[Deprecated] [Mod] Mapping/Rifting is coming to GD (First WanezMod)

Thank you for the report. Apparently I forgot to add him to the list of possible boss kills :slight_smile:

New Version: v0.1.2 (BETA)

  • Difficulty Scaling: Normal, Elite and Ultimate have increased spawn rates - more monsters and a higher chance to spawn Champions and Heroes
  • Armour-Set and Accessory-Set has its basic stats up to T6, weapons are coming soon, its more work since I cant just do a linear increase I have to check old weapons for their base damage. The sets main purpose is to have gear available, the stats are a little better than other gear you would get with the level requirement, but you may not be able to afford the full set when you could put it on, this way your next character has a much easier time.
  • Basic Chest Generation: chests have a chance to spawn randomly, different chests with the next update
  • Bugfix: Killing the boss in Crypt will now give you credit for the quest
  • The Quest: killing a DGA-Boss has more rewards
  • Both new Factions now gain their respective reputation, you can expect Nemeses and Bounties in the future
  • New Basic DGA: Mine (with one layout)
  • Endless Circle (Endless 001) will now despawn monsters when using the portal, this is a performance test to see if anyone is crashing trying to despawn 600+ monsters and spawn new ones

This would be awesome!

Report of two errors, as shown:

Source Download

New Version: v0.1.3 (BETA)

  • Leveling Weapons up to T6 (Pet Bonuses and Shields still ToDo), I went with a linear increase for weapons after all. Let me know how it works out and if the 85 (T6) need a balance check. Scepters have a higher damage progression since its the only non-physical damage weapon for now.
  • loottable adjustments for Currency and preparation for DGA-Drops, this includes several other issues with Currency drops, some of them should not have been dropping
  • Currency is no longer a component, due to crafting possibilities. Also added Recipes for 10x Currency => Essence
  • Essence can be used to craft an Aethershard for Devotion Respec
  • Monster Spawn adjustments: more champions spawn per pack, at a slightly lower rate, heroes spawn more often up to 99% on Ultimate. This results in 60% Chance to spawn champions, if its not a champion its very likely to spawn up to 3 heroes per pack.
  • More chests have been added, including a boss chest and a special chest that should always spawn once (not in Endless, …yet). For now they’ll drop currency, it will change once DGA drops are in
  • Stasher now has the transparent Background-Top as its supposed to have

Thank you for the update, and then ask a question:
You can export the text task of dialogue? Because in English environment is normal, but in the Chinese environment can not be displayed dialog, .txt need translation. :frowning:

Sorry, but I cant find anything to export conversations/quests, I can only copy it to a different localization, but not chinese. Since you decompiled it and I assume copied the en.txt over to the chinese.txt dir. You have access to the .cnv and .qst and could try it yourself. In the editor menu "Tools/“Localization Manager” thats the only way I found to add/change the localization, and well I have a bunch of european languages and en_US but no chinese :wink: if this is working I may have to look into adding more languages to my game.

You probably did not understand what I mean, my English is not good, I’m sorry ~
What I need is txt text of task dialogue, no matter what language (preferably in English), and then I made reference to it translated into Chinese.

I installed german language, so I now understand what you need, but the issue remains, I cant get a .txt out of the .cnv :smiley: I tried saving it as a .txt… its a mess, same result as renaming the .cnv extension.
Until someone tells me how, there isnt much I can do.

And because of the language difference Ill upload the .txt next time aswell.

Thanks for your reply. :slight_smile:

Download Stasher v4.rar

When the mod is finished, will we be allowed to merge it into our mods to share if we credit you?

Yes you are, in fact you already can, but I recommend not doing so, since Im changing files around and reworking some things while its still in an early stage where I only have to change a few files.
Once its in a stage where I wont change anything about the file structure Ill upload the source. I started modding without the intention to share the working folder or to release a build this soon. While I have cleaned up most of the files I was just messing around with, there are still a few things left. I actually forgot about increasing the base movement speed :smiley:

Those reading the first post every now and then probably saw Im working on v0.2.0 and there wont be anything between now and then. It will fix the new bug with the Endless DGA and add new Endless-Modes. The Special DGA should be ready by then aswell, since I got 90% of script support ready for what I need in the first one.
v0.2.0 will add much more to the current version than v0.1.0 started with, including changes to existing DGA. Before anyone asks: There is no ETA on v0.2.0, yet.

