Is it normal to have ability lag. Many times I notice I have to hit a skill 2 or 3 times for it to fire and this never happens in the base game.
Also to the people who play it a lot, how the hell do you see what’s going on. So many procs and special effects going off all the time. I can’t even see the enemies most of the time without looking at the mini map’s star location. So much as know what skill they are going to use.
Forgot to ask is there anyway not to start at level 1 with extra spawns. Everytime I pick this option it makes me start at level 1
I despise crucible for these reasons, and some others. Such a clusterfuck of effects which tank my FPS, even though my computer is pretty solid, and then make all my abilities slow to fire/not register. I do not understand the fixation with this game mode that I currently see on the forums.
I think there’s some sort of achievement if you do 1-100 with the extra spawns so that might be why. Don’t play Crucible though, just something I read about it.
A lost of people, including myself, who play it, don’t like it (I find it boring and tedious), but we do it because:
It is by far the most efficient way to farm gear. You can get up to 20 or so legendaries before crucible buffs run out in a gladiator run, not to mention numerous MIs.
It is the most difficult test in the game, with the exception of some superbosses, which need specialized builds to beat anyway. The benchmark now is to beat crucible 151-170, but even builds that can beat only 150 will snooze through ultimate.
Sure. I guess I just don’t understand why people subject themselves to something that isn’t fun just because it’s efficient.
I would also probably argue that the difficult is inflated because you can’t see anything on your screen so you end up having to build characters in particular ways in order to be viable to avoid not being able to see abilities going off. That’s my biggest qualm with it, probably. I just hate not being able to react to a mechanic because it’s impossible for me to see. There’s nothing really challenging about that, imo.
As an aside, I think they buffed the legendary drop rate in campaign. It’s still way lower than crucible, and I didn’t see anything in the patch notes, but I’ve been getting tons of legendaries after the patch. I guess it could be RNG, but it’d be a sustained stroke of luck if so.
It doesn’t seem much different to me from happens in many places in Ashes of Malmouth. One example is the continuous spawn quests, like when you liberate the Malmouth resistance rift.
Crucible is also harder because it mixes enemies that weren’t meant to be mixed. Several enemies had their abilities made around their allies and not monsters that are part of other factions.
I was just curious if people get used to it, or is it just my dumb ass who can’t see through the layers of my procs and all their skills, procs ground effects and what not.
Maybe it is just me when I am playing because I just re watched a video of my run and It doesn’t seem as bad. But you can definitely tell I lost track of some enemies while attacking
Well, depending on how important it is, you can always turn down the graphics effects. One of the best pilots on this forum is superfluff, and I think one of the reasons is because he played on a potato for the longest time and targeting was easier with very low effects settings. I put the graphics on the highest such that the framerate won’t drop below 35-40, and is mostly 60, and just deal with having some trouble finding the small targets. With enough experience you know who you have to focus on, and who you don’t have to worry about, and this might vary some depending on the build. And sometimes you just get screwed with the right nemesis combos and mutators.
Forum’s fixation with crucible - it results from the fact that most people derive the feeling of achievement through challenge and competition. So far only crucible can provide any measure of these two in this single player focused game.
Weather one can navigate crucible and prevent skill delays or jamming is mostly a matter of skill. It’s unreasonable to argue that “you can’t see shit in crucible” when since last patch we’ve been seeing nothing but under-7-minute runs on excellent new builds.
I don’t understand what was meant by “building specifically to overcome the inability to see anything” (loose quotation, sorry) but it kinda sounds like bullshit. Sorry. Gotta be honest on this one. Criticisms of crucible by people who never play it/won’t put effort into learning how to play it. It’s like saying that Scrabble sucks because there’s too many letters…
It’s funny cause most top cruci builds are actually just like this. Forcewave soldier, Spam CT binders, Rune builds, PB builds are designed so you can just sit mid the whole run and still clear very fast, regardless of whether you let Theodin live on 170 or not. The nerfed CDR binders made you just press your immortality buttons that last almost indefinitely so you can just sit mid and not worry about whether you look at mobs.
I’m guessing non of this bullshit is directed at me even tho this is my post.
But fuck off for trying to tell me what I can and cannot see when I play crcible.
There are plenty of parts when I am playing I can’t see shit (this is a fact as it applies to what I personally experience) I never said no one can’t see anything, only I cant.
I asked is it just my dumb ass or do those who play it all the time experience this also. Trying to see if people who play it all the time experience this also had tips to make it smoother for me.
Of course it takes skill to play crucibile and I never said it didnt.
People have every right to think crucible sucks for what ever reason they want.
Personally I like it, I’m just not that good at it. But I would have every right to hate it because I have issues seeing what the fuck is going on with all the procs and visuals.
On the margin, latest 3-4 builds posted in 7.1 are melee.
But yeah, good AoE is best for crucible but not because “you don’t have to look” but because it deals dmg to everyone at once. With binders, you gotta cherry pick your MoT targets (especially now with less cdr), you gotta do that legwork sometimes with runefiltrators and PB, same with totems. Only with your no devastation agrivix you could get as far as 159 with your eyes literally closed
I’m guessing non of this bullshit is directed at me even tho this is my post.
But fuck off
Before I do fuck off, I didn’t direct anything at anyone. Just at the tendency some people have to say that things suck just because they’re not to their liking.
Yeah I noticed. Melee got a lot more options with the patch which is great.
But yeah, good AoE is best for crucible but not because “you don’t have to look” but because it deals dmg to everyone at once. With binders, you gotta cherry pick your MoT suckers (especially now with less cdr), you gotta do that legwork sometimes with runefiltrators and PB, same with totems. Only with your no devastation agrivix you could get as far as 159 with your eyes literally closed
Of course AOE is good because it hits everyone. And you have to do legwork with almost every build because of retarded spawns which does happen a lot of times. Building with the purpose of “the build carrying my inability to see things” is a very valid reason to check a build’s strengths. There’s nothing bullshit about it. It’s just your theorycrafting ability working better than your mechanics.
Seriously I almost only play cruci on GD nowadays and the only things I see (and care to see) are Skulls, with extra emphasis on Nemeses, MQ, Theodin and Anasteria.