Dawn of Masteries

Thanks, I did expect a bit more of a reaction to it, but you are the only one commenting (apart from a handful of people on discord), so either most people do not care either way, or no one plays the mod.

I always would have preferred uniques to drop but leaving it to random chance was not an option (too many different ones). Took me a while to think of this approach though, or I would have gone with it sooner :wink:

This new system reminds me of Median XL ( A D2 overhaul mod), where you can disenchant tiered uniques to get materials to make a specific unique you wanted. I think itā€™s a great system, you still get that great feeling of directly finding interesting loot, but you can sacrifice some of it if you really need a certain item for your build.

Thank you for this mod update. I find actual loot drops to be much more satisfying than tokens. I understand how HUGE the loot pool is but still - thereā€™s just something so satisfying about seeing those purple beams.

Thanks for the update.
Right when i have a Grim Dawn itching

I feel the same way.I just want to see if Dev of Median xl will delph into modding the new d2 as apparently it will have mod support.I like the new changes.It gave me a chance to delete all my toon cept for my lvl 88 necrotic.I will most prob try a weird build.I never got around to the d2 classes i may as well try one.

Mamba keep up the good work :smiley:.Itā€™s fun as hell.My brother finds it overwhelming so he plays grimmillion.

It will have Mod support for offline Single player.
Currently Blizzard removed TCP/IP.
The Battlenet launcher doesnā€™t allow mods and private server are not supported so this means that it will be ā€œimpossibleā€ to make multiplayer mods for D2R.
I hope Blizzard changes this later.
So Median Dev said that he wonā€™t redo the mod if multiplayer is not supported.

I do love this mod a great deal. I have ADHD so being able to start an almost unlimited amount of characters is amazing for me. I wish the devs had upped the Mastery cap even further so you could add more masteries. I donā€™t know what else is out there but at least not being limited would be nice.

My only suggestion is moving most of the droppable augments and components to a summonable vendor rather than as drops. I actually like the old way they would drop because they didnā€™t clutter up your inventory as much but it was a pain to open a few hundred of them at one time.

I did get frustrated when I was streaming this last night because I couldnā€™t figure out who sold the Relics for the Titan Quest classes. (I just couldnā€™t find them. I then doubted myself that they actually existed and I was remembering Grimarillion instead. Are there Relics for all of the masteries?)

Ah makes sense.I know blizzard said no mp mod support but was oping median xl will do a sp modd.Guess it will only be a dream :smiley:. Blizzard being blizzard.Personally i think marco did a great job with median xl.I may do a disk install of d2 and get into median again.

If all else fails at least we still have grim dawn to fall back on :grin:

Median is having the really big Sigma 2.0 patch in the coming month or so that will completely change the skill trees up as well as a lot of other changes, so you might want to wait for that if you are thinking of playing. There is a trailer for it on their Youtube channel.

That said, I feel we might be going off topic here.

Indeed. If you want to talk about D2 original or remastered, then please start a new thread in the Off Topic section of the forum.

If the mod came with relics, they should be in DoM as well. Generally speaking a mod can have 4 vendors, a merchant selling gear with mod specific affixes, the epic / legendary blacksmiths, and a third blacksmith for blueprints that came with the mod, eg for relics.
My custom vendors have orb icons, the fourth has a shield icon.

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I am planning to do a DoM speed run with weird combo but man at the moment scratched for time.I also suck at locations so i will most prob miss half of the quest :joy:

Seems to be missing a tag. Canā€™t see the whole string name (tagSkillClassNamā€¦) but itā€™s the Monk class.

Can you show me a screenshot of which scene itā€™s referring to?
If the class name of the player character in the main menu is displayed as ā€œTag not foundā€, it is just a specification when using the mastery mod.

Yeah itā€™s on the player character screen. So itā€™s ā€œnormalā€?

Thatā€™s normal. Since the mod is not loaded when the game is started, the mastery name specific to that mod will not be displayed.

Once you have played the mod, go back to the menu and you will see the class name of your character.


Does anyone have a link to the spreadsheet with the resist reduction calculations for DOM (and Grimarillion and Reign of Terror too I suppose)?

The one with the dropdown menus?
EDIT: Nevermind! Found the link on Discord.

What kind of enemies drop uniques with affixes?
im lvl 51 and ive only found 2. i want more!

edit: is it cataclysm loottables with populated weights?

I donā€™t know about drops, but you can get random affixed epics and Legendaries using the tokens you get from dismantling epics and Legendaries. It should be in the first tab of and if the token vendors. I remember it taking quite a few tokens per roll, and you can only get random Legendaries from rather broad categories, so it will probably take a while if you are looking for a specific item with good affixes.

Yes, these are for Cataclysm, and from any enemy