Coup de Grâce ( - Venomblade, Crucible no buffs, SR 90+, Mogdrogen, Ravager, Crate of Entertainment

GT looks fine, I guess its the piloting issue. Melee builds have hard time in SR now, you just need a bit more experience.
Also, you might try taking Handguards of Perdition for more armor

At least softcap all rr skills (Night’s Chill and Celestial Presence) and preferably max them. Fervor at least 24, 26 if you can (you can).

Also, Seal of Annihilation on an autoattack build. Some better pants.

Thank you all for reply!

I’m playing in ultimate like this at the moment haven’t tested the build on hard ones I focused on getting the stun/slow/freeze resistances to capped and used a few different items than the other builds that uses Venomblade set but I guess I lost a little bit dps than the other acid dervish builds around here. But RR is too huge, I don’t think it will make a huge difference. I don’t like the ABB so I use RF as main attack. But of course I haven’t tested it on anything yet.

If you’re not gonna max ABB then no use for full Venomblade. Use Misery swords. That’s the best acid melee.

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Thank you for commenting.I have two very good rolled Misery(No Mad Queen) and I thought about that because ABB only means OA and damage buff to me but then when you lose Venomblade set, you also lose set bonusses and other things. It seems I will get more steady dps with two Misery yes but I’m going to loose OA, physical resistance etc. It’s all in my consideration and after playing with Venomblade set for a while I’m going to switch to compare and test.

You lose a bunch of stats from 3pc and 4pc VB but you gain like 60 skillpoints. Since Z insists on acid nightblade having no belt or amulet (except ABB conduit) with +1 to all, Miseries is pretty much the best deal fo pure melee. MQ Claw, not so much, for the very same reason (though they pack some serious defensive capabilities).

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There is also no better helm then Venomblade because it also gives +1 to both Nightblade and Oathkeeper. So the remaining piece is chest, which chest do you suggest? Venomencer Raiment looks good but Spidersilk gives better skill bonusses.

No, I suggested VB helmet and chest with two Miseries. VB armor pieces are just about BiS.

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Hi there,
Firstly I am really enjoying this build, which is super strong and fun.

Secondly, I have been lucky enough to find a Rare item which seems to be really powerful.

This is the item here:

Also, I had a lucky roll on some Mythical Grasp of Unchained Might gloves:

Check out the last line: -18 Resistance for 3 seconds to Ring of Steel !

Combining these two seem to make RoS amazingly powerful, but I’m not completely familiar with how GrimTools works, so cannot even begin to work out if these are better or worse than the legendaries that are recommended elsewhere.


That’s not “-18” but “18 reduced.” The word “reduced” means it doesn’t stack. And you already have “reduced” resistance reduction from devotions (Revenant or Manticore). If it was “-18%” the yeah best gloves in the galaxy.

Ah bummer.

Thanks for the clarification.

And the medal also sucks. Sorry for the joykill. Of Blight suffix is fine but doesn’t give any useful resistances or oa/da. Soldier’s prefix is a 100% miss.

Does the huge damage to Ring of Steel not make up for that though?

It’s not that huge for a 3s cooldown skill. And the conversion mod is only worth as much as you invest in RoS. And you don’t wanna do that, especially on the skill point deprived Venomblade.

Ironically, that medal is good for acid SS builds because of the ranks. Now it’s also pretty solid for witch hunters. RoS is kind of a meme skill outside bleeding builds that take it for CoS and 1 pointer for the fumble.

Okay, thanks again.

I have some questions. Are all the doubts that I have collected in months

- I have problems to choose a good between some items options:

On amulet, eyes of beronath, conduit (with Ascension or ABB), Pestilence of Dregg (this one awesome), but Coven darkener Pendant i think is maybe better on some points… whats the point to chose one?

On Medal: Mark of the lethal intentions, Mark of the forbidden, some basilisk mark (green). Same question…

Why Chausses of Barbaros? is not better Gravatuls pants with acid/poison damage? Is cause physical damage of chausses of barbaros and his defensive stats? ( i have to learn on how work the convert damage)

Why IcesKorns and no vilescorns?

Stonetreaders or FInal March

- There are two materials that I do not understand why they are used:

Seal of anihilation
Pristmatic diamond

I see that even suffering in the resis in all the builds that I see, they always put them having better options to complete their resis with other materials (take + for resistance reduction of some bosses)

- What to maximize, ABB or RF? all builds of this type with this equipment opt ​​for one or the other and I don’t understand it.

If you can give me some light with these doubts, I would appreciate it

Haven’t updated and played this build for ages, but last time it looked like this

Has relevant skilld bonuses

Crit damage for ABB, craft bonus

Good procs, AS and CS

Full Venombalde is about ABB, RF is a support here

LoL irl, the most cringy creature ever for me, more than grava even, because I always play melee and I couldn’t figure a way to kill things without hitting them… I have some builds that can kill grava very fast without running from his null twice on 1v1 but when I encounter this creature, I can only pray for not pulling it along with others especially combos like kaisan, benn, father kymon, gargabol…

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