Awesome! I like this mod because it adds more to the endgame. I can’t wait for the finished product and attempt to merge this. Thanks again! :slight_smile:

Stasher v4 (contains the source data)
Fixed item Stash of-range storage BUG.

Please re-download to # 90 :undecided:

can this be played with a fresh character as an alternate path to leveling? (reminds me of the random dungeon from lufia II) .

as in do mosnters scale with player level or are they set level.

You can level with it, some features will only start with max level, but the monster generation uses the player level to calculate monsterlevel. And with the new Endless DGA and the new Mode you could literally start a new character and run around and kill things endlessly.
Everytime monsters spawn their level is being calculated - You level up, the next spawn levels up :wink:

There even is a repeatable quest that gives you devotion points. And another to give you all inventory bags.

The next update (v0.2.0) is coming soon, there is so much new stuff that it requires a little more testing before I can feel comfortable in making it available.

Look forward to your new version and hoping “Instant Caravan” Integration in. :wink:

Update: v0.2.0 (BETA)

Big thanks to alexei for reworking the old areas and creating new ones, he is now part of the DGA-World-Development and will continue working on new Areas.

New Features

  • [li]Reward System[/li][LIST]
  • You are being rewarded with a key by killing Heroes anywhere inside the DGA world, it will drop on top of your character. Higher difficulties will give you better Keys.
  • Endless-DGA will reward you with credit, for every new round. The Credit amount is being calculated by number of runs, the tier, difficulty and Endless-Mode. You get a new Key after every Credit calculation, the more Credit, the better the chance to get a better Key.
  • Keys can be used at the Reward NPC in your Hideout, he will summon a chest for you

[li]Each Difficulty has its own Keys to open a Tier[/li]
[li]DGA-Components will start droping in Endgame or earlier from reward chests[/li]
[li]Keys need to be crafted with a DGA-Essence and the component you can find[/li]
[li]requires 1 Key to open T3 or higher[/li]
[li]T0-T2 is free and can be opened at any time[/li]
[li]requires multiple Keys to open T1 or higher, total number depends on the Mode[/li]
[li]T0 is free and can be opened at any time[/li]
[li]Now has Different “Modes”:[/li][LIST]
[li]Monsters increase in level with every round[/li]
[li]Monster level stays the same (but scales with player level)[/li]
[li]More Modes in the future[/li]
[li]You can now start an Endless-DGA at the available Tiers[/li][/LIST]

DGA-Tier Changes

  • Every Difficulty is starting at T0, higher tiers may require DGA-Keys
  • A tier only becomes visible if you have the required Key
    [li]The current max tier is 5, the plan is to limit the tiers as follows[/li][LIST]
  • Normal: T5
  • Elite: T10 [Coming Soon]
  • Ultimate: T15 (or higher when necessary) [Coming Soon]
  • Keep in mind this is only the highest Tier you can open at the Basic/Endless Portal-Master, this does not include the Tier you could reach inside an Endless-Mode
  • Special-DGA will have 2 versions, the first is its normal level/tier, the second will be an “Uber” Version increasing the level/tier [Coming Soon]


New Areas (DGA)

  • [li]Basic DGA[/li][LIST]
  • 3 brand new areas
  • rework of old areas

[li]Endless DGA[/li][ul]
[li]new Endless-DGA (Endless Worlds), still very much in progress[/li][LIST]
[li]You will run through different areas, different than the first Endless DGA where you just ran the same area[/li]
[li]Areas are fairly small compared to others[/li]
[li]More different areas will be added over time, I may not mention them every time I add a new one[/li]

Grim Dawn - Features

  • The Blacksmith now has the “Random-Legendary” Recipes
  • Crafting Materials (Blood, Heart, Brain and polished Emerald) can be crafted at the Upgrader for Essences
  • Components at the Component Merchant now have their correct combined stats

Included other mods

I “Start Game” and the loading screen then hangs and then brings me back to the character selection. The mod won’t load me into the world. Any suggestions?

Edit: I notice it only happens with characters I moved from my main saves…

Edit: Ok it works now. I had to delete the saves from user and re-copy those characters again. Its all good…

I’ve come to the conclusion that this mod is meant to be started fresh… So I will do just that ;).

Hey WareBare, many thanks for update, but the file seems to be corrupted, can not open it, can you please uploade once again?