[DAIL POLL] Mastery Assimilation

Its funny how people get thier butts licked even though thier content sucks :eek:, hey maybe you should try to look at why people want certain things removed instead of shoving it down thier throats. That being said so can DH win already :smiley: KATH/DAVOOD pls

his content is based on random creatures while making little to none mechanical sense those masteries are probably based on the tbh i dont remember tq sucking so bad

I’m going to close this poll and can it. I failed to include all of the available masteries. A new poll will open in approx 36 hours at which time I will also announce if a second slot is available.

Though there has been some debate about mastery inclusion, Davood has expressed that all masteries in DAIL will remain in DAIL, be they broken, bugged, borked, incomplete, or worthless.

The masteries that will be on the new poll shall be:
BLR 1:12

Err, actually these:
Demon Hunter

Please speak up if there are any I missed, or any in development there are near completion.

The condition of current masteries shall be discussed in another topic where the plans I have, and the ideas of others can be exchanged.

Aww really :confused: well it’s his mod i’ve nothing to say but little disappointed :’(

Same here. This sounds a bit too radical to say the least.

Grim dawn modding scene

Or we could go dark and withdraw any community involvement and produce a big turd. Or just walk away, I’m sure Davood doesn’t care, his plate is full. I welcome opinions and criticism, but if DAIL isn’t what you want, play something else, or build your own. God damn. I’m medicated but, since I started a PR campaign for DAIL, I just want to slap the shit out of everyone.

Forgive my out-burst. Now go check out the new thread [DAIL] Input, Mastery Condition and voice your opinions today!

That’s a normal reaction when you involve yourself with our oh so lovely community…