Demolitionist Status

3.UW dont work at point blank. Its nearly useless w/o investment in Vindictive flame and most builds that need Vindictive flame for %total speed end with horrible point starvation. And if Im point-starved I prefer to invest in working skills, not something obscure.
4.its inferior to RE. Anyone that think RE is oupie need a brain-check.
5.The debuff is what keeping Demo alive. I would trade all dmg on Demon fire for %dmg reduction similar to Decay debuff, but, well.
6.You know what you did with 2H ranged, didn`t you :smiley:

Hope you’re not taking about the High Potency debuff as removing that would kill most demo builds.
Personally (though I’m biased as I like ranged fire strike builds far more then BWC builds) I would like it to be changed to a more general debuff skill instead of a damage skill, possibly with a stackable OA debuff.

Unless spawn method will change (summoning mines instead of throwing) it’s useless.

  1. Demo already had reduced OA debuff from bwc, didn’t make sense to remove the armor bonus at all but instead add simply some DA to the skill.

2.I don’t think it would help. I would prefer it if the mines were placed in front of the character rather than the issues that occur when thrown. A skill that can work effectively would be nice :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. UW doesn’t seem particularly useful beyond 1 point but I have not looked into it in depth though.

  2. The issue with canister and other skill like doom bolt is the mixture of -cd and conversion on gear and limited sources of each for any one damage type. Additionally casters get screwed over because flat damage item mod is poor relative to decent %WD item mod like harbinger’s message set for example. These skill need a rework, the CD on both base skill needs to be more competitive and -cd on item mods much smaller to compensate; all builds regardless of damage type can be better with this change. Whoever use the chaos canister bomb or acid doom bolt conduits atm? They are simply underwhelming because the base skill is so hard to work with.

  3. The debuff is critical on demo. Demo gets no %absorb or phys res or health. Only blast shield. So bwc transmuter debuff is helpful, but spam bwc can’t access it. I like Ptiro suggestion of agonising flame having damage reduction instead of transmuter. Even if the % damage reduction takes more than one point to get instead, and is there a nerf, I would prefer it.

  4. FS is one of the weaker AA replacer in the game but I really dislike the powercreep that is happening; as if boss took too long to kill a year or two ago…

I liked it untransmuted too. Was solid. I imagine it’s vanilla level of good now

Nothing Hellborne RF can’t do to a dummy. FS needs to remain competitive one way or another. It is expensive and offers no stat buffs at the cost of more AoE via ES and brimstone. The buff is ok

Nothing Hellborne RF can’t do to a dummy. FS needs to remain competitive one way or another. It is expensive and offers no stat buffs at the cost of more AoE via ES and brimstone. The buff is ok

The buff is not OK. Dmg output was excessive before, now its even more excessive. Melee FS suffered from Demo problems, not because it did the same wpn dmg as Savagery for 9 extra skill points. By pushing dmg even further you screw things instead of fixing them . I would agree of making Brimstone work in melee, that make sense, but extra modifiers do not.

I don’t think FS is excessive damage. But I agree on melee and complained about it numerous times. Including during testing. But it suffers cause FS not demo problems. I don’t like FS melee at all except for Barthollem 2h. RF is simply ahead of it

If you think FS is excessive dmg make a thread in feedback and ask for a nerf:D It’s very rare for such threads to occur. If you manage to nerf it, though i disagree, It honestly makes no difference to me. Even after buff I would only play RF and not FS.

PS: I think you are too hung up on crucible times due to the massive buffs you get in there that fix hp for glass cannons and exacerbate damage. And that dummy kill time is nothing out of the ordinary especially considering that you made your build paper thin just for dmg output. You are gonna want this buff in SR

So what advantage should FS have over other auto attack replacers? Cause if it can’t have definitive damage advantage, what exactly is the point in investing in FS over other auto attack replacers that give you generous stats on top of the damage they deal?

Edit: Also note that the Demolitionist lacks passive and only gains flat damage from Flame Touched unlike most classes that have multiple source of flat damage and/or damage multipliers in the form of wps.

