Coup de Grâce ( - Venomblade, Crucible no buffs, SR 90+, Mogdrogen, Ravager, Crate of Entertainment

you still can find these shoulders in SR or Crucible.

Ooh I totally forgot about those places, can you get all MIs on SR or C? Or the 4 from this build at least?

nope, only pants and shoulders can be farmed there.
medal only in SoT and amulet from Kaisan in MC.

Thanks! Gonna look for those 2 Nemesis on SR

Hey @Dmt, it’s time for you to test this wonderful character in and see if she’s still a murderess :slight_smile:

Looks like more acid dmg but less oa., also yugol blood get buff but scales get nerfered so devotion route will be different? I am very interest in a build. WHats the changes?? I also have a question about conduit with 70acid dmg to abb? Will it work?

@Witchhunter @Evool
I should test some stuff, can’t say anything for now

Its not worth it. If you don’t have Kaisan, go for Beronath purple amulet

understood. How about other changes? Have you try your dervish after patch 1.1.8? Do you see this more as buff or nerf? Can you tell me anything more? :smiley:

Hi, Im newbie here
I just want to know that is this build still good in the lastest patch?

Hi, yes it viable, though devo path has changed a lot
I didnt optimized gear, but, I guess, suffix “Of vitality” is needed somewhere

Also @Witchhunter @Evool
The build is good. Overall, it’s stronger now, but a bit more skill dependent

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Tks for the rep, so do you suggest any new devo path for this build?

Yes, link in the post just above yours. :slightly_smiling_face:


What do you think about this devotion route? I try to build it more tanky because i am playing hardcore. Any other suggestion how to make build more tanky?

You’re welcome.

Big thanks. I always thought manticore is better then revenant for most of acid builds.

it’s better only offensive-wise. for tankiness go for revenant.

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Pretty much this. Tbh for any autoattacker I’d prefer attack speed and lifesteal over some meager %damage bonus. And autoattackers or hybrids is like 99% of acid builds, so it’s actually the opposite imo - most acid builds are better with revenant. I’d only get manticore if I deliberately played a more poison-centric build rather than acid one.

@grey-maybe @Stupid_Dragon thanks for many answers. If it is autoattacker build would it be better to overcap righteus fervour not ascension? Sorry for my english.

It’s mostly for the flat damage absorption and the damage on the build is already high.

Do you mean consecration yeah?