Dev Stream

Now that would make an interesting dev stream. Especially if he did it in his zentai suit. :smiley:

A human centipede?

A zentai suit wearing human centipede excercising Yoga on a rope.

Whatever you do don’t watch that movie.

I did man… how messed up was that

I did the same mistake twice, was almost going to watch the 3rd but my common sense saved me. What can i say? It’s no fun, it’s no horror, it’s just…uncomfortable

Good lord you even saw the second too. Sigh its very uncomfortable. Damn

Are you fired up for Forgotten Gods in just 2 days?!

We sure are! Join us on our livestream on Wednesday (03/27) at 11AM EDT (3PM GMT) as we count down to the release and for a chance of some free copies of all things Grim Dawn!

I dont want for free its ok

I’ll be there!! Can’t wait :smiley:

Hell yeah #tenchars

Almost a deathless stream…

my debit card is ready :D:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Fired up? More like supernova :slight_smile: Unfortunley i am working late shift, but should be able to play the next day in the morning.

Ho boy, yup, I’m hyped.:smiley:

GD reminds me of the good old days of gaming. No early access behind a paywall, or useless crap for some digital supermega edition. I’m actually genuinely happy to pay for this DLC. Would pay more just for the integrity of this dev team in this day and age.

Same here, but just one more thing: i still want a physical copy!

I just want to make sure everyone remembers this:

And my words have been marked:

Serenity will be decent for a while, but then it’ll be the same as with Ghoul, the “life saver” and not even being touched.

Anyway, have fun in FG. :stuck_out_tongue:

So it will not be forgotten :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maybe a small feeble request in the next dev stream if ever. Can we have FG boss fight against the AoM one !? :stuck_out_tongue: