Dawn of Masteries

A LOT! :laughing:

10 stupid chars

please do not force me to count in the combination table: D 56x56? right?

Something like that I think, yes.

55 x 54 / 2, not counting single masteries as builds

How can things be transferred if they do not stand out, just hang like a transparent element on the screen?

figured it out, rolled back to the old version, moved it to the cache, returned to the new

You should also be able to hit the auto sort button, that should sort everything using the new inventory shape. That is how i got access to some of the items I had outside the new inventory.

I could still auto-sort them regardless of where the items were. Not sure why you had issues with that.

alas, automatic sorting did not affect items outside the inventory in any way

Hi, I got a seal of the eye epic component, just wondering what mod that is from. I don’t remember seeing it before and I checked some of the mod blacksmiths. Thank you, I am new to the mod.

when playing with a mod, this often happens …
black screen, cursor moves and music is heard, but that’s all, how to fix it?

I had that problem when trying to run game in x64.I reinstalled my game so x64 works again.Try x32 and see if it works.

Do you have the latest GFX driver? The problem you describe sounds like GFX crash. If you have, then try to diable antialiasing and play the game borderless window, not full screen.

now just freezes without black screen :smiley: newest version driver nvidia

will be added the ability to reforg for the crusader from two-handed to one-handed weapons of all types?

233201: ControllerAIState::CloseEnoughToUseSkill() - invalid skill used by records/creatures/enemies/ghost_b01.dbr.
233386: ControllerAIState::CloseEnoughToUseSkill() - invalid skill used by records/creatures/enemies/ghost_b01.dbr.
233434: ControllerAIState::CloseEnoughToUseSkill() - invalid skill used by records/creatures/enemies/ghost_b01.dbr.
233539: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
233682: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
234553: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
234694: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
234790: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
234855: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
234974: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
234986: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
235626: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
235794: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
235870: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
235870: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
235915: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
236047: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
236176: Attempt to CreateObjectFromFile ‘records/fx/skillclass01/willtolive1_activate_fxpak.dbr’, requested class EffectEntity, object was class FxPak
236227: Entity (records/fx/skillsothergdx2/itemskills/targohammer_projectile_fx01.dbr, id: 4994410) could not be added to the world because it’s level is not loaded.
236227: Entity (records/fx/skillsothergdx2/itemskills/targohammer_projectile_fx01.dbr, id: 4994410) not in world after World::AddEntity() processing.
last logs note

that is a local problem, have no advice here

not by me, if Grimer were to add it (I doubt he will), it would trickle down

records/creatures/enemies/ghost_b01.dbr is a vanilla record and not in the mod, the rest also is meaningless to me and not in the mod. It should not have a negative impact however

i checked local file in Steam, everything matches…