Build a dog ranch and protect the village from enemies or wild animals in the area by grazing the dogs. The dog’s food will be meat. I hope horse farms produce meat, and I don’t want chickens to be fed hay. I hope you update quickly.
I agree dogs for hunting and protection would be a GREAT add. I also would like the chickens to use hay for bedding and grain for feed. Horses need to consume hay AND grain as feed and hay for bedding in the stalls.
Some dog kennels would be cute. In relatiom it would be interesting in the future if you could edit loadout of starting villages.
Maybe it us op to just start with bonus dogs, but you can choose to have dogs to protect in a harsh environment early game for the trade of not having as much food when you start out as a safety buffer etc.
Also just dynamic pets in the villages would make the atmosphere feel more alive.
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If you want to be greedy, Cats are also used to catch mice ^^ The cat does not have a ranch and is a stray cat~