Diablo: Immortal

Given how Blizzard has been treating their games over the past decade, I think that’s a pipe-dream. Where other developers are still going down the “intricate and open-ended” design philosophy, Blizzard has it in their minds that dumbing everything down and making it dummy-proof by offering only 1 or 2 build choices is the way to go.

Look at how they’ve been pruning talents and skills in WoW, or removing tertiary stats because they don’t want players encouraged to min/max and sim too much. Look at the hard coded build limitations with D3 classes. While other games like POE and GD have gone the exact opposite route and left it up to the player to decide how complicated they want to build their characters and play.

Blizzard needs to completely clean house and get the clowns currently in charge of their games out of there before there’s any hope they can release a decent game with any sort of immersion and longevity.

The old German dictator has one or two things to say about this aswell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk5RdwRdhkA

Huh, they still make those memes eh?

haven’t you heard? those memes are Immortal! :stuck_out_tongue:

wasnt vio mod from TQ called diablo 2 immortal ?

yes, the mod its even better than this new “game”

Yeah, and it’s still in existence. Maybe he should sue them for using the name. :smiley:

I have to say, I’ve been playing so little games in the past 2 years (apart from Grim Dawn and a few other games) that I didn’t care at all for a Diablo 4, or a Diablo 2 remake.
Heck, I didn’t even know Blizzcon was happening and that they had teased something about Diablo in August.
So the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw that announcement was “Meh, why not?..Wow, what’s up with all the hate?!”. Well, after having a look here and there, now I think I get why ^^"…

The big question is : can Crate cash in with this fiasco by adding and advertising some sort of side quest in the expansion, with a gloomy dungeon, where we need to find the big Immortal D and kick its ass? :stuck_out_tongue:

Great idea!

But for copyright’s sake, Crate can’t be too obvious about it.
Developers need to create a small and covert dungeon that leads to a pocket-sized end room, where we will have a small window to defeat the mobile and hulking beast of a purple-named boss, none other than the everlasting Lord of Error.
Looks impressive but dies when hit by a thrown Salt Bag.

To be safe from claims from Blizzard, Crate than better hide this dungeon and monster behind a veil of some sort of alternative reality.
But maybe that’s too much to ask for…

Bummer! You can’t say it’s a parody so it falls under fair use, or something like that? ^^"

Seeing how the community has reacted to the ridiculous release of Diablo on mobiles as opposed to the anticipated new D4 PC implementation enforces the need for developers like Crate to stay true to their roots and keep REAL GAMES alive. This modern DUMBING DOWN of games is really destroying the essence of gaming. Yes, some graphics look great, but after a few minutes it becomes apparent there is no underlying or sustainable gameplay in the engine. I think they cater for a kiddie mentality and concentration time of 10 to 15 minutes or so and game is over. Games like Grim Dawn take many hours of dedication and tuning of your characters resulting in a great sense of achievement and ownership. Well done Crate, please don’t fall into this obvious money grabbing trash that Blizzard has degenerated into. Hell, even double your price for the Forgotten Gods expansion if you must, I will pay with pleasure rather than watch good PC games go down the drain to this mobile bullshit. If anything at all, the BOOS and rejection at Blizzcon should convince you that there is still a HUGE PC based gamer market out there looking for a new Diablo 4, and you guys are in the top runners that can deliver this.

How is this a surprise?

Diablo 3 release - negative feedback from Diablo 2 fans.
Diablo 3 Console release - negative feedback from Diablo 3 fans
Diablo 3 Switch - negative feedback from Diablo 3 fans (?) I left the forums like 2 years ago
Diablo 3 Mobile - need I say more?

What is next? How can we go smaller?

Well, the announcement doubled my hype.

… for FG.

Easy, single loot drop shaped like a phone, call it “Immortal” and when you equip it, you become immortal.

Of course, every few seconds you get pop up ads to play Hearthstone or sell something on the battle-auction-net. But your in game character will not die, even if you start to wish it would.

for some reason I like the naming scheme of it. The outside looks cool. It has the “Doom Eternal” rhyme and vibe to it. The problem is what’s on the inside:eek:

by the way anyone feeling a diablo itch and grabbing the diablo 3 Eternal collection?:stuck_out_tongue:

Is that some new spelling of Median XL mod?

