Creative ideas that revolutionize farthest frontier as the best game that guarantee hours of fun

The game is very fun, and I love the mechanics that it develops in the construction of the city, however after creating a stable city, it becomes very monotonous, and there is no greater challenge than waiting for the exchange of merchants and attacks by vandals, although that It happens to all games similar to this genre. Therefore, I see an added value that can revolutionize this niche and stand out from the competition.

The game is very fun, and I love the mechanics that it develops in the construction of the city, however after creating a stable city, it becomes very monotonous, and there is no greater challenge than waiting for the exchange of merchants and attacks by vandals, although that It happens to all games similar to this genre. Therefore, I see an added value that can revolutionize this niche and stand out from the competition.

I think about the battle system that can be developed and be super entertaining, that is:

1 More combat units such as a new structure such as a castle with an elite unit, cavalry, and horse breeding structure for combat or simply to plow land or transport, also add siege units such as catapults

2 Once you have a stable city, which is normally achieved when you jump to epoch 3, it is ideal to begin strengthening the army, at this stage where you can create the castle and siege units and create a new building that be it an embassy type, where you can see a global map with several settlements with their degree of difficulty and resources that they would provide each year if they are conquered.

3 Have a dynamic of being able to invade and also be invaded by other settlements, where if one is invaded, one can surrender before losing structures or being damaged one’s city and it is only affected by the fact that each year one should pay a tribute, until one returns them. attack and emerge victorious or pay a high fine.

4 To optimize the proposed conquest system it could work like this: on the global map where the other settlements are shown, have a dynamic of moving troops that indicates how many troops I want to move and the years it takes to arrive (In order to be strategic and know which troops I sent and which ones I left in my city to defend possible looting or invasions) In addition to informing in how many years an invading army from another settlement would arrive to prepare or send for troops that are far away.

  1. the other settlements on the map are not buildable, you can only invade, or create buildings for commercial relations or military settlements, sending resources to them, and in this way we do not load the dynamics of the game, since they would be pre-designed settlements where only I can They would load the map once the announcement comes that the troops have arrived and if I want to begin the attack.

  2. which can be a plus, training spies that you can send to the other settlements and that way as a spectator you can load and look at the other pre-designed settlements, out of curiosity or to see how to attack.

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6 - Travelling merchants are your spies

No need for a separate thread.

Not sure such things would be added to the game because it’s mainly a town builder with optional combat, not an RTS game. Still, never know what Crate may add in the future.

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