Cosmetic Wings - Inarius wings

Mendez42,hi made thet.

Hello, ye these are indeed from me, they are supposed to make it into MinDawn one day, i made the textures way back ago when okamis mod was also fresh cotnaining only the first wings, and then decided to remove them from the mod cuz they would skyrocket mod size, they will probably make it to minDawn with mroe okamis wings later, when the GD development slows down / and mindawn is more complete, so i dont have to reupload huge file size always :slight_smile:

so for now, feel free to use cegis link and merge them into whatever you want :slight_smile:

(it should be the first default wings in all colors of grim dawn, aether, chaos, fire, ice etc etc)

An easy way to bring the size down would be to not use 2kx2k textures, 512x512 is probably enough, 1kx1k most definitely is.

Then have the different meshes refer to the same (shared) texture files rather than each wing using their own copy and you are down by probably 75% :wink:

Thats certainly a way to go, i myself honestly was jsut learning with the tools, and had nearly to none experience with it, i just wanted to make few more textured versions, and i most likely didnt even used proper approach to it. i dont anymore even have the tools required to do the edits.

resizing texture shouldnt be much of trouble tho

I am no moder nor do i know how to merge mods.So PLEASE.

Why no one make lightsabers mod,or other weapons and armors???

Armors are more complex because they need to be rigged.There are mods for weapons, I made Lost treasures for example : the Lost Treasures mod :
[DEV] Lost Treasures

I have it,nice mod.Why not merge Lost Treasures and this two wings mod.
I also have Diablo 3 class mod and Cataclysm (need update) mod.
Can someone make this armor and weapon???

Can some one please merge this 2 mods please (From okami29 and Mendez42).

You defeated this damn Logorrhean, so you gained the right to wear his tentacles in your back as a trophy !
Logorrhean “tentacles”.Asset comes form Crate Entertainement, it’s exactly the same tentacles as the loggorrhean.
Maybe it should be adjusted and reduced a little for female by editing the mif file for those interested.

Is there any way to add all these wings to Crucible? :thinking:

If you merge it in grimarillion, I think GlockenGerda made a tool to allow Grimarillion in Crucible.
But most of these wings are test and need to be made for both gender.

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Huh? They come with male and female medals, so what is missing ?

It will work for male and female but some of them have only one mesh for the two so it would need another mesh to be adjusted (usually it need to be lower position for the female for example).

New Dragon Hunter wing from Path of Exile
Not rigged ! I anyone knows how to have the rigged version I am interested.

There is any way i can merge this with Grimarillion?
There was some way to add “raw” mod files to the game/mods without modify existing mods, its possible to do this?
For example, if i copy “Fonts” to grim dawn documents/settings it shows, thats how i change fonts in the game. Something like that is possible with wings?
Thanks for your answer.

So i will be ignored???Tank you all for not responding.

Many requests go unheard, this one is no different.

Apparently you cannot be bothered to look into how to do this yourself but feel entitled to someone doing this for you simply because you asked for it.
No one owes you anything here, so either do it yourself or ask again nicely, but the above post pretty much ensures that I have no interest in helping you out (and I assume others feel the same way), so good luck finding someone


Tank you for honest answer.
I asked 3 times there wont be 4 time.
People like me (who are sick (have heart problems)) like honest and answer,also we know NO mean NO.Some of as live in bleak reality.Some of as love games like anyone do.And we love when someone hear what we say.I wrote and the end PLEASE.

sounds fair, didn’t realize you already asked 3 times (even though one of them asked for a ton of things). I agree, asking a 4th time then is pointless.

On a somewhat related note

all of these except for Lost Treasures are in Dawn of Masteries mod

I am sorry to learn that and wish you the best.
It is possible to merge any mod with Grimarillion, I thought I answered it before but maybe it was on another topic.
However I don’t want to spend some time doing this because :
1- The wing mod is mainly for fun and I did not do all this “perfectly” because it takes some time
2- Grimarillion is constantly updating, as is the game that will have at least one new update with the totems.This means that merging it today, I will need to constantly update it when Grimarillion is updated.
3- You can do it yourself by using the modding tools that should be something like :
3-1- Extract all game assets from the two mods (database.arz and arc files with archivetool).
3-2-Then put all files in the same folders
3-3- Use AssetManager to compile into your mod