The advantage is the ranged interaction of Inquisitor wps with Brimstone.

So…this might be my complete bias talking, but I always felt that Demo FS was gimped because of the tools given to specific inquistor wps mechanics; inquisitor was marked to demonstrate ranged mastery in AoM expansion primarily through FS.


As for OP points: T mines are definitely a continuing issue, and some of the other points have merit…but with only a couple of weeks to launch of FG…I’m of the philosophy to wait to give feedback once FG is released. I suspect that most of the last-minute (if any) fix stuff will be minor fixes and bugs.

  1. Didn’t actually tried so much but this seems bad. Demo already often uses paper armor, and now in FG we will have DA augments. Do we get armor augments?
  2. Still trash. Then need to be usefull and have better QoL for lvl 50 skill. Rework the skill so that they move and actively target enemies with something like fire breath. The damage could get nerfed to avoid excessive shotgunning.
  3. I use it as a 1 point wonder. Never seen anyone prioritize this or select demo for the skill alone, sustain won’t work if you melt in 1 sex after 4s of blastshield.
    Maybe revert temper and add DA here?

The only thing that make Demo somewhat usable is the fact how nicely he pairs with inquisitor. And its due to the Inquisitor full package of %oa,cd, DA, flat absorb, -RR, ranged wps and heal

About ulzuins wrath, the big problem with that is when it’s triggered. Not the numbers, which have been improving for the last few updates. The numbers can be overpowered as hell, when the skill doesn’t get triggered, who cares. It’s like primal strike and torrent not hitting the initial target, fix it already. Whenever the main skill triggers, shoot out the UW lightning bolt, it’s that simple. Suddenly everyone will start using it and you may honestly need to nerf the numbers a bit again.

Edit: it’s especially weird that when you use a skill modifier to give vindictive flame more range, you make UW worse. What.

Yes, because Justicar and LD are the only Demo builds :rolleyes: And it’s not like these have very high armor values already.

Let’s see, there’s Pyromancer with no DA on either side. Sorcerer as well. And Elementalist, which has it only in Savagery, an auto attack replacer.

The flat armor was absolutely worthless and you needed high % armor to take advantage of it (that’s why most Demo builds one pointer Temper). Flat DA is much better there.

And last, not every build isn’t BWC or can afford to put points in BWC for OA shred.

I’m not planning to play before FG launches (mainly due to time constraints) so I’m asking this. Is the DA significant? Cause theoretically it’s gonna change the demo skill distribution by a lot. 11 skill points is no joke.

96 flat at rank 12, scales better in ultimate ranks. It is worth investing now if you are not a physical build and it allows you to give up DA in other places to go more offensive.

Seriously, the one pointer criticism was constantly thrown at Temper because everyone agreed the flat armor wasn’t worth the investment if you were not a physical build (and even fire builds didn’t invest much). Now that it’s gone for something more useful, some people complain to put it back.

96 at 12/12. If I have the points I will grab it, otherwise it is still a 1 pointer to me.

Lets list current melee Demo Sub 7 minute builds for Crucible :
FS Justicar Sharjul mace Purifier
FS Justicar Archon warmaul Purifier
FS Justicar dw Malakor
FS Infernal DW Malakor (sub 6 minutes)
Didn`t tested, but dw malacar with mortars should be around 6 minutes too.
Surprise, with proper items melee FS do not suck and rival the best builds in clear time.

Armor provide increasing returns. Temper was a reasonable investment intro non-phyz Justicar and LD builds just because you could stack a lot of it. And it became effective.
Now for non-phyz build Temper provide 8 DA per point. BWC provide 12 EDA per point. Guess where ppl would put points if they need DA.
At current value Temper is utterly useless beyond 1 pointer. It scale worse that any flat DA/OA passive in the game. Its a nerf.

sorry to nitpick, but that’s just purifier, not demolitionist in general. Got anything else?

Before this there was DA complaint, now it’s armor complaint. it’s a bit funny?:undecided:

what i don’t like is that it’s shitty to invest in on a non fire build. I’d have had it on vindictive flame or flame touched even since it’s universally useful too