Crucible in V1.1.4.1 Discussion

Opinions will vary on this, and given that the complaints have stemmed from vanilla enemies not being a joke, I have a pretty good idea of what to review, but let us know in this thread what Crucible waves and particularly what monster combinations are giving you the most trouble following the balance changes in v1.1.4.0.

Pretty much any combination including several bosses or nemeses that apply a massive unavoidable debuff to defensive stats by mostly just existing.

Only Fabius was added to my previous list from the last hotfix.

Almost without exception, those are gimped in the Crucible. Not to mention they hadn’t really changed; with the exception of Fabius, who as I said in another thread, we partially reverted in v1.1.4.1.

As I’ve said elsewhere the only things I’m not okay with are kaisan and valdarans bolt skills nuking you from basically off screen when you are already engaged with 1-3 other nems/bosses on 160 or 170. They sometimes feel like they can create burst that no amount of counter play can prevent. TBH the rest is fine…
A case could be made maybe for ansterias rr… But honestly if you play smart it isn’t even a issue 90% of the time.

Mrs “I don’t give a f*ck about your res” Anasteria :upside_down_face:
Crimson Sister has two alter egos - harmless kitty and DPS monster

Also, Korvaak’s second phase animation takes too long imo. It is not about clear times, but the fact that it is easy to end up with Korvaak in 170 compared to Theodin.


I agree that Korvaak’s animation is too long, but, in fact, he is much stronger in Cruci than Theodin. The last one is dangerous only because of stun (which is easy to dodge)

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I think the most annoying part is Grava fumble. He casts it right at the start and it’s too punishing for 2h. Dunno what to suggest to make it better tho. Just simply removing it makes DW too good.

The aetherials that sometimes don’t die with elemental builds can use some change. Like rearrange their spawning areas so that there’s less chance they buff themselves to invincibility as much as they do now.

Korvaak second phase animation is personally too long. Shortening the animation tho. We’ll have Korvaak 2 + Annie and that isn’t really better than Korvaak 2 + 170 where you can have possibly 2 nonfactors in Alex

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+1 to this
Grava’s fumble is one the most annoying part of the game for any melee build

And (don’t know, may be some RNG) Fabius or Iron Maiden sometimes hits like a track. If watching with 0.25 speed you may see -8000 HP with one hit
Here is Grava + Segarius for comparison
Crimson Sister damage with ~100% fire overcup(not staying on vulcano)
Cuba bugged


From my experience:

  • Monsters started to get stuck at spawns AGAIN after (Bargoll sometimes although rarely blocks himself with plants)

  • Malmouth Trio sometimes gets depressed and does literally nothing (usually just one of them) - like stands and stares into the void

  • Some Aetherial heroes having that annoying invulnerability versus Elemental damage sometimes (already discussed and you promissed to decrease their elemental res)

  • Melee builds felt the difficulty bump more than casters for obvious reasons

  • Ranged autoattackers are in a gutter right now due multiple reasons. One of them: having to suffer both Impaired Aim and Fumble in Crucible

  • Korvaak’s animation. Just annoying af. Already been mentioned multiple times.

I am gonna get a lot of hate for this but Reaper does seem to be the weakest Nemesis atm. He is not at the same level as Kaisan/Grava/Kuba imo, both for melee and casters.


It’s tough to say universal waves and combos, since different damages and play styles have different strengths and weaknesses. But biggest problems are final two waves. 169 is really hard and some times impassable for lot of builds, when Korvaak spawns. It’s tough to focus on just one enemy. Anasteria is showering you with crazy RR debuff, two aetherials too have solid stackable debuff, Korvaak can straight out kill you or at least debuff you. And you can’t focus on him, since most of the time is invulnerable and animation speed is long. Even Dravis deals damage, when your resistances are being down. And if you leave Korvaak for 170, it’s even tougher.

For some of my chars Fabius change is big deal. His debuff with Korvaak and damage from other Nems is crazy. Grava fumble is the bane for 2h builds, especially lightning. So at 165 Grava+Sister Crimson is mega hard. Sister Crimson is overtuned, usually she is more trouble than Nemesis for multiple builds.

From so called trash waves, I have troubles with 168. These Gargoyle enemies that disrupt or Idk what exactly. Some times they kill me in seconds and also they can spawn from both center and bottom corner, I think. Very often is hard to noticed healer in the pack, so you are not even damaging them. Cold Spin to win have serious problems in that wave and so some of the melee AoE builds, which required to be surrounded by pack of enemies.

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Yeah, double Gargoyle spawn (heroes at the center and white ones at bottom left) at 168 is super annoying. Their debuff power is just off the charts.


If korvaak’s transition time was any longer I’d be able to consistently ignore him on a wider range of builds. As things stand he’s a hurdle for builds up to a point but if you can demolish most of the nems on 170 fast enough you can race down the remaining 1-2 while ignoring big K as he just despawns.

I’d rather have a more consistent threat from him that doesn’t get cheesed by speed and kill timing

Re: reaper. While reaper is something of a piñata with sanctified bone and revenant being meta choices I feel it’s pertinent to note he is a priority kill and snowballs harder than any other nemesis you can encounter. Average builds already have their varying challenges in overcoming 170, they don’t need the cutoff point raised such that they can’t handle reaper before he goes crazy with the debuffs

Yeah, reaper doesn’t need any buffs. He is strong as he is. Unless ofcourse, his ghosts get toned down in turn.

Oh this one. Its driving me nuts. Its not just Aetherial heroes though. Rotting Emberguards on a fire build. Nailed them with Mines, BWC and Eldritch Fire for around 80 fire RR. Blazing Charge with a 2H weapon and I deal only 5K damage. With that much RR and damage, I can deal more than 100K on non-resistant mobs. Sharzul for instance can take 5 digit damage with that combo in cruci and he is supposed to be highly resistant to fire.

Same thing also with Korvaak’s chosen spellcaster heroes with an elemental affinity. A lot of mobs and heroes with innate resistance to an element has an abnormal amount of damage reduction to said element.

I think Reaper it’s at fine place. He deserves no buffs and no nerfs. Zantarin and Moosi for example are in good spot too. Moosi can create trouble with crystals, but isn’t lethal and Zantarin shotgun is almost guaranteed kill+ the fact you can’t leech. Probably Benni is little weak, but then most of my builds have racial against chtonics, so hard to evaluate him.


It’s not just their resists, it’s stacking absorb mechanics - they have both flat absorb and %absorb that they cast on each other. They also cast a buff that increases their Elemental res further.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Fumble vs Impaired Aim

Btw, can Fabius spawn with random weapons in the Crucible?

Because had a game where he was in 160, 165 and 170. In both 160 & 170, he hit like a truck, but even with Grava on 165, he was easy.