Demolitionist Status

One thing I noticed was that the auto attack replacer “touch of chaos” from the Rah’Zin’s Torment set does slightly more weapon damage then a fully caped fire strike (133% vs 132%) despite being the same type of attack replacement skills. Typically such skill added via sets are weaker then the type of attack replacement they emulate when the skill is fully capped.

Well fire strike gets a lot of flat damage, it’s own item mods, the transmuter % damage buff, the explosive strike AoE. You are right that it is strong relative to fire strike but chaos damage needed more love.

In general, the WD isn’t the full damage you deal. Base damage has a lot more room to shine in FS. I’d just assume that FS is about 10 - 20% stronger than the granted replacer. Then again, ToC reduces both, resists and damage, by 20% and has 40% chance of 400% damage increase, so it doesn’t matter how you look at it, Touch of Chaos is, for sure, better.

So, I tried a few Demos in new patch. Troughs: 1)Temper changes is a nerf. Poor demo lost quite a bit of armor in exchange of DA. Considering that DA sources are all over the place its a huge nerf toward two most popular demo sets- Justicar and LD. Bloodied crystal meta make it worse. Plz revert this change. 2)Mines. 0.2 metre radius. I tried Infernal knight + 2 Grim Fate swords. MB Im blind, but I see zero improvement in radius. Mines still drop not where I want to, activate when everething is dead and tend to die in AoE before they can cast aura. They suck>_>

3)Ulzuin wrath. Still useless waste of points.

4)Canister. Canister is better, but I still think the reasonable CD for this skill is 5 second before any modifiers.

5)BWC. BWC is bonkers right now. The main skill was good before, now its mandatory for every Demo. Agonizing flames boost pushed my Darkblaze Pyro intro 7 minute runs :eek: .
6)Firestrike transmuters.
More dmg for the sake of powercreep. Im against this buff. I dont think firestrike needed more dmg. >_>

Oh so NOW bwc is good ey? :stuck_out_tongue: I disagree on point 3. It’s pretty cool now

Its could be cool if we could afford to spare 36 points as Demo.
BWC was good before (transmuted) Now its beyond good. =)

I had high hopes on on thermite mines change, turn out all of our suggestion on it got neglected. Oh well, I guess I will still go with no mines demo build.

Ulzuin’s wrath only hit enemies outside vindictive flame radius, which is so weird of mechanic. Most of demo problem is all in their clunky skill mechanics, and most of it are not fixed at all in

We got x64 mode in though, so it’s all good!!

BTW, have you tried grenado fix?

Weird, because once someone said that the armor there is useless, and SOMEHOW the vast majority of people said it should be changed to DA or something else.
I had a better suggestion. I fail to see so-called “vast” “majority” of people.

Five seconds is hilariously overpowered, it would result in cooldown of below one second with barrelsmith + shard of eternal flame. I guess it would be fun but also broken :wink:

Sadly I have to agree on the mines, with all the range upgrades it’s still very average. Why are these things not invulnerable like other pseudo pets?

Not sure why you think it would be overpowered
1)It mess your conversion.
2)It mess your itemization .barrelsmith+mask+shard?
3)Most dmg come from DoTs
4)You run out of mana
5)It dont leech. 6)Its in Demo mastery. 7)Still does 1/5 of Runes dmg. 8)Can drop 3-4 of these in a row right now. Never seen them in top Crucible killer or Mogdrogen destroyers. If you want something OuPie in Demo, check new Mortars items. Sick, absolutely sick.

  1. it converts half the base pierce to fire, which is a few thousand at best, hardly matters
  2. I don’t use the mask myself, prefer a helm with cdr
  3. Maybe but it has insane aoe and uses the base cooldown for devotion chance, which means 100% chance on everything, every second…
  4. No you don’t, there’s a cost reduction on the set
  5. Can’t help that
  6. See 5
  7. Nerf inquisitor :rolleyes:
  8. That’s because like many demo skills they’re mechanically awkward, all those delayed explosions are annoying
  1. Maybe but it has insane aoe and uses the base cooldown for devotion chance, which means 100% chance on everything, every second…

Did you say RE ?
Not sure why ppl think its such a big deal. Yeah, you have AoE on first cast. Then all trash is dead and you end with mediocre dmg on mana-hungry spell in Demo mastery. You can proc some shit with 100% chance, but so you do with transmuted BWC. And BWC>>>> Canister.

Will Fire strike melee will be much better after the changes?

this change is irrelevant for Fire strike melee. The problem was never in Fire strike itself and these modifiers don`t fix it.

Would thermite minds be better if they spawned 5 instead of 3 and had a Max of 10?

I think we all hoped for bigger DA numbers on temper. Sigh. I’d prefer phys resist on it over anything else.

I have 2h melee and dps looks great on paper,but everything dies slowly.I read that Brimstone modifier works AoE only ranged:o.Doubt that mine change RR will be much better so…

Post Grimtools, I will try to help you squise moar DPS.

phyz resist, or slightly better armor + armor absorbtion will do.
In the end, 120 DA on Temper is not a gamechanger. You dont even win 5 devotions points with it. In current state of minest - nou. If they die before casting aura or just ricochet out of enemies you want to mine with them it wont matter >_>. A better placement algoritm and invulnerability would help a lot. Still, I`m more in favor of this change even if I know that this will never happen T__T

  1. Not what we intended. Unfortunate if true. I might open a poll up about this.
  2. What if you spawned more mines per cast and had a higher mine cap?
  3. I think UW should get more attention. It’s not as bad as some might think.
  4. I agree. People are being daft about this. You shouldn’t have to wait until level 94 to enjoy this skill. Furthermore people saying it’d be OP. Duh. It’s implied he means tone down the item modifiers reducing cooldown as well.
  5. I think it’s fine. Maybe debuffs too strong and should focus more on just being damage.
  6. Lul

And yes to invulnerable mines

It would help a little, but the fundamental problems remain. We’re all well aware of them.

I don’t think continuing to tweak the numbers can solve these, and I would suggest a more radical redesign. Luckily suitable skill templates already exist, I would pick arcane bomb myself. It’s much more user friendly and behaves like an actual mine, not a stationary flamethrower. To me the current mines are more clunky than they need to be, and frankly sometimes annoying.

Anyhow, I secretly hope this will some day happen, but I’m not holding my breath at this point.