Crucible dlc coming this week!!!

Its hard to find, it was posted on the community hub by PC GAMER.

ah, thanks

Is there any way I can give them more than 5 bucks? If I had known how much I would love this game I would have bought more than just the standard 25 buck version of the game to begin with. I guess I could just buy another copy and maybe give it to somebody or something along those lines.

Is it being released on August 3rd, 12am EST? That’s only an hour away.

Doubtful, more likely to be somewhere between 9 am to 12 pm EDT.

im dying, no midnight release, whhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!


ok who i have to kill for my dlc??


damn, you set the bar too high. Maybe let’s start with an easier target?

no midnight release :furious:

time to watch TI6 i guess…

i think zantai need some human sacrifice

Still waiting for the DLC… WE NEED IT!!!

What’s happening to the forum? Where are the moderators? Those fking Korean bots…

Crate have never said there would be a midnight release. The game page says the 3rd and Crate are in the USA so just wait and it will be released when it’s ready.

This is all part of the fun of having a world with different time zones :wink:

Easy to say when you’ve already had it for a few weeks.

No, it’s just fact that the world has different time zones and thus it will be released at some point during the 3rd in USA time. I’ve had to wait for many other games with this same thing so it’s not a case of just because I’ve had access I’m not bothered.

Patch notes out yet?