I really don’t understand. Did they need negative feedback to know that fans would never want to play this game on mobile? This is fatal combination between green and stupidity

It’s the trend pretty much all AAA is going for. They don’t know what the actual fans want. They look at statistics and see that mobile gaming has grown quite large. So they make games where the money is. Makes sense from a business perspective. They don’t really take (creative)risks anymore either. They only do reproducible successes indicated by the statistics.

For actual gamers and fans however the entirety of AAA is horrendous.With actual gamers and fans I mean the people who play games more then just for short intervals and occasional short periods of shallow sugar rush fun. Gamers who are looking for more then just the latest hyped piece of garbage with the highest graphical fidelity and nothing else. With fans being people who have grew up with the franchises only to see it being twisted and mutilated beyond recognition.

It isn’t just Diablo 3 being but a shadow of its predecessors. Giving us things that we’re not looking for in this genre. It is also other studio’s that destroy our beloved IP’s just to appeal to the masses. Turning a beloved franchise… from which we have grown to expect a certain setting/gamestyle/experience and see it all being taken away from us. In return giving some shallow shiny piece of shit that has nothing to do with what we love…besides its name.

I can understand how fans grow disgruntled and unhappy over time. At times I even feel as if I’m being bullied away from the things I love. I’ve barely touched a game in the past 2 months, because I’m growing increasingly sickened of it all. If it is just 1 franchise that gets destroyed…i can deal with that. Seeing EVERY AAA studio is fucking up EVERY game franchise I grew up with… Well eventually you break and lash out. “well you don’t have to buy it if you don’t like it” is a stupid statement to make. AAA is destroying every franchise that made them big. Pissing on their original fans. It is a sad state where the Elder Scrolls, Fall Out, Diablo, Call of Duty, Dungeon Keeper, Command and Conquer, Dragon Age and many more are just shit now. There are less and less games of AAA-quality that are worth to play. It is more about the name/brand then what it is actually about.

The sooner you accept that AAA-industry is to make flashy sugar rush experiences that are meant to be consumed instead of made for entertainment… The less you’ll get pissed off and just stick with AA / Indie titles instead and actually get entertained again.

I got almost all AAA studio’s on block and don’t even buy their products anymore. Still sucks I can’t play and enjoy the franchises I grew up with though. They butchered those beyond recognition and replaced them with shitty experiences.

Couple of things I learnded browsing the interweb today:

Looks like DI (which is still in devleopement) is probably going to be a decent game, which isn´t too surprising, Blizzard simply doesn´t do “crap games”.
I´m not gonna play it, even if I actually had a mobile phone, I wouldn´t wanna play games on it, but still, it looks fine.
The obvious similarities to the NetEase are probably simply a result of the fact that Blizzard andNetEase (allegedly) co-developed it, and mobile games of that genre have limited options when it comes to the UI. You got your virtual controller/stick for the left tumb and a mini menu that you control with the right thumb. Which leaves little room or need for reinventing the wheel.

I still think Blizzards biggest fault is miscommunication. First they tease, then they shroud themselves in mystery for months, let the expectations run wild, and then … Diablo:Immortal. According to some dude named David Brevik “Everybody knows they are developing Diablo 4 as we speak” (paraphrased). Well yeah, maybe, but why the hell not say so in August and ask for patience. Announce DI before BlizzCon, and THEN have a DI Panel there or whatever.


Some linky links:
David Brevik responds to Diablo Immortal announcement
Quin69 reaction video
Blizzard Responds to Diablo Immortal “Reskin” Controversy - BlizzCon 2018

Well said Gibly. What drives me nuts is how the companies become so big that your money goes into a black hole when buying an AAA game. AAA games cost $60 but actually like $90 minimum after the “DLC” lies, but the cost of a game or a DLC is in no way whatsoever related to the development budget of the game or the amount of content in the DLC. We fork up the money and hope the people above the dev who are receiving the money will greenlight actual development on the game.

The concept of quid pro quo is lost. I want to pay developers to develop a thing that I use. Not pay people who own the developers to maybe consider funding the developer a tiny little bit - and without a doubt they are allotted the minimum possible, a well researched minimum at that. This is why any time I get into an indie game I buy it for any and all of my friends that I think might maybe like it without any self restraint, because I feel like the money actually becomes product in some tangible measure, instead of how in AAA games the more you pay the less you get.

Why only Blizzard’s enjoying the fame? Crate should cash in and create their own mobile game too! This is just about the perfect time to scrap Forgotten gods DLC while there is still time and show Blizzard how it is done to produce a game that’s perfect fit for a tiny screen :rolleyes:

Upgrading my phone to the latest and greatest to play this one!