[DAIL POLL] Mastery Assimilation

we wont do it - it breaks core principle of corrupting char saves = bad

you are free to do it!

DAIL Is fully open to be copied. many people have already forked it on github. nothing is hidden.

and in the last 2 weeks. the build scripts have been upgraded really nicely thanks to Kathanious and Kreischer.

you should have no problem reading the instructions and building dail yourself and possibly doing as you suggested. combining or removing one of the 3 neccromancers from DAIL. just call it DAIL-Calindra and make a git repo

.I can even make a branch for you on my repo. but its too much work to do the actual changes.

as a side note

Please people out there if a 3rd person is helping dont use an alias that starts with a K.

‘DAIL is now updated by the KKK’ :frowning:

K&K only started working on this recently (2 weeks) and they are learning fast.

I basically quit modding 2 months ago. so yeah that’s part of the reason why they are broken :slight_smile:


we want to replace the PH masteries. not existing ones. this means mastery slots that are essentially open and safe to replace.

nothing is being removed.

no idea why crate chose arbitrary 30 mastery limit though

srsly i want all masteries :frowning:

someone should make a mod that only has necromancer masteries

that would be my favourite mod :smiley:

Oh you.

But yeah, a blessing from Crate would easily fix all of the conflict going on about what goes where for a long time. I hope it happens.

I see, but that doesn’t explain why there are only 3 out of 5 available classes :slight_smile:

Well that’s easy to explain, 30 mastery limit.

also I reserverd spots as people announced their masteries. you released your masteries in stages. if you had told us of your plans i would have reserved you spots. your masteries are of excellent quality.

And what if there is something that can make the mod even better but it requires to break some saves? You will still keep the old semi-broken stuff hanging around simply because it breaks some “core principle”?
I’m not persuading you into doing something, I’m just asking. I’m curious about your opinion and view on this problem.

What exactly is broken about Frost Knight and Priest? I wanted to start a Priest build. Is it too strong / too weak or too buggy?

I am also quite surprised so many people vote for the Demon Hunter. I mean the Demon Hunter already exists, you can play it by playing Diablo. It would be a nice to have when you could have more than 30 masteries, but with the limited space available, do you really think it is a good idea to leave a new truly unique mastery out for something that is already playable?

I’m totally aware of the limit, but I was actually asking why there are only Mercenary, Voidcaller, and Mage in the poll while Stalker and Maleficar are being ignored.

From what I’ve read, it’s mostly the skills description issue. I’ve changed some skills to something entirely different (like Charm of Water > Nature’s Fury, an offensive skill instead of an aoe buff), and seems the new skills were properly merged, but their description didn’t get updated.

I have to agree. Based on the masteries description, Maleficar and especially Stalker look like masteries I would enjoy playing more than Mercenary, Voidcaller or Mage. I believe they made that choice to only put those into the poll because of personal preference. But it is their mod, so it is fine and up to them what to choose.

Well, that is of course annoying, but not game braking as long as you can see the correct skills description somewhere here in the forums?

my opinion is to remove every class of Grim Quest mod to get 8 slot more :

Defense, Hunting,Spirit,Warfare,Nature,Earth,Storm,Dream and Rogue

All of this class look really unfinished for me, They don’t have lvl 50 skill why??
Storm,Earth,Spirit don’t we have class already have this skill ? there is already Elementalist,Arcanist etc… that already do this in better so why keep them?
I try each class to see their skill and those from other class is really better.

And by removing them we can have 8 more slot or you can remove just a part if you don’t want remove each one

What do you think about this?

ps : i don’t want offence mod author that just my opinion

  1. that’s 9 classes, not 8
  2. davood already put his foot down and said he is against removing them.

Because Titan Quest didn’t have 50-skillpoint masteries.

Last I checked, your mod thread doesn’t show the two that are being ignored.

Even if no one checks it as the thread implies, it would be best to update it for clarity since they aren’t checking the nexus page either…

I had checked nexus and mod project forum. The ones I missed were zenith because Ceno buried his generic zenith changelog somewhere :stuck_out_tongue: .And about demon hunter, and going to Diablo to play, the same could be said about the TQ imports.

I’m doing what I can here trying to push DAIL 2.0. Davood has been receptive of my ideas. The 30 cap is what it is. If you didn’t fill out a candidate forum, a formal letter announcing your desire to run for office, liability release forms, and banking info in triplicate, you may have gotten looked over. Noob is sorry.

when poll end?

When I checked at least when this poll was made the Stalker was listed as very soon to be released (but was not out), and Maleficar was completely unlisted. As Davood said:

If you cared about the integration of your mod into DAIL that much you should have been more communicative. The little hissy fit you threw that resulted in the thread never being updated doesn’t help either.

A bit passive aggressive there.

Unless it got fixed better in 0054, definitely wasn’t properly merged. Charm of Water is exactly as it’s always been, there’s no summon like you said there should be, and Frost Knight is completely busted so I have no idea what each skill actually does. But again, that was in 0053, and I haven’t really had the time to check 0054.

That is correct, but from what I understand TQ masteries will not be removed to not brake characters.

If I had the choice, I would remove them too and get other masteries for it.

In the end the best solution would be to have the 30 masteries limit raised.

Huh, so now it’s my fault. I tried to be more communicative, but the fact that I’m the only person leaving comments in my own mod’s thread resulted in what you called ‘passive aggressive’ and I focused on Nexus page, which at least has some noticeable activity. And you got me wrong, I don’t really care which mastery will or will not be merged into DAIL coz I don’t use it, I am simply curious why someone who started the poll was so selective in which mastery should be added to the poll and which should not, nothing more nothing less. Thanks to ASYLUM101 I understood why. Also, if I’m not mistaken, the poll was created yesterday, and Stalker was added more than 2 weeks ago.