Diablo: Immortal

Idk hosting tourneys can’t be cheap so they prolly decided to ditch that and stick to just maintaining skin/hero sales instead for minimal effort. Not saying making heroes/skins is easy but compared to hosting tourneys it has to be.

Anyway, I’m kinda annoyed about this cause I enjoyed to play the game casually now and then with friends. I’m not too into MOBAs anymore, LoL and DotA environments are too toxic for me but this was just right most of the time. Hopefully the game will stick around for a while and retain at least a small community so games are possible.

To create new skins you just hire a few starving artists who you pay minimum wage, it’s really easy :rolleyes:

Lmao I loved reading this thread. I’m new to GD and I"m NGL I came here after failure after failure on Blizz’s part this past year. I’m a massive Blizz fangirl and it just feels like every one of their IP’s are just dropping like flies. HoTS getting the backburner, wow’s pitiful attempt at fixing major problems this shitshow of an xpac, SC2 is all but dead, Diablo going mobile (I’ll still try it but I’m pretty disappointed in general), and Overwatch’s general mishandling… They just can’t get their shit together.

I’m so glad I was introduced to GD!

Welcome to the forum Cocomunky. :slight_smile:

Now they’ve lost their CFO.

Looks like Netflix snagged him.

Heh, I almost thought they guy hanged himself, the way you phrased it. :wink:

Maybe Blizzard will get to the point where it is being “dropped” by Activision, so they can become a real company again, and not just be a fingerpuppet of Activision. This stockmarket bullshit is completely insane. Ugh.

If you’re a fan of Diablo 2 there is still http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47624.

Or there is this http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66109

Never tried that mod.

I still have my D2 cd I think. But no longer a computer with a cd drive. Heh.

Simple enough, buy an external CD player and plug it in.

Side note on Diablo 1 and 2 - you can link your physical keys to your battlenet account…but you can’t then just download and install the game, you still need the CDs. Which to me is kinda silly. Why bother associating the key, if it won’t let you install it digitally?

I am not advocating for piracy here, but if you have/had a legit copy of D2 but lost the CD or don’t have a CD drive anymore you can just get a cracked copy if you want. I don’t know if online through B.net would work, but it might if you have a legit CD-Key. Just make sure you don’t end up with a Virus or something.

The CDs can be bought cheaply anyway though some people asking ridiculous prices for the gold edition.

Oh I still have my CDs (collectors edition of D2) - but no CD drive…or at least I didn’t have one…I just despise having to have the CD in the drive to play at this point. Digital world, how you have spoiled me!!! :smiley:

It was never necessary to have the cd in the drive, you could do a full install as an option. That would copy the whole cd, oh those long gone days where hard drives were tiny.

That was Activision’s CFO.

Now Blizzard’s lost their CFO to Square.

Both so shortly after each other ? Wonder what is going on there…

Multple unannounced projects I suppose. Must be going well…