I hope everyone here understand that DA madnest wont last forever? Its gona be nerfed =)
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I hope everyone here understand that DA madnest wont last forever? Its gona be nerfed =)
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Why is that??) It hasn’t nerfed by last patch.
Because DA stacking give increasing returns. The difference between 2700 and 2900 is non-existant. 3500 to 3700 is huge increase and 4500+ grant you near-immortality.
Yes, and also turns certain builds into caricatures. It’s a flaw in crucible 150+
So imo delete stalwart etc. and cater to crucible
DA shouldn’t be nerfed because non crucible builds use stalwarts as well. If they want to do anything then they should look into enemy OA of new waves
I don’t want them messing up campaign builds because the crucible 150+ is borked. I’d rather have them nerf enemy damage of new crucible and increase their OA. Point is whatever they want to do should only affect the crucible
Its not about stalwart, but DA/OA formula itself. AFAIK, it result in logarithmic progression that lead to gamebreacking result past 3500 DA. Tone the thing down, balance certain nemesis and ground effect and everyone is happy, no more stalwart grindfest >_>
I have 2 stalwart of Readiness on both trickster and infiltrator.
One is ok and 2 is OP?
And I’m pretty sure you can’t meet 2 Reaper+Kupa at once - there are always 2 Aom nemesis + 2 old nemesis.
Somehow 4200 seems to be a sweet point. Even my korba trickster with no other defenses survives pretty good with 4200 DA.
I hope they also delete Time Dilation, Mirror, Overguard, Maiven, MoT. These are all OP and should be immediately deleted so people who hate build variety can be pleased.
Cool story bro.
Actually the DA meta is what destroyed build variety. Of course I am not implying TD mirror is very imaginative
The only creative approach to tackle crucible 170 build would be Eddie_Allucard’s defensive devotion setup for shield, your own BM’s devotion, Superfluff’s Slow Stacking/CC stacking Deceiver setup. All the rest are just stacking DA or spamming Mirror
There are some build I missed (one or two builds at most), my memory is failing.
Yeah, sure, but I guess it works by design. Lets wait for the next patches tho.
I hope they also delete Time Dilation, Mirror, Overguard, Maiven, MoT. These are all OP and should be immediately deleted so people who hate build variety can be pleased.
Cool story bro.
There must be several working defensive mechanics . Armor and +%Res stacking for some builds. Leechtanks, cheezy casters, dodge-tanks, HP tanks.
Its boring when you can just stack DA and forget about everething else.
I was kidding because it has come to the point where ppl say 4200 DA is not much
No it is not cool:)
Your comparison is unreasonable. Read my post carefully, I want all builds to succeed. If crucible if fixed neither varied builds or campaign suffers.
I’ve done 170 crucible with 40% chaos res and 60% aether and 4700 DA. Same build can’t do jack in 160 and 170 with 4k DA and overcapped res. You think this is normal?
They should focus on minimizing or outright destroying the DA benefits after a certain point (3.5k DA is the number I propose)
Also it’s about high time they look into the spike of crucible in new waves otherwise some fan favorite thing (translation: something I like) will get nerfed.
In a magic world where everything is ideally balanced, all masteries have their own Mirror/Overguard/MoT and what is most important - where bosses are not BS OP powerhouses immune even to mana leeech - yeah, in this magic world we totally don’t need DA.
Not gonna happen. Half of mastery combos are strictly worse than others AND have worse gear support.
I remeber that before DA builds appeared these were only kiting casters and shielded superdefensive tanks. THAT was variety butchered, not DA using. I don’t want those times back.
Yes, I understand that DA is basically a prosthetic limb that helps to overcome bad balancing, but I don’t want it to be taken away from me and left handicapped once again. I don’t believe they can solve all balancing problems, I see no steps in that direction.
Well, there is nothing wrong with defensive cooldowns as concept (Mirror, Overguard, etc).
But they should NOT be too spammable. The real problem is that game mechanics allows reducing CD for defensive abilities like Mirror or MoT, up to infinite spam with certain inestments and builds. If such abilities were unaffected by CD reductions (and, maybe, had a bit longer CD), they wouldnt cause any problems.
And i totally agree there - “DA meta” must go away. Stacking 4.5k+ DA shouldnt make you invincible. Just like resists have caps (so you cant stack them to 100% and be invulnerable), DA also should have cap, or diminishing returns. It shouldnt result into 0% chance to be hit at certain value (~5-6k), it’s just ridiculous.
OA stacking, for example, has diminishing returns after certain point, resulting into less and less DPS gain with same OA gain.
Well, almost all of you know my opinion. Crucible in it’s current state is shit, DA meta is shit.
I hope when GD2 comes they will nuke this fiesta alltogether, reworking the whole system from the ground up.
All your complains will accomplish is that devs will nerf DA into oblivion without changing anything else. And half of classes will become handicapped.
Can you please stop asking to ruin others fun?
Also, if there are people here who are begging for hard challenge: why don’t you go and play Starcraft or I Wanna Be Boshy instead?
Real hardcore gaming
I think you’re right in this DA thing. The fact that soldier, arcanist, purifier, and necro based classes (among with some others) have multiple ways of clearing 170 without stacking da means that only these guys will survive a nerf hammer if devs listen to all the anti da cries and nerf da. What must change is the crucible itself. I don’t know how but imo we need a way for at least some dw and 2h melee builds to do it without stacking da. Doesn’t have to be all of them.
Lets look at shaman, for example. What do we see as defenses? Health regen, health regen, life, health regen, flat armor, life steal, CC. And only life steal work. But what if health regen actually scaled with life pool just like LL scale with dmg? Like 20% of entire life pool regenerated per second? That would make it a reasonable sustain mechanic and with huge life pool you wont need DA stacking. Same with armor - 250 flat armor at lvl 20 Oak skin is a joke cause Reaper™ wont even feel it. But what if we add %phyz res to oak skin? Suddenly everyone wants it. Stack 80% phyz res and you wont need bloated DA to survive 20k hits from Reaper™ and Alex.
Lol yeah, you’re right. I played DotA for most of my life and I’m quite used to this kind of balancing. Make everyone OP, so that no one’s OP. I think that principle is good, buy Crate may or may not have the same minds and everything is up to them. As for me, I always try to enjoy the game as it is and I do, for now.
Complain about future nerfs, that hadnt even happened yet, is the most stupid thing to do. Stacking too much DA is OP, so it should be nerfed, there is nothing wrong. But of course, this nerf should be performed PROPERLY - so builds, that dont stack insane DA, wont be harmed. To achieve that, core gameplay mechanics (OA/DA PTH formula) must be changed. Same for CDR stacking - core mechanics should be changed, so certain abilities WONT be affected by CDR.
If Crate performs all that properly, and adjusts difficulty where it’s needed, everything will be OK. Show some faith in game developers! I still have faith in Crate, they didnt dissapointed me too much, unlike shit “companies” like Grinding Gear Games…