Double 100% conversion on gear


  1. I have Mythical Wyrmbone Mask (100% Pierce to Lightning for Horn of Gandarr). As long as I had only it, Horn of Gandarr did Lightning damage and the skill tooltip claimed Lightning damage too.

  2. Recently tried to mix in Mythical Empyrion’s Mercy (100% Pierce converted to Elemental for Horn of Gandarr). IIRC, the order of gear conversions puts the highest priority on weapon, correct? So I’d assume Horn of Gandarr to now be doing Elemental damage. However, the tooltip claims it does Pierce now again. Is this a tooltip bug, or is something wonky going on? The color of the Horn of Gandarr shockwave definitely changed once I added Empyrion’s Mercy, but I am really unsure which damage type the skill is doing now.

  3. If I unequip Wyrmbone and keep only Mercy, the tooltip correctly shows Elemental Damage.

you can confirm the dmg type with DPYes [Tool] DPYes - Player/pet DPS meter & Misc util

if it’s not just a weird tooltip display (which tbh to me sounds new), could be a new interaction related to FX change/priority system? or the modifier just isnt’ applied right?

quick try, i get the same tooltip error when equipping both, but atleast DPYes says dmg is non pierce

i’d probably move this to bug report for the tooltip

*as far as the actual dmg type, slot priority seems like it’s not being applied and the conversion is split, dealing majority lightning/3x as much lightining as fire/cold on my setup - unsure if the flat mods on helmet is just that heavy to make that big difference or from getting 66% converted to lightning
edit, just realize, slot priority isn’t a factor here, it’s only a factor when converting ele → X, not X → ele, so 66% conversion is expected


Might be it’s just too hard for the tooltip to display two damage types in place of a single one.
Similar to how if you convert one of two damage types to the other it’ll list it twice. (For example with Guardians of Empyrion converting phys to fire).

Hmmm, that would be good news, as Lightning is my main damage type. So losing only 33% of the original damage instead of most of it by adding Empyrion’s Mercy is not that much of a deal. Especially with the many damage bonuses it adds to Horn by itself. Either way, Empyrion’s Mercy is just a stepping stone towards my final weapon - Temporal Tempest. Whenever it decides to drop that is… Was just wondering about this interaction, seeing the strange tooltip behavior.

Thanks for the reply.

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ye, conversion is normal and working (according to DPYes)
tooltip is definitely buggy, so i’d make that portion a bug report atleast