Dawn of Masteries

Does Cataclysm mode have gear blacksmith, or just relic one? Thanks in advance.

Well, I did some tweaks after downloading this mode, by adding skill points and devotion points, along with some other minor changes. So far enjoying this great mod with few of my own modifications. You just have to posses some knowledge of the AssetManager and it is easy.

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Thanks for the info. Iā€™ll look into it. Currently, Iā€™m using WeMod for unlimited Devotion points and it works without issue.

it is the same blacksmith for both. There are only a few gear blueprints though, uniques are always random and with affixes.

Hey mamba thanks for this great mod!! Can we expect an updated version with new grimarillion v78 added soon?

Itā€™s been an hour since it was released, that must be a new record :wink:

Depends on your definition of soon. Iā€™d say definitely this week, and also definitely not todayā€¦


Thanks sir.

Well, Zenith masteries are pretty OP, so they do not really need to have their specific gear sets I guess.

I really like it when you get named class combinations (e.g. Death Knight for GD Necro + Soldier), but a lot of class combinations do not have one here. For me personally, this would add a lot more fun and polish.

I get it, it is a massive amount. How hard would it be to implement? Iā€™m willing to come up with them myself and if necessary put them all in a file that I can share with you or, in lieu of that, edit them in for myself personally.

How do you see this?

Check this:

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Awesome, thanks.
Iā€™ll work on this spreadsheet then.

Just a question; thereā€™s two sheets; ā€œDOM Classesā€ and ā€œCopy of DOM Classesā€
Which one am I allowed to edit?

Iā€™m editing the second one.
Working on the Witch Doctor ones. Going to have to play some NCFF classes, because those are the ones Iā€™m least familiar with.

Scintillist is not in the list

If you have suggestions for the Scintilist, just add a column to the right. Will have to update this I guess :wink:

Iā€™ve added it, also replaced the second instance of ā€œMaleficarā€ with ā€œMercenaryā€, as someone most likely accidentally changed that.

Hi, does this mod pack include all changes from cataclysm like the ā€œno static enemy levelsā€ or just the classes? Thanks

Classes and items, not sure what ā€˜no static enemy levelsā€™ is, does that mean enemies scale with you everywhere ? If so, you get that from Grimmest already (another reason why I took masteries and items only, some of the other features overlap / conflict with other mods included in DoM, like Grimmest)

Dawn of Masteries 1.0.6 released

  • GrimQuest updated to v78
  • Zenith updated to v78
  • Sparker updated to 1.2b

Updated the Rainbow File for DoM v1.0.6.


Hello! Thank u for this mod. Pls tell me, how can i translate this mod
into other languages?