Difficulty of Last Two FG Bosses

45 minutes is beyond reasonable. Either these bosses got somehow buffed recently and I missed that, or something is off with your build. Last time I checked, it took me under 10 sec to down Kymon and about 30sec for Korvaak. And that’s hardcore where I’m a chicken and overdo the defensive part beyond logic lol.

So maybe let’s take a look at your build, if you are ok to share it here?

As a player who played MC for the first time not long ago but since then has explored the game thoroughly, i can say this: both bosses are well designed and reasonably powerful. The problem in fact is different: the knowledge is absolutely everything for the game when it comes to the hardest content, it’s not always apparent and, most importantly, the game itself doesn’t give you that knowledge.

You can die 200 times to Korvaak without a chance to figure out why are you dying. Then you go to grimtools, study the boss for 10 minutes, change the gear accordingly and beat it.

I’m not a fan of throwing stones into the devs garden because the game is indeed wonderful but at times it almost seems they take pride in the fact that getting the proper knowledge to finish and understand the game is a separate game itself which often involves hours of browsing through the third party tool and many more hours of tedious live testing.

The game doesn’t need to be easier. It needs to be more user-friendly.


So, instead of looking for constructive criticism about what could you be doing wrong and how you can improve your playstyle you decide to directly jump to the conclusion that the game is doing something wrong and there is no room to improvement whatsoever from your side? I’m sorry, but you really need to get good. There is no other answer.

I get that Kymon can be a surprise slap in the face in terms of the difficulty the first time you meet him, but once you fight him a couple of times and learn the fixed pattern of his lava pillars it’s a pretty manageable fight.

The same advice mostly applies with Korvaak. It’s not hard to learn his patterns to take the least amount of damage from his attacks.

I’m really doubting how experienced you are with the game if Kymon is taking you 45 minutes.

What? You don’t need “proper knowledge” to finish the game nor do you need to consult third party tools to do so. My only Ultimate character, a petmancer Conjurer, hasn’t been changed in any way since I became a playtester back in 2016. He’s done AoM and FG Ultimate during playtesting and finished them both. I have other characters who’ve done the same on Normal and Elite without changing anything specifically to deal with campaign bosses, that’s not how I play the game. Yes, I’ve had a few deaths to the bosses before succeeding in bringing them down, but it’s never taken me long to finish them off.

I used to fear FK but my last two chars didn’t break a sweat against him so it depends of builds I guess, if you don’t have to kite him he’s quite easy. Korvaak final phase is harsh, but not off the charts imo. Maybe the damage reduction combined to his damage absorption cripples the player a little too much if anything.

I’d love to see how this sabo (recently adjusted for some 100 more DA and 150 more OA than the previous one) would “adjust gear” for Korvaak. Resists are maxed and overcapped, and there are two semi-GG rares already in the build.

There are some facts, from elite of all places. Korvaak is Level 94 there, and has 742 physique and spirit, 59% extra physical damage and 29% to all magical damage on top of the stat bonuses.

first phase

The cold meteors (purple) can easily one shot said sabo. They do 7296 phys and 9356 after cunning/spirit and innate % bonuses are added, but without any crit bonuses. With 11% phys resist, 80% cold resist even debuffed and an avg 1756 armor, the final tally comes down to 4391 phys and 1871 cold, a “confortable” 6262 health loss. If either you get hit by a different attack, aren’t topped off at 100% (hard to do if you aren’t a leech monster), or get hit by at least two of these projectiles (They have 3 meters radius)

Fourth phase has everyone’s belowed thrones throwing 3 rocks on their head doing 3729.5 physical and 4794.5-7260 fire damage before defenses, for 3 projectiles, with a 3 meter radius for each projectile, 3 times. Total damage after defenses is 2715-3208 per projectile. For fun we’ll even throw in 0.5s stun duration for near-guaranteed death.

Add to that that he can buff his total damage by 10% because why not.

Finally, he has a combo that I can’t figure out which attack in grimtools represents, but the final one dealt some 7-8k damage to me. Go figure.

If that wasn’t enough, instead of “charging”, he instantly teleports to you if you decide you don’t want to be in his combo range, dealing half your health. Then he starts doing his combo anyways.

That doesn’t say a thing. Even my flame skeleton defiler did it without problems. Petmancer conjurer is also one of the strongest defensive classes out of the box. Without devotions you’re already loaded with 23-25% physical resist(depending on patch), easily going up to 35% or more even in an ultra-budget setup when devotions are factored in, plus it has baked in elemental, aether, and pierce resists too. Finally it also sports 16% or more damage absorb, that can be overloaded with 8% more physical resist from mythical overlord’s iron grip. That even comes after the boss gets bored of your pets, which is more likely than not after it is dead.

