[DAIL] Bugs

Good news, Davood thinks he has it figured out. A mirror switch of some sort was used in a batch command which erases all existing content rather than merging new…robocopy magic something something voodoo

git merge is a blessing from moloch

Yeah, sounds about right to me considering how much black magic incantations you sometimes have to do to get it doing exactly what you want.

right now both of our test environments work

and git is telling us that we have no differences

but the released DAIL doesnt work for ranger/necro

so we looked at it. and it is happening for some of the options/versions but not all.

i did a comparison. the relevant DBR files are the same

After this latest build, v55, it’s saying Maximum Level Reached on every character, even freshly-made ones. I even did a completely fresh reinstall of the game and all its files and it still gives me this message on new characters. Don’t know if it would matter, but I chose B.

Confirming that EXP gaining is broken. “Maximum level reached” at lvl 1. Eh.

in which mode. default mode works fine so im curious which one is broken so i can review the dbr files.

I downloaded the latest full version (0055 FULL HF1-11) and the bug occured in default mode. I didnt check the old saves, but all new characters’ EXP seems to be broken.

Hi Guys, so for me it works the Dail 0055 Mod incorrect. If I make a new character 'I get no exp, because I have achieved supposedly the max level. And 2 Masteries are no skills.:o:o

Please Fix, Thanks

Sry my English is not so good

Hi Guys, so for me it works the Dail 0055 Mod incorrect. If I make a new character 'I get no exp, because I have achieved supposedly the max level. And 2 Masteries are no skills.:o:o

Please Fix, Thanks^^

Sry my English is not so good

B mode here, and i get this “max lvl reached” bug too.

I might’ve mistaken what you had meant under “mode”. I have S-mode installed and the bug is in the main DAIL campaign, to be more exact.

ok so you didnt answer my question

you chose which install option? edit - i see you answered

and is this the case for RIFTS and Survival for you as well?

because RIFTS and Survival work for me and the mode installed doesn’t affect it.

you clicked custom game?

does it happen in RIFTS And Survival for you as well?

your attachments failed

did you click custom game?

That’s a good question, I will check on my end about that too.

yes is Custom Game.

Sry for my attachments, Hunter and Necromancer Masteries have no Skills.

yes is Custom Game.

They have skills just fine for me. Which installer did you use (Full or Lite) and what mode (S/B/NG/etc.) did you pick?

Just checked my install, LITE installer with B mode DGA and Survival both have no “maximum level reached” bug. But Survival is bugged in that the map that loads is just the regular Grim Dawn default map, not the Survival-specific map.

I tried Full and Lite respectively with S and B, everything is not working.