I took a long break after completing Grim Dawn, but eventually I felt the urge to play it again, and maybe even get to really high SR this time.
Now obviously after 2500 hours put into this game I do have plenty of chars, but I noticed something funny: many of them are actually really boring to me. In fact, I can’t stand playing more than 10-20 mins.
However, all two-handed Shamans I have just never seem to tire me. It’s just so satisfying to watch them slam their massive weapon and ragdoll mobs with ridiculous crits. I mean, I sometimes even take them to run around the map and kill things just for fun, because their attack animations are so satisfying, especially Warder’s procs with Zolhan’s, Markovian’s and Feral hunger. I also enjoy that they are essentially a do-everything kind of characters, depending on build/second mastery they can facetank Ubers and they don’t really fear much in general, delivering some mindless fun. Playing 2H dudes makes me recall my first days playing Grim Dawn (with a Warder, heh), when I’d just play to watch mobs fly around after getting smacked by feral hunger.
As opposed to many different builds I tried that just didn’t work for me. For example, my Dagallon’s Purifier is probably the best go-to charcter to clean the map quickly (ie. to hunt for Ugdenblooms or godly rares) because of the ridiculous speed he kills groups with, but there’s just something about his animations that makes it… not as satisfying to play. And then there are characters like Chillwhisper Reaper which are just… okay… but I really can’t play them long. I just get bored, and after a couple attempts I just go back to 2H shaman-based builds, lol.
There’s also the thing that they aren’t really that great against Celestials like Ravager or Callagadra, unlike those 2h builds that can (depending on the build) do well against those or even facetank them. In fact, many builds just can’t put a dent against celestials at all, and that pisses me off.
How about you? Any characters you can play for hours and never get tired? and the other part of the spectrum, any characters that just seem to bore you to tears?