Guess i’ll just make like a “catch all” topic, with any silly build i end up with, that isn’t worthy of an individual post/direct community contribution
GDstashed or not, unless some specific “metric” is added, sole requirement is probably just gonna be that it it can(/could) clear SR 65 and some main content - or possibly less (my diehard minimum used to be SR 50)
Prepare for lotta dumb things that don’t work, is done better by others, and likely can’t be obtained “legit”/without GDstash
-all while not not having GDstash performance
we’ll see how it goes…
1 Half to Make a Whole - "templates"
"half" a build, combine with another fitting mastery after your choice to complete for a full class/build
Rain of Fire the fiery death from above
Triple Devastation & Meteor procs; Arcanist half
Archie’s Imaginary Friends
Physical pseudo pets Archon
Archie’s Vengeful Fizz 'n Devils
Avenger pet Archon
the “How Green Can We Go?” mega GDstashed BM
2h Shadow Striking Ring of Steel Blitzer Blademaster
the Blood Siren
Bleeding Pets Cadence CD Blade Arc Blood Knight Blademaster
the Too low DMG, Too low HP, too fudged greens “but i still had fun” CBA BM
non-Eldritch Gaze 50% Chaos Blade Arc Blademaster
Krieg’s Blazed Rhythm
Aether Cadence Blademaster
Mad Viper
no-Greens Acid Cadence Blademaster
Worst of the worst bottom trash never again why did i do this
Dual Wield “Melee” Vitality Cabalist (pre conduit patch)
Death Knights
Proccer Galore DerpKnight
non-Leviathan Physical Cadence Death Knight
.Uroburuuk’s derpy Decree
Physical Drain Essence Death Knight
When you don’t listen to Eard
135k dps Cadence VoS Death Knight; the crystal farmer spectaculare
Blue Da Ba Dee
Trozan’s Sigils and Rune of Hagarrad Deceiver
^use Duncan Energy Regen craft bonus for less chugging
Abyssal Spinster; a Void Dreidel
Chaos Eye of Reckoning Dervish
Desert Blight Devil
Acid EoR SS combo Dunefiend Dervish
the Immortal Army; a Wake of Blood edition
Bleeding Pets Blood Knight Dervish
Earthsplitters & Friends splitting hairs
half-green Physical Blade Spirits & EoR Dervish
(Scales setup for less mana pot chug)
code name; Big Red Brush, the secret agent
Chaos Oblivion Infiltrator
Fulfilled Meme Filtration: All da Skillz Piano Maestro
Pierce Spirits, Box, Gandar, Rune-filler Infiltrator
Waving Shards of the Abyss
Chaos Obsidian Tremor Infiltrator
Green & Ghastly blades hurling Ghoster
Aether Phantasmal Blades spamming Infiltrator
Meh & unfulfilled despite it all
Spite Phantasmal Blades Infiltrator
Can’t Crit without OA
Messenger’s Repeater Pierce Infiltrator
Lackluster Depresser
partially no set Vitality Ravenous Earth Oppressor
Octavius’ Corrupted Butt
4x Gildam Arcanum Physical Ravenous Earth Vire’s Might Oppressor
the -not-Reaping-Arc- Reaping half Smiter
Screaming Veil wps Aether Oppressor
Jack the Quick & Chaotic
Chaos Stun Jacks Purifier
Jackie Pierce the Piercing Pianist
Pierce Stun Jacks Purifier
Chaotic Bartender chugging galore
Infernal Knight’s Chaos Cocktails Purifier
Heralding A Reaping Reaper
Blaze Herald SoB wps Aether Reaper
a striking Frankenstein
Aether Bonebleach SS Reaper
Beronath’s Splitting headache
DW melee WPS no-AAreplacer Physical Reaper
Master of the Elements, Jack of all Derps
Physical conversion devos Doombolt Skater Sentinel
Cpt America’s Acid Vroom Dream
8x green, Gildam Arcanum Acid Skating Aegis Sentinel
Nerfed by Nadaan
Pierce Forcewave Tactician
Mad Max Mediocre; If only I were a Commando
Chaos Blade Arc Tactician
Trix are for kids
Brutallax Piercing Trickster
Pets doing Chilly Tricks
5greens Cold Player Pets Trickster (greedy devos)
(sensible devo setup)
the Red Ring of Death
¼green Brutallax Bloodrager Bleeding Trickster
I hear you like WPS; The Avenger
22/22 Smite, Markovian, Zolhan 107 Cunning Phys Avenger Warlord
Solael’s Pseudo Passer
2h ranged Phys Cadence Smiting Warlord
The Beat of Ch’thon
0greens 2h Chaos Cadence Witchblade
0greens Markovian derp setup (my pref)
(green vers +26/26 Cadence/Markovian - less RR)
Karen Nur the Grundle Swopper
weapon swapping Chaos Cadence Witchblade
Should have used Bloodrager
“standard” Bleeding Witchblade
Witch Hunters
the FakEoR; Voracious Witch Hunger
Voracious Reach Physical Witch Hunter
Jackie Frost slinging icicles
Winter King’s Might Cold Witch Hunter
I in no way mean to disrespect the community or builders by suggesting I invented everything/anything here, or was the first to get an idea, or snatched a build/deliberately not crediting an OG creator.
I don’t keep super up-to-date on most builds posted or game change discussion other than casual browsing. That’s not to say i don’t or haven’t browsed any builds or been inspired by a community builder to do something silly ever
And most of the time I’m also too lazy to do a cursory search, to see if stuff has already been posted/discussed, and tend to (now) just plop things in on a whim
Complete props and respect to any and all community builders, and folks on the discord for humouring me helping make all this possible, and full credit to anyone I haven’t directly credited
Honorary mentions (in no particular order) to: mamba, Dammitt, GlockenGerda, MadLee, banana_peel, sir_spanksalot, Nery, Ulvar1, AlkamosHater, Maya, Stupid_Dragon, Shopping, John Smith, Superfluff, Duchy, Nandi, fordprefect, grey-maybe, Dmt, x1x1x1x2, omnitro, Plasmodermic, ya1, fordprefect, Leopold, RektbyProtoss, jajaja, The_Mess, afanasenkov26, DaShiv, thepowerofmediocrity, Duskdeep86, malawiglenn, Strannik, Sigatrev, Evil_Baka, Eard, Monccc, Maska, Crittrain, Valinov, Madroman, Kurossu, jens, TomoDak Ceno, tqFan, powbam, medea_fleecestealer, eisprinzessin, #AllPraets, AtropaBellaDonna, OrbPlaytime, Faust Wither, Childe Roland, KG, FlamingX21, Matthew, "that guy that got banned", anachoret, Halcyon, *
*and a thousand apologies + 1 million humble gnome offerings to anyone i missed
will add/update/edit format on a whim as i feel like, or not …