DA Stacking and the Crucible

Oh boy, the nerfs are bad logical fallacy again. :eek:

Let me give you a very brief example since this has been explained ad-nauseum.

Let’s say we have 100 skills. 4 of them are Overpowered, 86 are average and 10 are underperforming. In addition, if you use some or all of the overpowered skills, monster balance feels off and the game is too easy.

You are the developer.

Do you buff 96 skills to match the OP ones and then adjust every monster in the game to make the difficulty feel right again?

Or do you do the sane thing and fix the 4 overpowered skills and 10 underperforming ones, leave the monsters alone, and move on to other pressing tasks also on your immediate to-do list?

Something can add build diversity but still be poor for gearing variety. Why have 100’s of items in the game when you can just stack the same 3 affixes for success?

Don’t see how we’re taking the easy approach here anyway…I’ve described our multi-step approach earlier in this thread. The easiest solution was to do nothing at all and I dare say that approach wouldn’t impact the majority of our playerbase much, if at all, and probably realistically wouldn’t impact future sales much either. Yet here we are…addressing a problem for the high-end users and very likely making things better for everybody in general.