[Deprecated] [Mod] Mapping/Rifting is coming to GD (First WanezMod)

The file is fine, you need 7zip to extract it… 7z compression is better.

not at the moment, but Ill add a faction merchant in the future

-Is there a way to get the original factions items ? Like blueprints and potents

not right now, since you dont get the other reputation, adding all faction merchants wouldnt do anything. Havnt decided what Im going to do about that.

-Doing rifts in normal always give +1 level, its kinda overpowered shouldn’t there be a cap at like lvl 50 ?

I want it to be possible to reach max lvl in normal, and use the other difficulties for endgame only. Normal is maxed at T5, Elite T10 and ultimate wont have a cap. Some items will only drop in ultimate and several rewards are different and better in ultimate.
In addition to enemies just getting stronger the higher the difficulty, youll encounter more heroes, so youll end up getting more loot in ultimate than normal.

-What does the Tier 3-5 actually do ? I’ve noticed that the monsters have higher level so i assume they give more experience ?

more exp and better loot when items exist that require the monster to be higher level. Right now it wont change much except for the exp, unless the modder using DGA has added items that only drop from monsters at higher levels. If you only run T1 and an item requires a monster to be 90, you wont find it in T1.

-The NPC that salvage items doesn’t work in multiplayer

Im using the NPC from the original game, if its not an issue there, Ill have to look into it.

-Is there a way to reset the maps ? I really like doing the first map again and again, but the map don’t reset, the new stuff just appear over it. Chests are still open, bodies and loot are still there…So after a few maps its a big mess

Areas cant be reset without relogging and thats the reason for this mod :wink: to workaround it. Chests and bodies are supposed to disappear, but I cant remove the loot, I was planning on removing a lot of the whites and yellows from the loottables.

Thanks alot WareBare and keep up the nice work its awesome :wink:

So, I just downloaded it and launched… there’s nothing besides npcs in the map, how do we start?

EDIT: Fixed it by putting 1.3 files then overwriting with 2.0.
EDIT2: Stash doesnt work very well on lower resolutions (1360x768)

feedback for stasher would actually go here
but yeah, thats why Im not a fan of big in game windows :smiley: and only added stasher due to requests.

Looks like you started a new character, the next beta version is going to have the masteries reallocated, forcing you to start a new character - so if you dont like leveling you should probably wait a few days for the next version or use the DGA features in DAIL
The reason for this is that we got 30 slots now and I dont have to use the first 10 for my mastery changes.

EDIT: Just changed factions aswell, moved it from slot 9/10 to 14/15 - in case crate is adding new factions. And since they are pretty much useless until the next version and you cant use the old characters unless you “cheat” yourself the missing points, its the perfect time to do that change.
BTW you will be able to use characters using the vanilla masteries, since the next beta version is going to use those.

Caravan interface where you can adjust the size.

Update: v0.3.0 (BETA)

You cannot use your old BETA characters without losing points! This will most likely not affect you when using Davood’s Compilation [DAIL] Crate added new Mastery slots sooner than I anticipated and with 30 slots there is enough room for my custom masteries. Ill leave the first 10 slots to Crate.


  • The DGA-Beta is now using the default Masteries, masteries 1-10 will be the same as Crate Releases/Updates them
  • Hideout Riftgate will now activate upon entering the world for the first time
  • Various improvements to Texts
  • Monsters are dropping significantly less loot, this was done to reduce the loot on the ground - Hero and Boss orbs are unchanged
  • More Enemies added to spawn pools
  • some story elements have been added to conversations and faction descriptions
  • A new NPC showed up, explaining the player a few things (still in an early stage, Ill add more to it when questions are coming up)
  • The repeatable quest that gives you a free level won’t give you a free level after 85
  • Stasher v4 upgraded to Stasher v5

Drop/Crafting Changes

  • [li]Currency & Lesser Essences[/li][LIST]
  • Because Aether Crystals are now dropping and they are used for a new DGA-Recipe/Blueprint, crafting Aether Crystals with Essences now requires 20 Lesser Essences rather than 1 Lesser Essence
  • Crafting Lesser Essences with currency will now create less Essences
  • Currency Drop Rates have been adjusted in order to make higher difficulties more appealing

