Could Bonebleach Halberd get remade?

When I asked my friends’ advice on this idea, some of them didn’t even remember there is such a weapon, and that might also be the reaction of many of you. It’s too rare, too marginalized, too weak, and too boring.

For Shadow Strike we already have so many cool equipments like Deathguard, The Korvan Dunefiend, Loxmere’s Frostblade, Noctirn and so on, and dual wielding weapons enables the skill to strike twice. Such a mediocre 2-handed SS weapon is neither strong nor interesting.

As we know, Bonebleach Halberd is dropped in Bonebleach Basin, where deadly sandstorm endlessly blowing. Maybe Bonebleach Halberd can be remade to simulate the sandstorm. The modifiers for Shadow Strike could be changed to modifiers for Blood Pox and Word of Pain, including damage converted to piercing, add piercing or(or and) bleeding damage, add -% piercing or(or and) bleeding resistance, or something else like these.

Such a remake need not to make it OP. It’s just an idea of mine to turn it from a dull and uncompetitive SS weapon to a distinctive weapon for some interesting BD.

ps: Actually I’ve preliminarily come up with a BD on the premise that my idea comes true(and the v1.2.1.3 update): Deceiver, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator. Just an imaginary.

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those are 1h, not 2h
why is it ok for other skills to have both 1h and 2h versions and not for SS?
Keep it as is please,

why? why is that necessary you can have a Sands proc still with the modifier, there is absolutely no reason to change the modifiers to appease other skills to accomplish this

and how is that anymore competitive than the current SS version of the halberd already is? - mind you that was part of your rationale for not having it be SS


how hard is it to just request either an addition on the halberd or a new item for what you want ?
what is it with constantly having to remove existing stuff from the game to get “feedback”/suggestions across, - just because you dont’ see the use of an item doesn’t mean others aren’t using it/it can’t be used

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If we’re bringing up sandstorms, imo it’d be more logical for this weapon to get some modifier for wind devils that turns them into sand tornadoes with some pierce RR mod. It (probably) would enable some pierce shaman shenanigans and I’m curious what people would come up with using this :thinking:

I agree that having 2 weapons of the same damage type supporting the same skill in the more or less the same way feels a bit… repetitive? But can we not just rework existing items entirely based on some very specific idea with no consideration of already existing builds? (Tho it still happens sometimes)

Speaking of, you can find such mods for WoP on messenger’s repeater :thinking: maybe should ask for bloody pox mods on it instead


I meant that if it’s not so competitive for SS, it could be remade for another build then it needn’t to compete with other SS weapons. It’s hard to describe how I think about Bonebleach Halberd. It’s kind of like driving 5 kms to a big shopping mall only to end up having KFC. That’s OK but…unnecessary and dull.


Those make sense. Sorry for my inconsideration. That remind me of Corruptian. It’s truly sentimental to lose a build choice, although both acid DEE and physical RE with it are…huh.

I guess why I came up with the idea to remake it instead of to add something new is that zantai seems more willing to redo some unpopular equipments than add new ones when there’s no new DLC…and then my suggestion might be more acceptable…to him.
Anyway sorry for my immature idea.


I didn’t mean that. That’s absolutely OK to have 2h SS, and Nightshade’s Reach and Soulrend are both behaving well. Hmm just take a look at the metaphor I mentioned above.

No I also didn’t mean this…I didn’t mean modifiers for SS should be replaced by piercing and bleeding BP and WoP. I meant that since those various reasons BH’s modifiers could be remake, and if it’s going to be remake, piercing and bleeding BP and WoP could be choices…
I’m not that arbitrary and aggressive…


don’t be sorry for the idea/or having an idea itself, that’s not my intent for making a counter perspective/argument.

For me, personally/selfish, i like this weapon/have had fun with it, and to me the only “bad” part is, it’s effectively an MI exclusive to end by being locked off to secret level
(i think we even suggested to somehow make it accessible to levelling at some point since that could be fun)

It being a 2h SS makes it slightly unique (imo) because 2h NB builds feel slightly different(/and all SS mods are on 1h), so personally i don’t want to potentially lose that.
And i also feel like not being endgame competitive is something that applies to many items, so suggesting to add or buff is better than removal if performance is the basis.

this was a really fun build, (and way better than my own memes),
and the halberd can even be used (even if poorly) for meme Shadow Strike.

So it’s simply that i like something that this suggestion would remove, that makes me disagree with the delivery.
I’m not in anyway trying to dissuade suggestions or trying to act like you/users can’t come with them, just that i disagree on the solution, (even if by disagreeing it comes off as me asserting myself “above”).
Suppose you could say my delivery of my counter argument/disagreeing makes it appear worse than intended to, in essence it’s just there to make the opposite view/opinion put out there. That way if it does get removed, atleast it was tried to be “saved” :sweat_smile: - since in the end devs are the ones deciding the item fates, not whether I “disagree” on it or not

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there’s no need to say so bro. I’m mainly willing to communicate with others friendly even if we have different opinions.


I do not agree with the change. 2H pierce SS is unique to this weapon. Also, the pierce modifiers are thematic if you look at Azrakaa's Epoch - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database.

I think changing the FX of nightfall to a brown sand blast would be cool. Or maybe make the weapon less rare somehow. (is it ultimate only?)

it’s technically not Ultimate exclusive, can drop in SR/Crucible just big RNG ofc
But only decent/guaranteed way to obtain it is Ult with the secret cow level unlocked

Mainly agree. Yet for me, one acceptable build should be either powerful and competitive(including the consideration of costs), or special(like the imagined Sandstorm Deceiver) and funny(like my Ice Gun&Flame BladeBurst). It’s hard to say BH SS is special, cause there’s so many various SS builds, and there’s not so much difference between them. It’s also not really funnier than other ones(at least for me). No doubting it’s not very powerful among them.
Cold, Spellbreaker, Acid&Chaos, Witch Hunter, Chaos, Witch Hunter, Cold&Lightning, Trickster are all powerful SS builds, and 2 of them have very low SS CD so you can fly everywhere with enjoyment.
And another Piercing, Infiltrator, dual wielding though.
Emm I don’t mean to argue that your taste is bad. I just feel…BH SS is not so attractive and memorable for me, especially when BH’s so rare. If it’s something like Dermapteran Slicer maybe it would be far more acceptable. But now, rare, ordinary, dull…alas.
Anyway, I agree that more is better than less. Simply remove something is hurting.

ps: Hey zantai I know you’re watching. Please don’t just simply weaken these builds mentioned above! The videos are recorded by a skilled quick farmer, with top equipment configurations, ideal SR maps, stressful rampages to bosses and groups of enemies, and many other things. They do not represent the builds’ average performance and time cost. Please don’t convict them based on these videos😰

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