šŸ§® Critical Hit / Resistance Calculators - DPS multipliers

Looks cool, great job!

Average Hit Value = dps multiplier?

Yes. If normal hit is 100% then it tells you whatā€™s your average hit.

For example if OA = DA then your average is 90% (with 0% Critical Hit Damage) because you miss 10% of the time (and almost never crit, only 1% chance then).

I know the math :slight_smile:

Can add link to this thread and the calculator in my game mechanic guide?

I know just wanted to better tell with example what I mean by this average hit.

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Did you figure it out? I see you modified the post. Unfortunately Iā€™m not really knowledgeable about JS. I glanced at it but I didnā€™t see anything obvious that stood out to me as the issue.

Yes, thank you that youā€™ve had a look.

I needed to add external script
in pen settings. The pen I modified also has it.

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Ok, finished. I tried to scale it down but didnā€™t succeed.
@malawiglenn Ready to be copied anywhere, but itā€™s kinda big.

Iā€™m likely missing something obvious, but the normal hit chance goes down with lower DA, is that right?

Yes because if enemy DA gets lower, you can start to crit and you then see % for crit chances with values greater than 0

Ah ok, so normal hits are turning into crits and so dropping, I was viewing it as normal hits would just hit 100% with crit on top. All clear now thanks.

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The following equations should hold true in this calculator. Maybe little difference due to rounding.

  • Critical Hit Chance + Miss Chance + Normal Hit Chance = 100%

  • [110% + Critical Hit Damage% Chance] + ā€¦ + [150% + Critical Hit Damage% Chance] = Critical Hit Chance

  • Average Damage = Normal Hit Chance * 100% + [110% + Critical Hit Damage% Chance] * (110% + Critical Hit Damage%) + ā€¦ + [150% + Critical Hit Damage% Chance] * (150% + Critical Hit Damage%)

Imo thereā€™s a mismatch between the official guide and the in-game values. But Iā€™ll update the calculator so that it matches the in-game values so that thereā€™s no confusion.

[edit] Calculator updated. I tested it for dummies and it matches (see screenshots). Formulas used

v.pth = Math.max((v.oa - v.da)(0.02275 + 140/(7v.oa + 2*v.da)) + 90, 60)
v.chc = Math.max((v.pth - 90) / Math.max(v.pth,100),0)

or for PTH >= 100 just:
CHC = 1 - 90/PTH

The first one for PTH is straight from the guide as before but simplified (and then check with Wolfram Alpha). However I donā€™t round it to Integer now

The second one for CHC I changed to be more in-line with programming/in-game values than with Official Guide.

Dummy with 2060 DA
20200512095103_1 20200512100625_1 dummy_tests

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Maybe he had higher level than 100?
The DA you have is for 100 lev Mogdrogen

btw. crit formula is quite simple for usual case just
1 - 90/PTH

Itā€™s just that the PTH has very long and complicated formula :slight_smile:

If thatā€™s not the case then I donā€™t really now. The math is not that complicated that you could have good answers for dummies and bad for other enemies. Or in other words Math is simple enough that good values for dummies project good values for enemies. Well at least thatā€™s what I think.

What is your concern now. Iā€™m asking to know what to focus on.

  • that the value is positive (because you said you didnā€™t crit at all)
  • or that the value is different than in your screenshots

The things I thought about so far are what DA should Mogdrogen have for my calculator to be correct.
And I got like the range 3030 DA - 3033 DA (itā€™s 103 - 106 lower)

And 3033 DA is exactly the DA Mogdrogen has on 108 level. So for example if Mogdrogenā€™s stats didnā€™t scaled passed 108 it would fit perfectly.

The other thing I thought about is two sources of ~70-80 Reduced DA you have in your buillts.
But I donā€™t know how to link it with the issue. The Crit Chance changes dynamically so it shouldnā€™t matter after the fight anyway.

And again, the calculator is so accurate for dummies that itā€™s weird to be incorrect for Mogdrogen.

Another thing you could to to help me is to test Dummy with your Character and check whether the calculator is correct in this case.

Was it like more than 5 seconds because the procs last that long. Also if you test it you can check Crit Chance

  • while fighting, with procs and stuff, if this is possible for you
  • after fight without

And also your rings give you 8% OA for 10 seconds after killing ads.
Maybe it somehow has an influence :thinking:
But it should be reflected in OA anyway so dunno.

For dummy itā€™s correct ya see. Itā€™s just rounded up to 20.2% I think

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Itā€™s ok. By collaborating with others I always improve myself/stuff I do.
Here we changed the calculator together to match in-game values.


Added Resistance Calculator to OP.


Iā€™ve just noticed that the Resistance Reduction calculator was not displayed properly on Chrome / Opera but only on Firefox which I use :frowning: How it looked on these browsers:

How it looks now and itā€™s supposed to look:
(ideally these calculators also shouldnā€™t have scrollbars but itā€™s not a big deal)

Hereā€™s also Viper tutorial from the OP - calculating effect of Viper in a sample situation:

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