[li]Tier Components will now drop based on the tier you are in rather than monster level, this will fix issues with an increased level cap from other mods[/li]
[li]Some chests will drop Tier-Components[/li]


New Features

  • Special DGA - more in Section “DGA”
  • Nemesis Spawns - more in Section “Factions”
  • You can now craft a usable item for 5000 Iron Bits and a Lesser Essence
  • for now it only gives you a random amount of Iron Bits (1 - 30000)
  • Based around Grim Dawg’s Idea to spawn the GoodLooking Skeleton



  • DGA Factions have been moved to a different slot, this results in a reset for those Factions but keeps the gained Reputation for the other two currently unused Factions.
  • Original Faction Merchants have been placed into your Hideout - but they will require DGA Reputation (Portal-Masters) to purchase their goods
  • Portal Masters (renamed Cartographers)
    [li]Invaders (renamed DGA-Faction for Enemies)[/li][LIST]
  • Nemeses can now spawn inside any DGA, starting at Despised
  • Despised: can spawn 0-1 Nemesis
  • Hated: can spawn 1 Nemesis
  • Nemesis: can spawn 1-2 Nemeses




  • [li]Basic-DGA[/li][LIST]
  • New option: Random DGA - this will pick a random Basic-DGA
  • New Tiers available: Normal T5 - Elite T10 - Ultimate T10
  • Changed and added DGA-Bosses

[li]One additional area added to Endless Worlds[/li]
[li]New Tiers available: Normal T5 - Elite T10 - Ultimate T10[/li]
[li]You will encounter bosses that cannot spawn in Basic-DGA[/li]

[li]Special-DGA (more general information at the first post)[/li][ul]
[li]First Special DGA “Rift”, as you can imagine its the closest to a D3 Rift for now[/li][LIST]
[li]It will open a portal into a Basic-DGA[/li]
[li]The Boss at the end won’t spawn, instead you have to kill enemies to spawn the Boss[/li]
[li]Enemies you kill will grant you “Credit”[/li]
[li]Common: 1 Credit; Champion: 3 Credit; Hero: 5 Credit; Nemesis: 15 Credit[/li]
[li]The amount of Credit required is based around the total number of enemies spawned[/li]
[li]Because higher difficulties spawn more Champions and Heroes it will be faster to spawn the boss in higher difficulties[/li]
[li]More Nemeses spawn the more Invaders hate you, once again reducing the number of enemies you need to kill to spawn a Boss[/li]
[li]The Boss spawned is classified as a Raid-Boss, giving him a higher level than a DGA-Boss would have[/li]
[li]The Boss can drop an Uber-Material, you cannot yet craft the key to enter the Uber-Rift, but you can start collection the materials[/li]
[li]Uber-Material drop rate is influenced by Tier[/li]



Fixed Issues

  • Your pets will leave the “GoodLooking” Skeleton alone
  • Endless Worlds Area selection will rotate through all areas before going back to the one you have been before - Starting Endless Worlds again will reset the tracker
  • Random numbers are truly random now - you may have noticed the same enemies spawning at the same location or the same portals opening in the same order
  • Various missing Effects for areas have been added
  • Bosses that could not be killed or didn’t move will now act as they should

For other Modders
This section may seem pointless at this time, but not releasing the source doesn’t mean you can’t get it from the .arc/.arz, I wont stop you from doing it… well I can’t actually :smiley: And the reason for not adding the source is what I am saying all the time: I’m still moving files around, sometimes even folders and that can cause issues if the old files have not been deleted before.

  • The Mastery removal should make merging easier
  • DGA related loot is generated via script, this gives us more control across difficulties and increased level caps
  • Changes to loottables/enemies won’t affect DGA-Drops
  • Conversation files have been renamed
  • Consumable Skill added to “records/skills/itemskills/consumableskills/_skilltree_consumableskills.dbr”
  • DGA-Graphics Location changed

Did you remove the keys (the one you can trade in town)? I don’t drop them anymore

Tier-Components start dropping at 50 or from chests at any level and DGA-Essences only drop from monsters.
And nothing has changed for copper/silver/gold keys.

