Dawn of Masteries

sir i try to restart the game but still can’t see the skill resetter pls help sir @mamba i just redl this mod yesterday .

Are you talking about the skill resetter in the first town? If you have started the first expansion’s story, then they actually died in an attack on the city, that isn’t part of the mod. If you need to reset skills now, you can go through one of the green portals near most towns to get to the 2nd expansion town which has a skill resetter. There is also one in the witch coven that is not too far into the 1st expansion story.

okok noted thanks for the info @invelios

Guys look at lightweight mod for speedleveling. There is now 2 custom versions that work with DOM. The second nonlightweight custom game will let you take your char over 100 to 200. You need to scroll down to the DOM section on his downloads.

Hi Mamba, little request for consideration. Could you make Cataclysm items craftable the same way all the others are? Cata items dont drop and only way to get them is through lottery for tokens. Thing is those items are not listed anywhere so I have no clue what can I get.

I just came back and saw 1.1.0 got released! I’m stoked.
Especially because A LOT of the class combo name suggestions I did stuck.

Thanks for the work!

I know this was reported before but has there been any new info on why this can crash on exiting the game? or switching chars? Seems to be the only mod I have this problem with.

I haven’t had any crashes with this mod so far i know the light weight mod with dom has some issues with changing characters.Didn’t play the latest version though so will test when i have the time

That is GD crashing, not the mod. Nothing in the mod causes this or could fix it.

ugh must be nonlight weight mod for DOM. I just remember somebody talking about it sorry thought it was DOM.

Do you have the option that shows item tool tips when they are on the ground turned on? If so, try turning that off. That option seems to not like modded games for some reason. I turned it off on my computer and crashing happened way less.

That one is an old one & yes Ive turned it off ages ago. Back when forgotten realms first came out when that became a problem. & in fact after last update double checked just in case it got turned back on somehow.

MODdb download isnt 1.10 i just grabbed isntalled and the game says its 1.09 and no special boxes drop to get special gem types , or has htat been removed?

The zip says v110, so it is1.1.0, forgot to update the version number.

The lockers no longer drop, components now drop directly

well im barely seeing anything and i upped diff to near max , gonna be real high level with nothing i can use lol

ill try reinstalling patches and dlc maybe galaxy borked something

all sorted guess i needed to reinstall the dlc and i used nexus instead of moddb and everything works as i suspect and ty for this good work

Version 1.2.0 released

Uniques now drop directly. Tokens can be gained from dismantling (50% chance)


Updated the Rainbow File for DoM v1.2.0.


I’ve had a blast with this mod for so long, and with this simple change, it’s going from a 9 to a 10 in my books. It’s much more exciting to see actual uniques drop rather than tokens. Cheers for the update mamba.

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