Dev Stream

Is there any chance for a stream tomorrow tho?
Its so amazing looking at Grava forgetting his auras and using energy potion xD

He usually has some auras at start, then he goes out of energy and fogets to toggle em on . Also : I’ve never seen him use something he loots, even if it’s an upgrade.

plot twist: Grava is actually the better player than Zantai, not that Zantai is a pro player, but thinking about it this just shows how good an actor Grava is for us to believe that he is amateur :cool:

Ok, fine. I’ll do a stream tomorrow, just for you guys.

Our friend Zantai is out for a much-deserved break so it’s just us. It’ll be nice to have some private time together, just you and me. We’ll play some SR and maybe if the feeling is right we’ll jump into making a new SR level. A little #SRandChill, are you down?

See you tomorrow at 1:30 pm est. (Remember that’s 1/2 hour earlier than our old stream time)

Can’t wait to see you, I’ve been missing you so badly.

Just wear something special and appropriate. :wink:

Or just wear nothing at all :rolleyes:

Stream times: 1.30pm EDT/5.30pm GMT/6.30pm CET

We’ll never know what he’s wearing or not wearing off-camera… :eek:

You can always use your imagination.

Would be great to see you do some more building. :slight_smile:

From bad food combos to bad clothing combos - not sure where this thread is headed, and not sure how to end this post. :stuck_out_tongue:


Really interesting stream tonight, thanks Grava!

This makes we wanna build my own SR maps, already got a few ideas :smiley:

Use your auras

:smiley: Nice one Grava!

Well this only works if you look into a mirror… I’d put a sticky note on my desktop screen. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey everyone, it’s stream time again.

Zantai is back so we’ll both be on tomorrow starting at 1:30 pm est. (5.30pm GMT/6.30pm CET).

This will likely be our last stream before release day (we’ll do a big stream then of course), so come hang out with again before you have to devote your every waking hour to playing Forgotten Gods.

Byscilla Forever.

So, will there actually be anyone watching that stream next week, when they already have the chance of playing FG? Or will it only last as long as it takes Steam to download and install FG? :rolleyes:

Only if it’s a Zantai devstream where he fixes bugs and does balancing right in front of the audience.

Knowing Zantai, he’ll interpret that as medical intervention on a centipede and yoga practice.