Dawn of Masteries

Not sure about every single one, there might be a few that cannot, but by and large every item can drop, yes, it’s just not that likely

Not sure if this was mentioned, there are some new updates for the D3 mod. Mamba - do you plan to integrate them to this mod? Would love to have it included as well!

I am aware, I will update the mod eventually

1 Like

For the grim quest items - there is a tag not found (this is not due to rainbow mod as this issue is already there before i installed raindbow mod) for skillful item:


Is it safe to just use the item regardless? I cant seem to find any info on this

yes, using items is always safe

Text_EN\dom\tags_tq_items.txt >

tagTQSkillsSetNAME=The Skillful <— tagSkillsSetNAME=The Skillful
tagTQSkillsSetDESC= <— tagSkillsSetDESC=


With this mod enabled, my character sheet and other elements of the ui are too big. Is there a way to reduce its size? Since it increases the size of the inventory and makes it too big. When I scale down other parts of UI are too small for me. Is there a workaround?
Thanks for the info,
I added a few screenshots so you can see the issue.

Nope. Adjust the UI or the resolution, no alternatives unless you’re willing to learn how to mod it yourself, in which case you’re on your own.

Pull left to zoom out on the UI.

As I said some elements are too big other, and others too small. No happy medium anymore like in the base game.

Out of personal experience, Modders in Grim Dawn did better justice to the original games. Back in the 2000’s they had a tech preview of Diablo 3. The diablo 3 we got is not the diablo 3 they show cased. It got better over time but are still limited to builds. Where in Grim you can basically go which every way you choose.

I am not trying to say Blizzard is bad but they dis BS us… I did not expect D3 to beat Diablo 1/2 but to lead us on was a real … move. I do hope that someone make the classes in Grim Dawn as Diablo on console is a lot better than pc.

So this mod has a lot of choices.
From what I have gathered so far a lot of classes from this compilation work well solo, so does anyone have a suggestion on which classes have good passive bonuses or active skills that are not made to be used as default attacks?

Just do Wizard with electrocute. The tree have good auras too.

Thanks for the info,
By the way, do you know if Anchorite bonuses apply to two-handed weapons or do they only work with one-handed ones?

Hey, i just wanted to specify about what mod settings do.
Hero rate increases number of harder enemies like bosses, heroes etc, right? And Mob increases total number of mobs right?
Does hero setting also increases toughness of hero/bosses?
Thanks for the clarification,


It only increases the quantity to be spawned.

Mob density only affects common/trash mobs.

1 Like

Thanks for the clarification.
I needed that.

I do not know if this is a bug or something regular but I am encountering stutters/freezes when playing.
Sometimes it happens if there are a lot of enemies on the screen/ sometimes it happens when I open my inventory when the whole tab is taken/ sometimes when I am picking items.
It is really frustrating. I wonder if it has more to do with Grim Internals or by this mod compilation.
Thanks for the info,

This has probably more to do with this mod, as I assume you use GI and vanilla without the stutter. Ultimately it has to with GD itself, there is nothing the mod can do to fix it, it’s just that the mod pushes GD more than vanilla does.

I manage to somehow solve it. I deactivated the option to show items’ tooltips when items are on the ground and changed from fullscreen to borderless. I found this solution on Reddit. So far it works, hopefully, I won’t have any more problems.