Hi, I’m looking for some help in deciding the best 2nd class for a demolitionist caster.
I want to use most or all of the demo skills (stun jacks, grenado, canister bomb, with a few points in mortar, flashbang, thermite mine, blackwater cocktail).
However, I’m not sure which of the 2nd class choices is best.
I’ve been playing a glass cannon build until level 58 but it started to fall off as I can no longer kill bosses in 1 second, and I die in 1 hit.
Note this character is on grim league so there are some special items that can give me different bonuses or conversions (for example, 100% of physical and of fire damage to cold for grenado).
So I’m thinking of either 2nd class soldier, arcanist, or oathkeeper.
I’m not sure what gear or weapons to use so I put the flamebreaker shield as it would be needed for 2 of the classes.
demolitionist template
grimtools /calc/4NObqBdZ -
grimtools /calc/m23aBlYZ -
grimtools /calc/Q2zJxya2
Can anyone provide some pointers on the best levelling options with this?
Is it even viable? Every build I’ve seen ditches stun jacks completely.
I also thought for a long time about a shaman dual focused on lightning (for grenado and stun jacks), would that work better?
For example something like this:
grimtools /calc/a2En6ajV
But I don’t really have enough points for anything other than grenado, storm totem, wind devil, and some passives, so I would need to give up stun jacks for this build (as well canister bomb), so it doesn’t fit my favourite idea of a playstyle:
grimtools /calc/a2En6ajV
(I would definitely need ultos constellation for this).
Regarding devotions, I don’t really mind or know which are best. I had pure damage (mage, crown) but I’ve switched to tank (turtle, dryad, tree of life).