Sounds awesome! Thank you. :slight_smile:

is this a bug that i never get a DGA essenc for upgrading my keys for higher tiers?

yeah either you get dga essences by playing tier 3+ or its possible that scrap and DGA essence were switched because i dont recall scrap dropping so much but i could be wrong… my memory is the worst.

Thanks for the report.
It requires monsterlevel 50, it wont drop before, if you are killing monsters 50+ I need to know a few more things.

  • version - DAIL or no DAIL
  • Difficulty - I only tested in normal
  • Character level and DGA/Tier you are running
  • are you getting any other drops (Currency/Tier-Components) by killing monsters [not chests]

its the loottables of the new heroes/bosses :), but thanks for letting me know, I thought I was crazy when I got so many scraps. :smiley:

I lowered the drop rates of “Currency” and DGA-Drops, they were both too common in earlier versions. Im still not done with drop rates, I was afraid it would cause fps spikes, because its running calculations everytime a monster dies on top of the normal loot, but it seems alright.

there is a bug where you can buy emerald for 5 iron. (1/3 piece costs 400 alone, normally)
both dial(your old version) or your newer version

I think its the bottom right shopper

thanks for the report.
Thats actually intentional. You cannot use the Components from that merchant for recipes/blueprints, so if someone buys that emerald to craft a legendary it wont work and he would have wasted 5k Iron.

now im lvl 55 and yes i get now DGA essenc and i get currency enough i think. but the nemesis bosses are lil bit anoying cuz they are rly hard some times and with no good gear impossible to kill for example IRON MADEN^^ but at all this mod is realy good and makes fun so far. im now plaing veteran, but the double boss chest are overlaping they spawn at the same point so u cant see some times ther’re two chests. do u can increase the droop of DGA essence? maybe…i think a bit more would be nice

maybe it is important^^ the nemesis bosses are hard and if u kill one of them u dont get any loot of them so is my question…is this wanted or is ther an system that i dont get? no boss chest like in vanila game thers always a nemesis boss chest :confused: but this bosses aren’t worth to kill if u dont get any loot from it. hope it was helpfull :slight_smile:

glad to hear they are now dropping :slight_smile:
currency was just too much before and the turn in was crazy, at least as far as I could tell with the few test runs I made. Felt better when I started again with v0.3.0. Cant say much about DGA-Drops may it be Tier-Components or DGA-Essences - its a huge balance thing, I want them to be rare enough to think about on what component to use to create a key, but not so rare that you could never think about making higher tiers.
Im currently rewriting most of the code, wasnt expecting for it to become this complex so soon :slight_smile: Ill make changes to the loot generation, let me know how DGA-Essences or pretty much anything else is going when you get to higher tiers/difficulties.

I agree on the nemesis part, I got fabius and simply couldnt kill him with 50. Im thinking about making them more optional, like you can decide if you want nemesis or not. Since they will drop much better stuff in the future you would want them, but they may be to hard without the right gear, so adding that option could be useful.
And Ill look into the chest issue, they shouldnt even spawn two :smiley: maybe a veteran thing.

yeah they are just there for the challenge right now and to test if they are spawning properly.
Ill probably add one of these hero/boss orbs to them, of course then it is a nemesis orb. But I don’t know yet, its possible Ill use their chests.

Everything is helpful :wink:

so i can say the DGA ESSENCE drops good the balance is right i think in veteran is it ok in normal i dont know^^ i think u can let this balance like it is in higher tiers drops enough of all currency, only the nemesis bosses are a big problem^^ but i toled it to u eralier^^…which would still help is an explaining how i craft the keys a lil explain or so^^ i still dont know how i craft the a highe tier cuz i dont get this upgrade tokens wich would used to create a higher tier with 2 lower keys :confused: or is it in the new update or bug dont know^^