Yes that’s strange, is it because Grimmer mod change the name of the difficulty ?
Ok I had a check difficulty >=Legendary but it seems that it didn’t work (I think it is a bug from the conversation editor).
So I changed it to =Legendary and now it seems to work.I will upload a new version.
Omega quest only available in Ultimate Difficulty
The goal is to make it available only in the highest difficulty.If there is another difficulty added in the future it will be changed (but you will keep your previously gained Omega levels).
I am experimenting the skill granted by MI.
The teleport spell might look like this (it will have a higher mana cost, a cooldown).
Each MI will have either a skill or a proc skill.
As you can see there are at least two issues :
-the camera instantly zooming is disturbing
-it allows to move in places that must not be reached
So I don’t know if I will include it in this form.
You can now also download Omega mod from here :
You can view the curse casted on the ground when an Omega boss is summoned on these images :
Also upload the images here while waiting.
Also added a fusion between Grimmest (Jiaco Mod) and Omega 0.1P attached in this post.
If you like compilations take a look at Davood mod.
I am interested to know if everything works or not in multiplayer as I only play solo (only 1 Hero soul added per Hero monster killed ?).
Omega Mod V0.3
Changed Katana .msh, .pfx
Added Kill Mad Queen and kill The Sentinel boss for Omega Quest.
tiny upload
can you upload this somewhere that isn’t trying to scam me
yes sorry
I will upload it to mega later.
I think I can reduce the mod size, I will look later.
Also I think I will change the katana texture I am not totally satisfied with it.!5s8wXLYJ!d0gQMYZI0T_WjG35JTwCHcBymkk_PPHVc2kG2qwKjbY
I’m wondering why this thread is not very active? Is there another one hiding somewhere that I should know about?
I wanted to give feedback to the author, but getting to ultimate is proving to be extremely time-consuming :eek:
Well, there is always the option of multiplayer
Well I am playing other games, so I did not updated my mod and I think some people play it through DAIL mod (really good work) which has it’s own thread.
I know it takes some time to get to Ultimate but it’s an end-game mod.
And once you start increasing your Omega level you can share it with any of your other characters, on any difficulty.
Also you can start dismantling legendary items on lower difficulties and collect Legendary essence.
When the expansion will be released, I plan to add the hardest monsters to the Omega quest “kill” objectives.The goal is still to promote farming in different areas and killing different monsters while at the same time allowing to kill Heroes monsters wherever you prefer.
I finally reached ultimate and managed to kill a few bosses and get all hero essences on that super list!
Has to be one of the toughest quests ever, haha!
I was very glad that you didn’t add Mogdrogen Avatar to it, because he is nigh impossible to beat!
Thanks. Well Mogdrogen Avatar don’t respawn so it did not fit the replayable quest ;).
Hey how can I get the boots in the description? also does anyone have a video of it showing how that skill will work(teleport)? I’ve been trying to find a skill for my ranged class( sort of like the demon hunter from d3 that rolls basically)
All Omega Monster Infrequent (like the boots) drop from Omega boss.
Omega boss have a chance to spawn when you kill a Hero monster on Ultimate difficulty depending on your Omega level.
Each Omega level increase the chance by 0,02% up to 2% at level 100.
The skill instantly teleport you on the cursor location even on places that should not be reached, so you have to be carefful.
The ranger class needs this, god damn you have to get to level 100 to wear it? :furious:
No if you are very lucky an Omega boss can spawn at Omega level 1.
And if you are even more lucky the Omega boss can drop his Monster Infrequent.
So you need to farm a lot.
For example at Omega level 1 you have 0.02% chance (on average 1 every 5000 heros killed) versus 2% at level 100 (on average 1 every 50 heros killed) so you will need to kill 100 times more heroes to have the same chance to spawn an Omega boss.
There are 6 different Omega boss.
Each has it’s own monster infrequent (MI), and has 0.5% chance to drop his MI…
Here is a video where you can see the teleport effect (but now it has a 3 seconds cooldown):
I might release a temporary christmas version of the mod available only for one week around christmas with a very big buff to the chances to summon omega boss for people who want to try it but don’t have enough time but I don’t know if it’s really a good idea and if players will be interested.
hmm I see thats interesting