Deer keep spawning inside my fences
Did you build on a deer spawn location?
i build near where the deer live. but i built a fence around my farmland and hunters removed all the deer inside the fence.
Now the deer suddenly appear inside the fence.
I’m not trying to kill off the entire herd as there is a hunter that needs this herd
If you built too near to their spawn location they could spawn in your field.
I have been playing for the last several hours. I have 6 farm fields, with fences & gates and once completed I haven’t had any deer come in. Have you checked for holes in your fence? I sometimes make that mistake.
cut all trees in this field deer will move to anther tree to born
I mentioned previously that deer spawn icons can move around on reloading, and it would seem that the area they can spawn in is wider than I thought.
The fence is without holes. The area inside the fence is not all farmland yet. In the untamed land inside the fence, deer keep spawning. I assume they dont spawn on farmland but this situation seems to be an oversight
You may want to fence the farm off from the empty land then
Just played a game where I had no deer at all. Who needs fences?
My farm is going to be 24x12. I started with a 6x6 plot, and keep adding 6x6 blocks every year. im not reshaping the fence every year
Well then, enjoy having deer eat your crops all the time
indeed, but only because they teleport inside the fence