Daila not moving to Mourndale [Solved]

I have encountered a problem similar to this thread.
Daila is still in Homestead when I reach Mourndale.
I don’t quite remember if I have handed the diary to her before but since she talks about the “writing” and I cannot obtain the diary anymore, I guess I have done so.

I have done the exact same things in normal difficulty (except the Bourbon quest) and she shows up without any problem. And I am not using any merit so I don’t think she is locked behind story progression like the above thread.

Open the barrier to AoM.
Talk to Coven, return their token, get the frying pan.
Go through the Void, talking to Ulgrim.
On the other side, talk to Ulgrim near the portal at Lone Watch. That is the trigger that will teleport Daila.

Thank you very much!
It seems that I forgot to talk to Ulgrim at Lone Watch this time.

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