Dev Stream

That it is and it wouldn’t be the same if you didn’t. :smiley:

Hmm, isn’t the stream supposed to be on now? I am 1 hour past GMT… Or it lasted only 25 minutes and is over already?

You’re a day early. The stream is on Friday.

It’s Thursday today. They stream on Fridays. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, :rolleyes: I took a day off for tomorrow and so to me today felt totally like friday, not having to go to work and all that… facepalm. Never mind, will be back tomorrow. :smiley:

Thanks for finally showing the electric rune with the leap even tho the fx was a cold nova? :stuck_out_tongue: take a better look at that again

Yeah it rather looked cold-ish than electric-ish.

I know bruh right? im a sucker for fx (i know some ppl dont like it) but i think it should be changed and also add the groundbreaking fx too like the fire version :stuck_out_tongue:

It was cold/lightning, so… coldish is also appropriate.

Shhh! We asked for “lightning mobility rune”, not “cold”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice to see so many new monsters shown. :slight_smile: Looks like Korvaak has a whole assortment of humanoid thralls? Also, the Eldritch Mongrels now use the more skeletal modified hellhound model instead of the old one.

Rewatching the stream again I wanted to say here my only issue so far…

I didnt like the new map artwork…I mean dont get me wrong it looks awesome i just didnt like thats its a separate window with the map inside not implemented like aom(hides under the bed)

They actually explained why they don’t want to make another tab and why it’s like this. Adding another map tab would make it look like TQ had it, each word, each tab, each map. They didn’t want to make it this way, and Grava said he likes it as it is right now. On top of that, FG locations are far, far away from the locations from Vanilla and AoM, so they’d need to increase the size of the map in order to place the FG map like they did with AoM. That’s the main reason why it looks like it looks right now.

Cool then, thanks bro. My bad for not hearing properly what he said

Any chance for a new stream today?

I recall being mentioned that close to release there will be at least weekly streams if not bi-weekly.

If there’s no announcement the day before friday, there’ll be no stream. Following that, FG is not close to being released because we’re not getting a stream today. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, iirc occasionally they haven’t announced it until the Friday, but it doesn’t happen every often. We’ll just have to wait and see won’t we. :smiley: Who knows, we might get a nice surprise to start the weekend off.

March 31, 11:59 pm exact release timing confirmed :stuck_out_tongue:

Dont tease about the release its not fun :frowning:
I get the feeling for a mid March release #MeanZantai/Medierra

This is the reason we didnt get a trailer yet tho cause they cant just say : Coming Q1 :s

Really? Have you read the Forgotten Gods Development FAQ. The first line reads: