Diablo: Immortal

A couple of more balanced views on this subject.

We demand GD mobile game!

Tha cash in was always the Asian market. That is where they got their statistic, outside the context of the actual fanbase that always played Diablo on PC.

Which makes this reveal in front of hardcore fans even more retarded. What did they expect ffs?

Balanced views are less fun though …

Here’s some more ‘balanced’ history to consider though - a lot of their “this will work, trust us” or “it’s not a simple reskin” pleas are being met with vitriol for one very good reason…

The Diablo Devs have a history of lying to their players.

You might not be familiar if you didn’t follow it from the get-go or (in my case) beta, but the ‘blue’ posts were frequently outright wrong or when they promised things they never came to pass for example legendaries initially being just crappy rares - we only had access to two in the beta but reported that their legendaries as rares system was going to go over like a lead balloon. They promised us those were ‘just place holders’ but lo and behold come launch day…that was what 90+% of their legendaries were. Rares (and bad rares at that!).

Another example was lyria talking about rare affixes - back when 3x cc affixes was a near death sentence. She decided to shut the problem down by saying it was impossible to get that affix combo…despite screenshots having already been posted of it… no retraction or minor woopsie i misspoke ever followed. There were others but the point is…

So their credibility was kinda shot before they released something that looks an awful lot like the reskinned a PTW game with D3 assets and served it up as the bestest thing ever. And simply put i flat out don’t believe them when they say differently.

Not followed it at all since Diablo doesn’t interest me in the slightest. A short stint trying to play D2 after I’d played TQIT for several years put me off completely.

As someone who did this looks a lot like the final straw from long term fans. Is it an over the top reaction? Of course.

But they’ve been abusing the trust of fans of the series for a long time… this backlash has been building for a good long while, and blizz-activision are the ones who have been doing the building.

WOW! What a real slap in the face for fans.

I think the backlash is certainly justified, The thing is, D3 sold mainly on the name, if it had been any other name, or company, there is no way the game would have sold so well. So now we have a mobile game, no console or PC version. that and it probably aimed at the Chinese market first and foremost then western second. (this was pretty similar to the way WOW went, one of its expansions.

So yeah, blizzard clearly shot themselves in the foot, and there is probably a lot of anger still on how D3 turned out, and a certain dev who was probably the one that nearly destroyed the franchise (yes he has left) but all in all, bad move. And will Blizzard add any micro transactions in the game? even though they had a huge backlash over the auction house. I suspect, that might happen.

Well, Blizzard hasn’t been the same for a long time, now, I think its clear, they are dying, (maybe not dead yet) but dying, if this is how they are going to treat their fansbase, then serves them right for the backlash, and how that blizzzard either changes their minds, or lose a lot of money over this, but tas they are part of Activision, they probably will still keep going for a while longer. But for how long? if this is their way of treating fans?

I’m primarily interested in who is running, or advising, their PR department because they really, really fucked this roll-out up.

It is pretty clear that, while successful, Diablo 3 didn’t satisfy the original fan base and that has been true from the beginning. Then, after not hearing anything about the franchise for 2 Blizzcons, they hype people up with the “multiple Diablo projects” claim, let the hype train get completely out of control, finally realize that the rumors are running out of control and people are going to be letdown, attempt to temper expectations with a short post, then announce a mobile game at, primarily, a PC convention. THEN they repeatedly repost the cinematic because the reception is overwhelming negative, attempt to hide the other videos, people dig them up and post links to them, then some company has already awarded Diablo: Immortal an “Editor’s Choice” title despite the game not being out, which clearly points to paid advertising and complete corruption. LOL, you can’t make this shit up.

C’mon man, how can you bungle something this badly. Too big to fail.

Man, that is one major screw up, didn’t even know about half of that. They clearly made a mess of this. Nice going Blizzard, really nice going! This is going to be an epic fail, so unless blizzard pulls a major rabbit out of their backsides, they may as well can this project.

its pretty sad, leaving the mobile version of the game on blizcoon, while fans wanted something pc related, even dlc/expac to d3…well…its a bummer…

idk, i guess we need wait some months to see how it goes…

I am trying get litle posite over here

Apparently DI was the only game you could play without a queue, this is one of its busier moments

For all other games there were queues, even if there was barely anything new, like one new hero (Overwatch, HotS)…

I really don’t understand their group-play dynamic. Do people actually pick up their mobile device when they actually have the time to dedicate to playing with a group of people??? I know the only times I play a game on my phone is when I’m waiting for something else, like my tires to get replaced, or sitting and waiting for my Dr appointment. I sure as hell don’t pull out the phone to start a raid or dungeon that is going to take 20 or 30 minutes. WTF!

Also, can someone please explain BlizzCon to me? Who the flying fuck PAYS to go listen to a mega-corporation tell you about the games they are going to be making? I really don’t understand this philosophy. For all the bitching Blizzard gamers do regarding “Paying to be beta testers”, this is even worse. You’re paying to be… I don’t even know what to call it… paying to be eventual customers of products you’ll also have to pay for?

I’ve worked for gaming companies at various PAX conventions, and attended BlizzCon a number of years as media. With things like PAX and GamesCom, for me personally the highlight, beyond working and seeing friends, is getting to meet and chat with so many indie devs (including these fine Crate folks in Boston one year). I very much enjoy sneaking off and being able to thank people in person for their work.

For BlizzCon, it’s far more of a tight community culture. There are many people out there that have been specifically playing Blizzard games for decades. It’s a place to meet with friends made on the internet and celebrate a mutual love for specific games that have had a large impact on your lives. I’ve struck up conversations at BlizzCon with no less than six married couples who met in Blizzard games. It’s an unusually common story. For many who are introverted, it’s a blessing to attend an event where the ice is already broken, and you can find a strong common bond with almost anyone in attendance. It’s that element of celebration that makes it worth traveling from all over the world to attend. That foundational bond can survive even if Blizzard fails to continue to nurture it with company choices over recent years.

I haven’t seen such a sad display since Ulzuin’s betrayal.


I pretty much never play on the phone, when I wait for something I browse the web

Also, can someone please explain BlizzCon to me? Who the flying fuck PAYS to go listen to a mega-corporation tell you about the games they are going to be making?

I don’t get that either. If you want me to sit through your marketing presentation, you have to pay me, not the other way around :wink:

Yeah, we used to have meet-ups of our online friends. Thing was, we didn’t pay some multi-billion dollar company to do it. We just hopped on a plane, met up at one of our homes and had a fun week together.

We didn’t sit in auditoriums listening to how much work Dev_01 and Dev_09 did on developing the music for the cut scene that was just displayed. We
didn’t live by some trade show schedule, nor did we attend QnA sessions and listen to responses to cherry-picked questions.

When you say “tight knit community”, I just think Blizzcon is the gaming world’s version of the Branch Davidian Compound’s Kool-Aid party.

I just hope the money from this will be used for D4’s development and production, in the hoipes that it would save the franchise.

Blizzard has plenty of money, they do not need D:I for it - and I doubt it gets used for it, that is not how this works…

If that’s the case, what should we call the Star Citizen Con?