Some skills apply DoT as well as RR seemingly at the same time.
For example, if I were to use the Mageslayer set (That adds “-18% cold resist to Olexra’s flash freeze”) would the DoT from Absolute zero benefit from it ?
And for example again: if I were to convert all my cold damage to fire, would the DoT from Absolute zero benefit from the -125% fire resist of the main skill ?
This question reminded me of my own question regarding Octavius Witchblade a while ago and Assassin’s Mark application re: IT damage. I went back to the thread and CrabTurtle answered my question using the exact example of -125% RR you mentioned. So yes to both.
The answer is buried in the thread and spans about four comments (including some from you haha), so here’s the link and the comments you want are about 40 to 45.
the manual says DOTs are only effected by DOT resists. just like they are only effected by DOT boosters. they are a completely separate damage type then their corresponding flat damage element
I should probably make a single thread for those… Since they are more like experiments than real builds.
I should call it “I like big DoTs and I cannot lie”
But yeah, the question came from a build trying to do just that with Callidor’s tempest. Got a few outlier DoTs at about 1.4 million with that setup
That was my question. With freeze resist on some monsters, you only get a split second to apply a fire dot and have it benefit from the RR… and depending on your casting speed, it might not be enough… but if the DoT is on the same skill as the RR, you really only need to take their freeze resist to 99% and you get full benefit. Most enemies with lots of freeze resist are at 133% … so if you just have -34% freeze resist, you’re good to go… and you get to that at 12/12 OFF
i could have sworn that was in the game guide. having trouble finding it though. so it might have been a different source, or i’m just straight up misunderstanding something i read. i could swear that DoT’s are considered a separate damage type then their corresponding element. basically that fire damage and burn damage are two different things. just like fire damage and poison damage are two different things. which is why buffs for one don’t effect the other. similarly resistances for one don’t resist the other. if all it’s reducing is elemental damage i’m pretty sure it doesn’t effect elemental DoT’s
in my experience this is how it works too. as enemies that easily resist elements get destroyed by their corresponding DoT’s. that is why i’m trying so hard to get a DoT build up and running. as the loadout would be completely different then what i’m used to
That is the case: things that boost fire damage don’t boost burn damage, and vice-versa
However for resistance, they are the same thing.
Maybe that impression stems from trying internal trauma builds, that bypass armor, while the equivalent physical damage does have to contend with it.
There are plenty of interesting DoT builds on the forum if you want to have a look.
I made a few myself. (I mean… I made very few builds that were NOT DoT builds )
i haven’t been looking up builds. game mechanics i gave in on. as the stuff get’s rather complicated. but a lot of other stuff i try to stay away from. also it wasn’t trauma. it was the arcanist elemental skill that adds DoT’s to weapon damage, Overload. it was just straight up eating through elemental resistant enemies. the issue with it is that each DoT source only applies once. after that it just refreshes. so it’s literally damage per second for each source. that’s what is nice about Callidor’s Tempest. that with Wrath apply two instances. i’ve been mixing it with attack replacers to add more unique instances. the best luck i’ve had so far is mixing Nightblade and Arcanist. as the mixture of Dual wielding, attack replacers, and DoT have made it reall interesting
Well, that might be the reason too: a lot of enemies have different resistances to elements… so one time you apply cold… the next hit you apply lightning… and then suddenly you realise that foe is weak to lightning… and it just melts.
FWIW Using War Cry with its 22 Reduced target’s Resistances and 1650 Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds Conduit on a Skeleton Knight does not break their 109% bleeding resistance, while using it again before the 3 second uptime on the resist reduction does allow the bleeding damage to occur.
That does not make sense. Why would applying the same War Cry twice lead to different behaviours? Are you sure you hit the first time?
Edit: if the first bleeding damage is reduced to 0 because of a > 100% resistance and does not update its damage value for the remaining time despite the resistances having changed, that’s a discovery for me.
DoT checks the resistance when it is first applied, then keeps those values for subsequent ticks. So if you get hit by some dot while blood of dreeg is down and you put it up it won’t reduce the damage of that dot you’ll still die
That’s insane. Thanks for the information. Regardless of first hit weirdness, I was at least convinced the subsequent ticks would use the present resistance value. My world shatters!
The first time it tried to apply DoT but faced a resistance over 100% … the skill also then applied a Resist reduction. The second time it tried to apply DoT again, but this time the RR was in effect, so it did do damage.
I was hoping that the game would calculate the RR BEFORE trying to apply the DoT … sadly it appears to not be so.
I’ll still run my own tests though.
It would be like that in the case of a curse-like skill that reapplies damage every second (like word of pain for example) … it would check the current resistance for each application.
DoT however is applied only once: at the start: it deals X amount of damage over X many seconds… and it checks the resistance only once. It’s both a blessing and a curse… but mostly a blessing. You can use RR that are very short to apply more damage over a longer period of time. But like @Bas said, it also works like that for you… if you catch a big DoT, activating defenses won’t do much to help.
Thank you kindly for the explanation. I reckon it’s intended, otherwise the team would have noticed a long time ago.
In what situations is it a blessing? All I see is that you have to use Sacred Strike (from blessed steel) twice when used as a big DoT applier, that Rumor attached to Shadow Strike isn’t as good as expected, same for Rend on cooldown phantasmal blades used for high crit bleeding damage, etc.
I mean, specifically for the application of DoT, you might have a skill that give RR for a few seconds, and use it to apply a DoT that will last nearly 30 seconds… and you don’t have to reapply the RR for it to be at full damage potential.
Now, the specific mechanic that where a given skill or action that applies both RR and DoT at the same time will check for damage before the RR, is… never a blessing
That only applies to pseudo-dots, or however those are called. Stuff like Word of Pain, Bloody Pox etc. debuffs which tick every second, so every tick is a new resistance check, if you will.
Regular dots snapshot on moment of application.
Edit: oh missed deputychucks message explaining this just above
Also why you’d typically set devotions to proc on abilities which you use a lot to guarantee a “permanent” RR debuff and don’t gamble withdevo procs on stuff like the cd CT or pb.