack, these are expected to be flashy and a bit over the top

Making positive reddit posts. Duhh