Personally I am like people say “filthy casual” but I got to say something that I’ve noticed troughout all types of these posts/topics. First thing is that there are people even with that sort of playtime still expecting to be able to just sit there , take the beating , kill the boss even with casters/two hand builds/dual wield (excluding the fact if you are “smurfing” some gear from other chars anything in the main campaign is a joke to a fully fleshed out build item wise. Second, though I hate the phrase “git gud” in grim dawn it is somewhat applicable. Very very few things in the game are not animation telegraphed and can’t/impossible to be dodged, you just have to take notice of it. I’ve cleared the game on ultimate including FG with 15 chars all different and till I beat it I simply don’t click the stash, and at least for myself I gotta say in my expirience there’s nothing “too hard” in the game even now, and I really can’t imagine how easy it’s gonna get with the new updated faction gear coming up next patch. The only exceptions to this are super bosses/lokarr/ and the everyone’s favorite Grava’thul (god I hate those nullifies…). I hope you don’t get this as am insult or critique , I am just stating my own very personal opinion on the matter. P.S In times of need consumables can be a the edge you need versus anything giving you trouble. Cheers.

which part of “it ports to you forhalf health and starts his combo immediately” did you find hard to understand?!

on fuckimg elite, after I outleveled him 3 levels! in gear thats the best before endgame sets!

These can be dodged you know, if you can’t facetank everything then don’t. This is the thing with several of GD’s bosses - they have powerful attacks that can dent or kill the average geared character but many of them can be dodged. It’s a design decision that can be seen all the way back in some of the vanilla Bosses like Lucius, Thall’Nosh or Krieg.

Purely anecdote for me - I have never seen his Rush do much damage at all. The melee combo is weird, sometimes it does nothing, sometimes I get chunked for a 1/3 or half of my health and I’m forced to chug a health potion or back off. Could be he was Fumbled on occasions he did nothing and I didn’t realise :woman_shrugging:

Your class combo and your personal skills matter. Don’t expand your personal experience on everybody, it’s a small sample.

I’m talking about the difference between knowing the specifics of the boss and not knowing them. It’s very big in GD. Just knowing what dmg type the strongest boss skills have is already crucial.

You are doing exactly the same with what you say. I haven’t the foggiest idea what damage a boss does when I tackle him/her. I just go in there and bring them down. I will more than likely die once or twice before I succeed, but I will succeed. You make it sound as if the only way to do this is to pour over grimtools for hours on end and that just isn’t the case. It might be useful for some players to check there and if it is that’s fine, but it’s by no means necessary to finish the main campaign.

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Dude, i literally kill every boss before i know what they even do and only check the grimtools after killing them several times. Using Grimtools is not crucial in the slightest to know their damage types because 99% of the time they are obvious.

I’m not doing the same, i dont know what are you reading and what are you making of it. You and Norzan are talking about your personal experience. For other people with other starter classes it may be different. I’m saying about the power the knowledge gives you in GD (in many games it does) and about how unavailable it is to casual players.

How is it unavailable? New players learn the same way everyone else does, by playing the game. Do you think we had a wealth of knowledge when the game first came out on early access? No, we just had to fool around, try things out, etc, etc, to learn how everything worked.

These are your words and I say they’re simply not true.

Lets just leave it there then. After all my comparison to other games and to some imaginary state of GD which would be user-friendly enough is also subjective. Here is my final bit of personal experience. I usually enjoy unriddling the game, understanding how everything works. In GD i’ve spent too much time on it, far too much. I wish i didn’t have to.

I personally don’t think those 2 specific bosses are too strong. out of all Bosses from the Story (even on Ultimate) they feel pretty easy, like i dread facing kuba or grava’thul on normal/elite more then Kymon/Korvaak on Ultimate. idk if the info on Grimtools is correct but if Korvaak is meant to be a Super Boss then he needs some Buffs actually because every other Super Boss is ALOT deadlier then him.

Which other Games if i may ask? Because i quite can’t grasp how Grim Dawn could feel user unfriendly especially when having played other games of the same genre.

except for the somewhat confusing interactions with the tooltips and the item’s skill modifiers that sometimes work and sometimes not, i don’t think there is something truely unfriendly in this Game

I highly doubt he’s intended to be in the same league as the other superbosses as he’s a story boss so is designed by Crate to be beaten in the same way as Loghorrean/Theodin.

On the other hand, the likes of Mogdrogen, Ravager, Callagadra, Lokarr etc. are all entirely optional so they are not bound by this restriction.


This was my initial point - for being main campaign bosses FK and the last manifestation of Korvaak are a bit overpowered, and I’d like to see them toned down a bit. I offered a few suggestions, but that’s all I’m really asking for. Right now, I don’t feel a deep need to test my builds against the super bosses; I just want to finish the main campaign.

I still think/feel like Kymon and Korvaak in comparison to the other Story Bosses are waaay easier but this may also be reliant due to the FG content made like widely scaling in levels and stats. you can already access FG content after killing Krieg while AoM requires you to beat loghorrean first which is a huge gap.

and if a barely 15k hp blademaster running full offensive devotions and just literally every random green armor&jewellery drop for resistances (maybe some faction stuff aswell but nothing bigger then that) and can pretty much facetank dps Korvaak down i just can’t agree on @Sun_Monster’s Statement of them being too strong

I don’t think they’re overpowered at all. I think they’re pretty fair fights that can be some of the most challenging non-Nemesis/Superboss encounters in the main campaign.

Where would you rate encounters like Gargabol, Kra’Vall, Ramzul, Overlord van Aldritch and his Councilman compared to Kymon or Korvaak?