Cow feeding

Sometimes i have not a good spot for grazing cows, so i wish there is an option to feed the cows additional with wheat or roots over the year. Maybe you could add a building like a feeding trough.

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

This should already happen as the workers should stock grain and root vegetables for your cattle. There are some problems with the barn/cattle atm though.

i mean over the year feeding, not just in winter. My cows losing health cause of the low grass rate

Hi, it would be great to also add another overlays offering in-depth information concerning the quality of graze. A bit like when you add a new field, the fertility appears, something similar when setting graze.
Unless there is already one and I didn’t find it!

+1 to that. I have ended up simply moving my barns on numerous occasions to reset them and deal with the barn bugs and/or not being able to tell why my cows have issues with their current grazing areas.

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