Darkblaze Conversion Discussion

my bad then

point still stands, dark blaze, in its current form , is pretty much not fire centric, not just because the ammy offering 0 %fire
but because global and direct conversion converting away from fire, which would simply kneecap a fire attempt
ergo the amulet is not boosting fire fire strikes with its conversion

In my post I noted that possible maxes are vit->fire, chaos->fire 96%.

One could argue that some of these values could be increased to get to 100%. I’m not going to push that.

But I did note that when I went with Garbagol’s pistol for <96% vit_fire, it did open up a bunch of meme builds with the set such as FS+RE or BH, or whatever. So I’m not sure the ammy is that bad here considering how little it would improve chaos FS with a conversion change.

you cold stack 3000% vit to fire conversion, and it would not help a fire build
because the set is converting firestrike to chaos, +global fire conversion to chaos, which means fire dmg is lost, which is not something you want on a fire build…
@ _@

This build was 3/4 piece and suffers nothing from the helmet forced conversions (no DB helmet). It’s posted earlier in the thread.

i fail to see how that helps the argument…
(not to mention you don’t even have 100% chaos conversion there so using darkblaze makes less sense when you’re jsut tossing dmg away by forcing its use on fire…)

Hence why I said this…

I think we are now going in circles. I’ll summarize my point as:

-put fire % on the ammy. It is useful for other conversion builds.

which would be wrong (with the chosen itemization atleast)
max there is 96% on a maxroll

anyway, let me see if i get your point/argument line “right”
to make the fire vit conversion on darkblaze ammy “make sense”
you then want to be in an imaginary scenario where:

  • amulet gets +%fire dmg
  • we decide to use dark blaze set, but ofc not full set “because that would be silly” :crazy_face:
  • to then “be able to use the parts we taken”; we then need to include 3 items with chaos->fire conversion

^and now we have a build where finally the conversion exists in some slightly meaningful way - where we totally didn’t sacrifice or force item slots to make that vit conversion add up too…

that about it?

Or we use the ammy in some other build that needs vit->fire. GD isn’t purely full sets. That ammy is very common for acid to chaos builds too, which is nowhere near FS.

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or, hear me out
we use an actual amulet, with fire bonuses, maybe even modifiers for the build (since modifier stonks) - and then we get the vit conversion elsewhere, maybe even in higher amounts since 30% isn’t that huge?

I personally think that more variety for conversion is better. I don’t see the argument for 10-20 flat gain on this set for chaos.

Global conversion allows for fun stuff that isn’t slotted like specific skill conversions or class skill conversion. And there are already few weapons an armor that do this generally…

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Oh holy shit I started the classical flame war and it went for so long that it had to be moved into a seperate thread. Just like in the good old times.


the argument is for things in its current form tho
as my reply noted, your scenario is “imaginary” (currently) at best, and “forced” at worst to make it fit the point
you wont often find me arguing against conversion, but i’d like it to be meaningful atleast, and “as is”/“current form” the necklace conversion, as noted, makes no sense, and to make it make sense, you’re then forcing a lot of stuff to fit in a build to make the conversion having some validation, which makes less sense, even if we’re not taking current game state into account.
Conversion is good, more variety, that right there isn’t variety, that’s a forced build concept (imo), might aswell add/theorize lightning to fire conversion, or acid to fire

get a room already nerds


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: no offense to either party but I’m pretty sure I lost brain cells reading this

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the real question is… why does Darkblaze amulet not have %fire damage when it has vit → fire but Darkblade Headguard has %fire while having fire → chaos conversion?


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