Diablo 3 Complete quest and map Mod?

it might have some copyright issues but anyone thinking of doing a full map and quest copy of diablo 3?
also is it possible to create new mobs and bosses, and huge bosses, like Belial?

You can load textures right now into the map, which means you can create a map and skin it. Maps are complicated things and require a lot of time and effort, Blizzard literally hires several full time people just to use their tools to create content.

Dialog is obviously copyrighted, but the map files would probably be different enough. Blizzard is insane regarding copyright, I refuse to give them money after the Blizzard.net DMCA fiasco.

The mod tools include the ability to import 3D Studio Max meshes, but nobody has it working yet. There is a problem with the button in the tools (ok stays greyed out).

Diablo 3? Man, Diablo 1 was the best! If some parts of D2 were included in D1, that would be awesome.

Hero slams the gem into own forehead… sense of doom DOOOM DOOOOOOM overwhelming.

I will never forget, “Freshhhhh MEAAAATTTTT”

I remember that. I was like “Ahhh!!! What did I just do with the gem??!!!”

If you were to do a mock-up using Grim Dawn’s assets and your own, there would be no issues whatsoever as a non-profit mod.

I currently work on a mod that gives a small tribute to diablo 1.
But only the town and the awesome town music :wink: I will not create a complete diablo 1 remake.

original map tristram :


my version ( wip obviously )

Diablo 1 or not, that gives me an idea of a seemingly endless dungeon map that I would play the hell out of.

Something like Steps of Torment but with way more levels. :slight_smile:

I know exactly what you mean.If you end up in something like the race mode “endless ledge” in path of exile, i am in.

Dear lord, I hope not. :eek:

That’s cool. If you do make a GD map like that, I’d definitely play :wink:

I am glad the people who responded are actual Diablo fans (Diablo I and II). Not the crap that Blizzard Entertainment sold us few years back. Sure some could say RoS improved the game, and i agree it gave D3 a nice overhaul and turned it into a good ARPG. But it is in no way a Diablo game and the story sucks even now -

Diablo and Azmodan tweeting their plans to us.
Diablo is a girl (huh?). Deckard Cairn and the epic tale of the Butterflies
Malthael hates demons so to beat us his plan was breaking the Soulstone to absorb the souls of the Lords of Hell claps sarcastically

Blizzard ruined Warcraft story (Things have been bad since WotLK and no killing Garrosh doesn’t fix things, but WoD was decent), they ruined Diablo. And from what i’ve been told they ruined Starcraft as well (haven’t played it). But Blizzard is awesome since it owns Candy Crush now (Woohoo!)

Anyways, that is enough of a rant from my side. Enjoy this game, Grim Dawn is content complete. But they haven’t released the entire stuff yet. On a personal note i really hope they don’t ruin Ulgrim’s character. I mean he’s had barely any facetime (2 Acts as the Chef and 2 more as the Assassin. Which only has one combat sequence.)

Same here, Diablo I and Diablo II were thing. Minus Act II of Diablo II though, not big fan of bugs, not in real world not even in the game world

I loved act 2, act 3 was the one that I hated, I just really didn’t like the whole area whatsoever. Act 1 was my favorite, the old churches and stuff were awesome.

I agree that D3 was a terrible step backwards in so many ways. Reaper of Souls fixed a number of issues with the different systems in D3 but it didn’t fix the story/cheesy narrative.

I’ve been messing around with GD’s map editor what with the concept of Diablo 2. So far made Rogue Encampment and probably half of Blood Moor, taking a bit of a break as I decide whether to continue on or not as mostly it’s just been a fun experimental thing. Added D2 music for areas and sound effects for the Fallen (deathclan grobles) while also making the level design work with the actual Diablo world map when it comes to the direction that you go + also creating a semblance of level continuity when it comes to having roads leading to other areas that are blocked off or have a bridge collapsed, simply giving some more realism that there are other areas in the Diablo universe.

Man, i loved Act II. But i am not big fan of bugs

Sounds great. I wish the characters in GD say something cool whenever they enter an area, like D2

I’d take a random aetherial voice in my head or some other person like John Bourbon over the MC talking… I’m not a fan of GD’s soulless player characters… lol

There have been a number of people now that have stated that they are working on some sort of Diablo II world mod.

All I can say is that I seriously hope that someone pushes through and actually completes the entire Diablo II game experience. I have no doubt that once completed, if done well and given enough forum exposure, people would play the absolute SHIT out of that mod - myself absolutely included.

The only 2 games that I play are Diablo II LoD and Grim Dawn. This is the case for very, very good reasons. One of which is that Diablo II and Grim Dawn are two of the best games I have ever played.

Admittely, Diablo I would also be a game that I would play. Alas, I have been unable to find out how to purchase a copy that will run on Windows 8. If anyone knows how I can get myself a copy without spending an exorbitant amount of money, I would love to hear it. I am based in Sydney, Australia.

But yes, back to the point. Modders that are currently working on or just playing around with a Diablo II universe mod, put the hard yards in, make it awesome, release it and you will have many, MANY very appreciative fellow forum goer’s.


It would definitely be neat to see a D2 mod for GD though as far as I know there have only been mention of official D1 mods in the forums. The goal for my own mod was to “simply” get to Blood Raven and see how it goes from there - I’ve yet to make a thread about my mod as I am still undecided plus what I have isn’t really worth showing imo.

As for a complete D2 experience you’d need a lot more people to tackle that project in order to make it good though it depends on how far you want to take the project when it comes to level design, mastery’s, itemization, quests, and so on.

Plus having just sound assets from D2 there are a number of enemy types that can’t be easily replaced via GD or TQ assets.